Hatcher, Ligon, Henrico, Moseley, Peirce, James City, Jamestown
Third Edition; Arkansas Historical Commission; F225.A7; 1987
Contents Page
Part 1. Kirby Families
1 Norfolk and Suffolk
2 Essex, Hertfordshire and Shropshire
3 Huntingdon and Cambridgeshire
4 Kent
5 Warwickshire
6 Leicestershire and Northants
7 Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Hampshire
8 Goucestershire
9 Lincolnshire
10 London
11 Lancashire
12 Miscellaneous
Part II. East Anglian & Yorkshire Families Associated with Kirby
10 Cobb(3)
page 106-107
Thomas Flint was living at “Bucke Row” in Elizabeth City, 1623/4 (Hotten, p. 183), patented 1000 acres “upon the southern shoare of Warick River, adjoining a patent granted to John Rolfe Esq. dec’d & Capt. Wm. Pierce,” 20 Sept. 1628 (Patent Book 1, p. 59)
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Edward Bland … While still resident in London he purchased from Capt. William Peirce 2000 acres on Lawne’s Creek in the area which became Surry County, which he repatented 7 July 1646…
page 159
… John Edloe married before 1682 (1) Rebecca, daughter of Matthew Huberd of York County, and 1699 (2) Mrs. Martha Hatcher of Henrico County.
footnote: Marriage license, “John Edloe of James City Co., and Martha Hatcher of Henrico
page 160
1. Francis Epes (bapt. 15 May 1597-abt 1655), one of three brothers who came to Virginia before 1625 … In April 1625, Francis Epes was elected from Charles City to sit in the Assembly at James City “on the next ensuing 10th of May.” ..
page 204
5. William Ligon (Mary Harris, Thomas), born about 1653, was a major of militia. On 2 April 1682 he “set up his name at the Court Door and thereby published his intentions for England.” He married Mary Tanner, daughter of Joseph Tanner and his wife Mary (who later married Gilbert Platt). On 1 April 1679 Mrs. Platt made a deed of gift to her daughter Mary, wife of Mr. William Lygon…
William Ligon left will 21 Jan. 1688-1 Aug 1689. His widow Mary and daughter-in-law Elizabeth (as widow of the heir at law) were jointly charged with 1341 acres on the 1704 quit rent roll of Henrico County. Mary (Tanner) Ligon married (2), 1707, as his (2) wife William Farrar.
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1. John Rolfe …
page 269
1. Alice (Pierce) Bennett with her (2) husband Thomas Bennett was living near Lawne’s Creek in Isle of WIght County, 1624, … At the same trial her (2) usband is identifed as Thomas Bennett. Alice — had married (1) —– Pierce (see footnote)
-2. Elizabeth Pierce (Alice) a minor, 1 November 1624,and on that date chose her step-father as her guardian under circumstances here given … bequeathed the estate to Elizabeth Peerce
footnote: It has not been possible to identify positively this Pierce, but he probably was a close connection of Capt. Wm. Pierce, member of hte Council, who owned land both on Lawne’s Creek and on Mulberry Island and whose wife Joane was a legatee in the will of Anthony Barham…
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Elizabeth Peerce (Pierce) “to whom he was assured and meant to have married.” … She stated that she had come in the William and Thomas, which made a single trip to Virginia, 1618. As she was a child at that time she must have been accompaied by one or both parents.
Anthony Barham who had received 100 acres at Warosquoiacke plantation, of reord in the 1626 list of parents, also was a witness in the Proctor trial. He represented Mulberry Island in the House of Burgesses 1629/30 and his will, 6 September 1641-16 September 1641, London, England reccites that he is “of Mulberry Iland in Virginia, gent, and at present resiant in England.” In it he bequeaths “to my wife Elizabeth, goods for her to be sent over to Virginia .. to my daughter Elizabeth, 100 pounds to be sent over to my wife for her use …
page 273
4. Daniel Price (mathew, John) with his brother John inherited the aforementioned 150 acres and sold the land 1677, to William Hatcher. Benjamin Hatcher, son of aforesaid William sold the tract, 1681 to John Pleasants, the deed escriing the plantation as “heretofore belonging to my father (which said land was by him purchased of Daniel and John Price in 1677) bounded by land of Samuel Woodward and ownward upon Turkey Island Creek containing 150 acres … commonly known by the name of Turkey island …”
A quit-claim deed to the tract given John Pleasants 1682, by Edward Hatcher, brother of Benjamin, further describes the land as “all that point and parcel of land called Turkey Island Point … 150 acres. The Samuel Woodward mentioned in the Hatcher-Pleasants deed of 1681 was the husband of Mathew Price’s half sister Sara Hallom (see Hallom).
