Page 38 Jethro Mashburn, Edward Mashburn, Mary Sutton, Samuel and Ann HerringPage 50 Edward Mashborne, William Bryan. Richard Bracewell, Ann HerringPage 53Page 62 Edward Mashborne, Robert PearcePage 63 Edward Mashborne, Edward MoseleyPage 64 Edward Marshborne, John Herring, William BracewellPage 72 John Council, John Ward, John BryantPage 67 John Council, John BryantPage 76 Jonathan Standley, John Herring, West, Bryant, Baker, John HatcherPage 79 Samuel Herring, Edwards, Sims, Barnes,Page 93 Jonathan Standley, Nicholson, WebbPage 101 John Sutton, john BardenPage 109 Richard and Sarah Vick, Barden, Bryant, Phillip Pierce
D230 Phillip Peirce to William Barden May 131, 1735
5 pds. for 100 A. on SS Marratock River and SS Connhoe Creek at Nairns Branch upon Indian Path. Part of a patent granted to John McDonald Wit: John Duffield, William Wheeler, Elizabeth Bonner. November Court 1735. John Wynns D.C/C.