Ann Ballance
Barbara Ballance
Daniel Ballance
Demsey Ballance
Jehu Ballance
Joseph Ballance
Kezaith Ballance
Mary Ballance
Polly Ballance
Caleb Ballance, Dec 30, 1789. Mar 26, 1790. WB 1. Wife: Anne. Sons: John, Bartholomew, Caleb, Thomas. Father: John, decd. Exrs: wife and son Charles Ballance.
Wit: John Ballance, James Etheridge
William Ballance, Senr. Dec 12, 1795. Dec 14, 1795. WB2. Wife: Barbara. Sons: William, John, Caleb, Aron, Wallace, Joshua, Thomas, Laban. Daughters: Barbara, Cortena. Mentions small peteauger, large peteauger … land near Hatteras Inlet to be sold at public auction. Wit: William Rolinson, William Quidley
Wit: Charles Ballance (John Simmons
Wit: Polly Etheridge, Sally Etheridge (Josiah Simpson)
Wit: Martha Etheridge (Nancy Slack)
Sarah Slaughter November 26, 1800
Wit: Willie Etheridge (Matthew Mathias)
Exrs: Friends Willis Bute, Daniel Ballance, Benjamin Jones (George May)
Wit: David Mintz, Daniel Ballance, Davis Etheridge (Joseph May)
Wit: Elizabeth Etheridge, Rn Etheridge (James McLain)
Daniel McPharson Wife: Mary (all the money due from the Parish for keeping Willoughby Etheridge)
Wit: Solomon Bright (Simon Mathias)
Exrs: Wife and John Ballance (William Midyet)
wit: Milly Sparrow (Daniel Midyette)
Caleb Miller Daughters: Sivility Ballance
p.26 Henry Etheridge March 14, 1742-1743
John Etheridge April 3, 1744. July Court, 1744. Sons: Amos (land known as the “Bull yard”), Willis (411 acres of land), Callib (land known as “Notherna”), James (“plantation where Henry Blount now liveth”), John (“plantation whereon I now live”), Josias (“plantation where Samuel Jones now liveth”). Daughters: Sarah Biggs, Dorothy Etheridge. Wife and Executrix: Eliner. Witnesses: Thos. Williams, Solomon Etheridge, John Pirkens, Absalom Legett. Clerk of the Court: Richd. McClure.
Luke Etheridge Feb 25, 1732 February 25, 1732. Daughters: Sarah Etheridge (land I now live on), Elizabeth Etherdige (land in ye great swamp), Ann Etheridge. Wife and Executrice: Christon. Witnesses: Elizabeth Daniel, Otho Holland. Cleark of the Court: Thos. Lowther.
Marmaduke Etheridge Feb 3, 1739-1740 3 February 1734. Devisees and legatees: Caleb, Marmeduke and Mary Bell (children of Sarah Bell). Executrix: Sarah Bell. Witnesses: John Houren, Joseph Bourn, Peter Douge. Clerk of the Court: Thos. Lowther.
Solomon Etheridge Nov 7, 1749
Wit: Josiah Nicholson, William Ballance (Thomas Parker)
Wit: Moses Ballance, Jesse Etheridge (Cuniff Powers)
William Powers Daughters: Mary Ballance Grandchildren Also: Peter Etheridge
Wit: James Powers, Caleb Etheridge, Samuel Powers
Wit: Willis Etheridge, Anges Etheridge (Humphrey Poyner)
James Poyner Wife: Mary… My wife’s father Benjamin Cox, decd.
Moses Stanley
Page 202
In the name of God, Amen. I Moses Stanly of The County of Wayne and State of North Carolina beaing weak of Body but of sound and perfect mind and memory and good understanding Thanks be to God for the same and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this instrument to contain my last will and testament and Desire all men to receive it such in the manner and form following vize? Life?