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Issue: 7. John Jr.; 8. Daniel; 9. Pew (Pugh) (abt. 1690-1775), processioner in St. John’s Parish, Henrico, 1743 his will 20 November 1774-17 April 1775, Prince Eddward; 10. Mary married – Cannon; 11. Eliza.
R. Henrico Co. see bound loose papers (Va. State Library)
R. Prince Edward Co. #1 p. 173; also see Vestry Book, St. John’s parish, Henrico.
Ann Price (b 1604) …
page 281
Rolfe’s (1) wife died before arrival in Virginia. His romance with the Indian maiden Pocahontas, daughter of the Chieftain Powhatan, began after about two years of his coming to the Colony. The marriage solemnized at Jamestown about the fifth of April 1614 helped stabalize the somewhat strained relationship developing between the Indians and the whites.”
In 1616 John Rolfe took his Indian bride to England where she was received as a Princess. Her death at Gravesend, England, March 1617, on the eve of their return to Virginia was told by Rolfe in his letter addressed to Sir Edwin Sandys and dated from Jamestown 17 June 1617. ..
. . . In 1614 John Rolfe had succeeded Ralph Hamor as Secretary of the Colony and was Recorder General, 1617. By 1619 he was a member of the Council and served until his death, 1622. He married (3) about 1619, 2. Joane Peice daughter of William Peirce, Commander at Jamestown and Captain of the Governor’s guard. Before either the census or the muster were taken Rolfe was dead. His will, 10 March 1621-21 Mah 1630, England, reciting he “is of James City in Virginia” and “being sicke in body, but of perfect mind and memory” suggests he may have died of natural causes, though mention is oftimes made that he was slain in the massacre. His will disposes of the two parcels of land which he owned; the first, a tract of 400 acres described as “scituate in the Countrye of Toppahannah betweene two Creeks” and lying on the south side of the James River, was bequeathed to his son Thomas; the second tract, including his interest in 700 acres, granted jointly to “Capt. Wm Peirce and Mr. John Rolfe with some
footnote: See will in full V LVIII 58-65; William Peirce, Rolfe’s “father-in-law” named executor probated the will on his visit to England, 1629-30 (see PEIRCE)
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others, was bequeathed to his wife Joane during her lifetime, with reversion to their daughter Elizabeth.
Issue: by (1) 2. Bermuda born on the Somers Islands, 1609 or 1610, and died there, an infant; b (2), 3. Thomas; by (3) 4-Elizabeth (b. 1620), listed in census, 1623, and in the muster of Captain Roger Smith, her mother’s (3) husband, bequeathed her father’s land on Mulberry Island.
3. Thomas Rolfe (b. at 1616) (John) remained in England under the care of his uncle Henry Rolfe until he was about 19 years of age when he came to Virginia and was clamed as a headright in a patent issued to Captain William Peirce, 1635. By 1639 Thomas was in possession of his land as noted in a patent on the south side of the James River described as lying “northwest upon land of Thomas Rolfe.” …
Thomas Rolfe is believed to have married Jane Poythress.”
page 296
John Gaither came to Virginia, 1620, in the George and was living at James City, 1623/4, buy by 25 Jan. 1624/5 was at Mulberry Island under Capt. William Peirce…
page 308
Although Smith appears to have been in England, 1621, when he was named, July of that year, provisional Councillor for Virginia and member of a “select committee,” December 1621, he was in Virginia by 1623 and had married 2. Joane Peirce, daughter of Captain William Peirce and widow of John Rolfe…
page 309
The Court order authorizing Smith’s grant of land at Jamestown recors him as an “old planter.”
