1797-1816 by David B. Gammon

page 65
(279) Bethia (X) Kington  (F/299)  24 Oct 1807  Nov Ct. 1815
“… being sick …”
Daughter Frances Kington – cow and calf, etc. Grandson Jesse Cobb – gun.  Son-in-law Cullen Currie and his wife Sarah Currie – bed which they have in their possession.  Remaining estate to be divided between my granddaughter Nancy Cobb and my grandson Henry Cobb, to be paid for raising and supporting them, to be paid to them when they are twenty-one.
Ex.  brother Michael Capehart
Wit: James Capehart, Elisha (X) Thomas


page 2 (10)  Solomon Wilson (B/18) 20 Aug 1771  Feb Ct 1775
“late of Norfolk Town in Virge”
Daughter Ann Wilson – all my debts due me in North Carolina and any residue of my estate after payment of my debts.  I brought an action against James Ivey eleven years ago for a large sum of money, which was dismissed when my lawyer was bribed.  My lawyer paid 600 pounds to Col Samuel Boush and then bought  parcel of land on which he built a brick house, and also bought a Negro.  The said Ivey went to Paramarrabo on the coast of Surrinam when I sent a pilate (sic) with him and he sold all my cargo for cash and paid me no more than wages due to the saylors (sic) and this is the reason I let Virginia.  I offered William Freeman the other half of the money which should b e recovered from the said ivey if he would bring suit against him in my name as he had married my daughter Tabitha, but he refused.  To my daughter Tabitha Freeman – one shillin.  My demands against the estate of James Ivey, dec’d are to be equally divided between my son Lemuel, my daughter Mason, my daughter Elizabeth and my daughter Ann.
Ex. daughter Ann Wilson, John Duke, Esq., John Lawrence, Gent.
Wit: Robert Peele, David Peele, Jeremiah Peelle

Codicil  20 Aug 1771
I sold ten Negroes to Mr. Andrew Mead in Wmburgh, he was then a member of the Assembly.  He paid me in part and gave a note on John Holloway which I refused and a note on John Randolph which I also refused.  When the above sum is recovered it shall be paid to my daughter Ann Wilson.

(13) William (X) Pearce  22 Oct 1774   Feb Ct. 1775
“…being sick and week…”
To my wife Rebacker … Jeremiah Pearce… his brother Thomas Pearce … to my loving son William Pearce …