State Records p. 174
New Bern, North Carolina
John Petty Cobb
May 22, 1778 names subscribed: Jesse Harper, William Wallace
State Records p 185
Camp at Capt. Cobb‘s August 3, 1779 –
Jonathan Stanley, a Soldier, is witness against the said Moses Bass.
Laws of North Carolina 1723 p 188
Robt Morgan
List of Jury Men in Currituck
Andr’w Ethridge, Ed. Cox
A List of Jurymen in Bertie
Jonath. Stanley, Sam’ll Herren
Edward Moseley
p494 A True Copy of a Foot Company of Soldiers Commanded by William Whittfield
Richard Cox
Thos. Cox
Isdeas Cox
John Stanley
p496 A List of Men Belonging to Capt. Jacob Farrow’s Company, Vizt.:
Francis Peel
William Harper
John Ives
p514 May It Please Your Honours
This House hath resolved to allow Edward Moseley Esq Sr Rich Everard Baron Mr Sam Swann & Mr John Swann four of the Commiss appointed the last Asembly to Revise the Laws of this Province the sum of five hundred pounds for the said service….
P 850 William Stanley Esq to Gov. Abner Nash.
Newbern, 10th June 1780
Dear Sir:
I have repeatedly Offered those who were empowered to impress Horses their choice of Nine which I have on my Plantations, but they have as often been refused, though by far more serviceable than my Town Horses.
I will, with pleasure, Sir, furnish two able Horses, and will order my Servant immediately to attend any person you may please to appoint, tho shew the Horses on my Plantations, Out of which he may take his Choice. I have in Tow a sett of Horses & two Mares with Foal. I should think it exceedingly hard to have either of them impressed.
Your Excellency may be assured that on all occasions nothing in my power shallb e wanting to promote the public service & to convince you that I am
Your Excellency’s mo. Obedient Servt., WM. STANLEY
The following Persons moved for leave to prove their own and others Rights which was Granted William Stanley 6 Whites, Johnston
At a council held at the Council chamber in New Bern the 4th day of April 1750
Thomas Cox 400 Anson, Isaac Overman 200 Bladen, Samuel Pike 350 Dobbs, Robert Fellows 250 Dobbs
page 1036 Mr Samuel appeared in behalf of William Stanley . . .
in behalf of Anthony Herring
May 6, 1775 Gentlemen, the enclosed arrived here about an hour past and is forwarded immediately to you and desire you will keep a copy of James Lockwood’s letter and send them on as soon as possible to the Wilmington Committee. We are gentlemen your obedient servants, … William Stanly …
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