First, I recommend my soul into the hands of God that give it me and my body to the earth to be buried at the discreet of my executors hereafter named. Secondly, I give to my son Jesse Stanly all my lands situated in Lenoir County and on the head of Trent and also one negro man named Willes and old Ben and his wife named Doll to him and his Heirs for ever. Item, I give to my Son Moses Stanly six hundred and Thirty acres of land situated in Dusslin(?) or Duplin? County and on the N. East wheron he now lives and
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And also one negro man named Ned to him and his heirs forever Item I give to my son William Stanly all my lands wheron he now lives situated in Duplin County and on Goshen and also one negro man named Tom to him and his heirs forever. Item, I give to my son Major Stanly all the lands wheron he and I myself now lives on Bogin Marsh and Also one negro boy named Ben to him and his Heirs forever. Item, I lend to my daughter Betsey Pepkin two Negros girls one named Milly and the other Amey with their increase during her natural life and also one feather bed and furniture which is one bedstead and also six bed covers which bedstead and be covers already her own and also two chests one table one pair of flat irons and one saddle and bridle and own woolen wheel one cotten cards already her own also one ax one weeding Hoe already her own my mind and desire further is that if my daughter Betsey Pipkin should not marry nor have a surviving heir lawfully begotten of her body hereafter then in that case if my grandson Jesse Pipkin should prove a disorderly person or a spend thrift then in that case my desire is that my executors should immediately after the decease of my said daughter Betsey Pipkin take the property lent to her and man sale thereof and the money from thence arising to be equally divided between my three sons Jesse Moses and William Stanly and my four daughters but if my said grandson Jesse Pipkin should prove to be an industrious prudent man then in that case my desire is that the property lent to my So Daughter Betsey Pipkin shall fall to the said Jesse Pipkin that is to say the two negros and one bed and Furniture to him and his heirs forever. Item, I give to my daughter Sally West one negro woman named dining
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With her increase and also one Bed and furniture not yet in her possession to her and her Heirs forever. Item, I give to my daughter Charity West one negro woman named D and Her increase to her and her heirs forever and also one bed and furniture not yet in her possession to her and her heirs forever. Item, I give to my daughter Dorcas Herring one negro woman named Daphney with her increase to her and her heirs forever and also one Bed and furniture not yet in her possession to her and her Heirs forever. Item, I give to my daughter Polly Bowden one negro woman named Vilet and her increase to her and her Heirs forever and also one bed and furniture not yet in her possession to her and her heirs forever. My mind and desire further is that I give to my four daughters that is to say Sally, Charity, Dorcas and Polly three hundred and sixty dollars each of them in Negroes hereafter to be drawn for that is to say Abram Ned Luicy Young Sarah H Fifteen dollars which fifteen dollars to be made out of my Estate whoso of my four daughters which of them draws Abram pays back one hundred and forty dollars and which of them Ned pays back forty dollars and which of them draws young Sarah pays back fifteen dollars and they that draws Luicy to have all the different sums of money which the other three sisters pays back with fifteen dollars besides to be raised out of my Estate which makes Luicy’s lot three hundred and sixty dollars and if either of my Daughters or their husbands shall refuse to draw then in that case they shall loose their right to the three hundred and sixty dollars and my executors to divide the said lot of three hundred and sixty dollars among the remaining daughters that shall draw or will draw. Item, I give to my son Moses Stanly one negro boy named Adam to him and his heirs forever I give to my son Major Stanly one hundred dollars to be raised out of Estate and all my house hold
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Furniture and such property as will not be mentioned int his will and also I give to my son Major Stanly one Bar plow and two flook Hoes to him and his heirs forever the remainder of my plows plow gears weeding and grubbing hoes axes and also my desire further is that old Sarah and Sam Ginny and Siloh with all my stock of Horses and Cattle and Hoggs and Sheep and Geese with all my corn and wheat and rice and cotton to be sold by my executors at publick sale at twelve months credit and the money arising therefrom to be equally divided between my three sons Jesse and William Stanly and my five daughters and also my son Moses Stanly Jr. Lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my three sons Major, Moses and Jesse Stanly Executors to this my last will and testament making null and void all other will or wills heretofore by me made but ratifying and conferring this instrument contain my last will and testament in witness whereof I the said Morses Stanly have Hereunto Set my hand and affix my seal this 12th day of October 1811 Signed Seald and acknowledged to be his last will and Testament in the presence of us.
Moses Stanly (seal)
Richard Ivy
Robert Ivey Rd Augt Term 1812
Joshua Ivey
Moses Stanley = Images 1805 – 1809
Image 1806
In the name of God, amen, I Moses Stanley of the county of Wayne and State of North Carolina being weak of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory and good understanding, Thanks be to God, for the same and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this ???rument to contain my last will and testament and desire all min to receive it as such, in the manner and form following reiz???