Captain roger Smith, Dec- 1624. In the precincts of James City, butting Swd. upon the pale of the Government’s garden and Nwd. upon the ground of Sir George Yeardley…
Smith also was patentee with Captain William Peirce, John Rolfe and “some others” of 1700 acres on Mulberry Island.
After the massacre of March 1622/23 in which five men were killed “about the precincts of Capt. Smith’s company, the colonial government relied heavily upon Captain Smith to restore order in the stricken colony and effect a greater degree of safety for the Survivors. He was placed in “Absolute command” in Henrico and Coxendale where the slaughter had been heaviest “for bringing away all people, cattle and supplies.” With this accomplished he was back at Jamestown in command at “Pashehaigh” and “The Maine”.
Following the massacre when reprisals against the Indians were undertaken, Robert Bennett of “Bennett’s Welcome,” Wariscoyack, wrote his brother … After revocation of the charter of the Virginia Company, Captain Smith was continued as a member of the Council. He was living 1628 when he handled the estate of John Moseley.
Issue: not established
page 364
Thomas Harwood married 3. Grace, legatee of Capt. Thomas Peirce (Warwick Co. Court orders, 21 Oct. 1664, Virginia State Library, in The Virginia Genealogist XVIII, p. 286 [erroneously dated as 1663], which may be a clue to her mother’s identity … Thomas Iken, who in 1669 resided at the former dwelling house of Capt. William Peirce (Patent Bk. 6, p. 218)…
page 448
In 1635, … With Samuel Mathews and William Peirce, he (Sir John Harvey) was sent to England to answer charges for his part in the “Thrusting out of Sir John Havey.
page 475
William Peirce departed from England, June 1609, in company with Sir Thomas Gates and Sir George Somers on the Seaventure, flag-ship of the largest expedition ever sent to Virginia, and was wrecked enroute on the Somers Islands. Capt. Peirce’s wife *Joane had sailed in the same expedition but aboard the Blessing which, although encountering the same storm that wrecked the Seaventure, steered a different course and reached Virginia safely by mid-August 1609.
While Capt. Peirce and wife were living at James City, Feb. 1623/4 in the census and 24 Jan. 1624/5 in the muster, he had received land on Mulberry Island in the area which became Warwick County, where thirteen of his servants were listed in the muster. A patent was issued to him, 16 Dec. 1643, for 2100 acres beginning at the creek near the “now dwelling house” of Peirce, which creek divided the land from Baker’s Neck “where the church now standeth,” and running along James River to the old point, and then to the water side of “Scotes quarter & the great
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Marsh which divides this land from Mulberry Island,” and “into Mears Necke unto a certain oak marked by Capt. Clayborne over against the E[ast]w[a]rd of Cedar Island, up the banke ot Warwick by Mr. Hawley,” and included 650 acres which had been patented to him 31 Dec. 1619. The date of the grant to Peirce of the “Baker’s Necke” tract of 360 acres adjoining Thomas Harwood’s plantation, “Queen Hith,” in Warwick, is missing. As a member of the Council Peirce patented 2000 acres on Lawne’s Creek opposite Jamestown, 22 June 1635.
Before 1623 Captain Peirce had become an important man in the colony and since his other duties frequently demanded his presence at Jamestown, he kept a house there across the marsh from Sir George Yeardley’s residence and among his servants there was a Negro woman Angelo.
By 29 May 1623 Peirce had been named by Governor Francis Wyatt as captain of the guard and commander of Jamestown and commissioned “to go against the Indians up the Chicahominy or any other place. In 1629 Capt. Peirce, in company with the Governor and other Virginians, visited England and as an “Ancient Planter of 20 years standing” left an account of Virginia. Mrs. Joane Peirce accompanied her husband on his journey; a letter writer of this period, in England, alludes to her as “Mistress Peirce, an honest and industrious woman who hath a garden at Jamestown containing 3 or 4 acres where in one year she hath gathered near 100 bushels of excellent figs …” and states that “she can keep a better house in VIrginia for 3 or 4 hundred pounds than in London, yet went there with little or nothing.
