From the Virginia Magazine
of History and Biography
Volume V
Randolph to Zouch
Issued by Thomas L. Hollowak
Butler Center, Little Rock, Arkansas F225.E53; 1998 v2
page 601 Underwood Family of Virginia
by Augusta B. Fothergill
The earliest records of this family in Virginia appear in Isle of Wight County and in connection with Captain John Upton an early settler in that section, one record being to the effect that he came over in the year 1620, represented the Isle of Wight in the House of Burgesses from the year 1630 to 1645 with some omissions.
… On the 13th day of 7her 1644, Capt. John Upton and Margaret his wife conveyed unto John Mason land which was patented by said Upton adjoining William Wright, John Leveridge and John Herring. (Vol. 1 page 420, Isle of Wight County) …
page 603
… This land was described as lying on the south side of Rowlands Neck; another tract which she sold 9 April 1652 to which Edmund Skynner and William Moseley were witnesses, was described as lying on Pagan Creek. This was to Philip Dewell. Trans. Rec. page 41).
page 604
Francis Slaughter the deed being as follows: Margaret Upton relict and sd. ministratrix of Lt. Coll. John Upton late of Isle of Wight County convey to Francis Slaughter of the same county, Gent. Whereas the said Lt. Coll. John Upton in his lifetime made sale of a tract of land unto Mr. John Batte formerly made over as a jointure or dowry to feofees in trust for the use of the said Margaret as by a deed in large may appear. The Governor and Councill of Virginia by order the said … by an order dated at James City 7 July 1653 and to pay herself in the first place in tobacco at the rate of 20 shillings pr. hundred she having proceeded and paid beyond the assets.
…this indenture witnesseth that the said Margaret Upton for the sum of 4500 pounds of good merchantable tobacco and casque already paid and delivered by the said Francis Slaughter grant deliver and confirm unto him a tract of 850 acres of land …
Some Items: paid John Burgess for two coffins; Eustace Grimes for making one grave; to Mr. Slaughter in right of his wife one third of the estate. Returned by Nicholas Hill and Lawrence Baker. Witnessed by James Mason and William Batte.
(to be continued)
page 605 Underwood Family of Virginia (Continued)
Margaret Underwood … marriage to Captain John Upton in the year 1644 .. Isle of Wight County… Sarah Mason ..
page 606
The massacre of 1664 was quite a blow to the settlers on James River and many of them left for the upper country in order to be among more friendly Indians as cited in a document of record in York County.
It was certainly soon after this event that the settlement up the Rappahannock began…
12 September 1656, Margaret Upton conveyed unto John Temple a light roan or gray mare three years old next grass now running at Chuckatuck. Tinesses William Moseley and Humphrey Booth. (Rappahannock County Records 1656-64, page 10)…
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