First I recommend my soul into the hands of a ??????it me and my body to the earth to be …….. the discretion of my executors hereafter named, …………give to my son Jesse? Stanley all my lands that…..???…….and also one Negroe man named Miller and old Ben and his wife named Doll to him and his Heirs forever,
Item, I give to my son Mons? Stanley six hundred and thirty acres of land situated in Duplin? (Or Duslin?) county and one the So East whereon he now lives and also one Negro man named Ned, to him and his Heirs forever.
Item, I give to my son William Stanley all my lands whereon he now lives situated in Duplin County and on Yoshen? And also one Negroe man named Tom to him and his Heirs forever.
Item, give to my son Major Stanley all the land whereon he and I myself now lives on Bogue ???ersh and ? one Negroe boy named Ben to him and his Heirs forever.
Turn over
Image 1807
Two I lend to my daughter Betsey Pepkin (or Peskin?) Two negroe girls, one named Milley and the other Arrey? With their increase during her natural life and also one feather bed and furniture which is one Bedstead and also six bed covers which bedstead and bed covers already her own and also two chests one table one pair of flat Irons and one ladle and bridle and one woolen wheels one pair of cotton cards already her own and also one ox one weeding …already her own my mind and desire further is that my daughter Betsey Pepkin should not marry nor have as surviving heir lawfully begotten of her body hereafter then in that case if my grand son Jesse Pepkins should prove a disorderly person or a spend thrift then in that case my desire is that my per cut? Should immediately after the desease …..?????……arising to be equally divided between my ……???…..Moses and William Stanley and my four daughters but of my said grandson Jesse Pepkin should prove to be an industrious prudent man, then in that case my desire is that the property lent to my said daughter Betsey Pepkin shall fall to the said Jesse Pepkin that is to say the two negroes and one bed and furniture to him and his Heirs forever,
Item I give to my daughter Salley West one Negroe Woman named Jean? With her increase and also one bed and furniture yet in her possession to her and her Heirs forever.
Item, I give to my daughter Charity West one Negroe woman namded and her increase to her and her heirs forever and also one bed and furniture not yet in her possession to her and her heirs forever
Read up
Image 1808
Woman named ??phney with her increase to her and her heirs forever and also one bed and furniture not yet in her possession to her and her Heirs forever
Item, I give to my daughter Polley Bowetin? One Negroe woman named Vilet her increase to her and her Heirs forever and also one Bed and Furniture not yet in her possession to her and her Heirs forever …..???????………(two lines crossed out)
My mind and desire further is that I give to my four ?????? that is to say Salley Charity Dorcas and ????? Hundred and six dollars each of them ???? hereafter to be drawn for that is to say ????????????
Whereof my four daughters draws ??? back one hundred and forty dollars and which them draws ned pays back forty dollars and which of them draws young Sarah keys back fifteen dollars and they that draws Luicey to have all the different sums of money which the other three sisters pays back with fifteen dollars bindes to be raised out of my state which makes Luiceys lot three hundred and sixty dollars and if either of my daughter or their husbands shall refuse to draw then in that case they shall loose their right to the three hundred and sixty dollars and my executors to divide the said lot of three hundred and sixty dollars amongst the remaining daughters
Turn over R d
August 1812?
Image 1809
that shall…..
Moses Stanley one negroe boy named Adam to …andhis heirs forever. I give to my son Major Stanley one Hundred dollars to be raised out of my Estate and all my household furniture and each property as well not be mentioned in this will, and also I give to my son Major Stanley one Bar Plow and tow Flok Hoes to him and his Heirs forever, the remainder of my plows plow gears weasing and ???? axes and also my ???? farther is the ???? Sarah and Sam Ginn and Selah with all my ????? horses and cattle and hogs and sheep and ??? with all my corn and wheat and rice and cotton to the ?????? my Executors at public sale at twelve ????????????? to be ????between my ??????????????and my five daughters and also ????? Stanley Junr, lastly I nominate, constitute and appoint my three sons Major, Moses and Jesse Stanley executors to this my last will and Testament make null and void all other will or wills heretofore by (me?) made but Ratifying and confirming this instrument to contain my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I the said Moses Stanley have hereunto set my hand and affixt my seal this 12th day of October 1811
Signed Seald and acknowledged to be his last will and Testament in the presence of us.
Richard Iveyr Moses Stanley (Seal)
Robert Ivey
Joshua Ivey
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