While in England Capt. William Peirce submitted for probate 21 May 1630, the will of his son-in-law John Rolfe, which named him as executor and directed that he take charge of Rolfe’s “Two small children of very tender age. Upon his return to Virginia Capt. Peirce was mentioned as a member of the Council, 1632, and in 1635, during the controversy with Governor Harvey, Lord Baltimore described him, along with Capt. Samuel Mathews, John
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Utie and Capt. John West, as one of the “prime actors in the late mutiny” and requested that they be ordered to England “to answer their misdemeanors.” He was in England, 1636, to answer the charges and remained some eighteen months, being examined “upon interrogatories exhibited against him in the Star Chamber. He petitioned the Privy Council at Hampton Court, 29 Sept 1637, to return to Virginia to settle his estate, which petition was granted by license, 30 Sept 1637, “to repair to Virginia for the better management of his affairs” upon posting security for £100 to appear in the Star Chamber when required.
An Act of Assemby, 6 Jan 1639/40, named him as a tobacco viewer for the upper part of Warwick River as far as the Parish of Denby extended and down to the upper side of Batchelor’s Hope Creek and Standley Hundred. There is further record of Capt. William Peirce, 22 July 1640, when six of his servants who “plotted to run away unto the Dutch plantation,” took a ship belonging to him and sailed down to the Elizabeth River, were apprehended and, 31 Jan. 1641/2 and 8 March 1641/2, when he sat as a Councillor.
Issue: 2. Joane
(A patent to Capt. William Pierce, Esq., one of the Councillors of State, for 1170 acres in James City County was dated 19 March -[probably 1643/4] He was dead by 22 June 1647.)
(Other children of William Peirce are unproved. A possible son, however, was Thomas Peirce of Mulberry Island, Warwick County, who 21 Jan. 1655/6 made a deed of gift to his eldest son William Peirce of a cow which Capt. William Peirce and Mr. William Spencer were to make choice of. On 21 Oct 1665 in response to a petition “preferred by Mr. Thomas Iken as he intermarried with Grace Harwood against Thomas Peirce as one of the executors of Captaine Thomas Peirce of tenn pounds sterling,” it was ordered that “in regard Thomas Peirce is not yet of age and hath not yet his estate in his hands nor acted as executor,” his guardian keep in his hands whas was necessary to pay the legacy. Thomas Iken patented, 14 May 1669, land which included his dwelling house, “formerly the dwelling house of Capt. Wm. Peirce”. William Peirce who patented, 22 April 1688, 100 acres nigh the mouth of Scott’s Creek and along Mr. Harwood’s line, which had been granted Jno. Rolfe, Wm. Peirce, Tho. Peirce and Willm. Spencer and was due him by order of the General Court 24 April 1667, was presumably the son of Capt. Thomas. He may be the William Peirce whose land adjoined a patent granted Roger Delke at Lawnes Creek, Surry County, 15 Feb 1663/4. Mr. Thomas Peirce who patented, 2 March 1673/4, 155 acres in Mulberry Island near George Harwood’s line was presumably Thomas, Jr. and the Thomas Peirce who left will, 7 Oct 1696-21 Ja. 1696/7, naming wife Elizabeth, sons Jeremiah and William and daughter Elizabeth. Widd’o Pierce held 155 acres in Warwick County, 1704. No connection between Capt. William Peirce and William Peirce who was mentioned as early as 31 Oct. 1657 and, as “of the Parish of Copley in the County of Westmoreland,” left will 20 Feb 1701/2-25 March 1702, mentioning deceased son John, naming John’s son William as heir, and also mentioning daughters Elizabeth Bridges, Margaret Graham and Mary Rowsey and grandson Samuel Bayley has been established.
page 489 footnote: … No patent to Anthony Barham is of record, but Capt. William Peirce, Esq., patented 360 acres called Bakers Neck in Warwick County, 29 July 1643; presumably Peirce had settled this land long before 1643 (since he went to England in 1637) and had conveyed the land to Anthony Barham prior to the actual patenting.
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… granted jointly to Capt. Wm. Peirce and Mr. John Rolfe with some others, was devised to his wife Joane during her lifetime, with reversion to their daughter Elizabeth.
… was claimed as a headright in a patent issued to Capt. William Peirce, 22 June 1635.
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