Page 148 and 149 William Collier, Charles Collier, John Collier, Capt. John Collier
The Colliers of King and Queen Co, VA are of Saxon origin. The first of the family to emigrate to the Colonies was William Collier, “citizen and weaver of London,” who became a citizen of York Co., VA in 1670. He later removed to Kent Co., and resided there. In 1675 he was Lieutenant Colonel of New Kent.
John Collier of “Porto Bello” – His estate was situated on the York River not far above Yorktown, and was called “Porto Bello” in honor of that famous fortress on the Spanish Main. He was a liberal Churchman; served as a Vestryman of the Lower Parish. He took a prominent part in affairs of State.
page 149 Capt. John Collier of “Porto Bello”, King and Queen Co. and later Hanover Co., VA; b. 1707; made will Sept 1749 in which he names his sons, Thomas, John, and Joseph, daughters Elizabeth Ironmonger Collier, Frances and Sally; and in which he leaves “to my mother-in-law, Ann Collier of King and Queen County, the part of that tract that was given me by my grandfather, Charles Collier, of King and Queen”. He also names his step sister, Martha Gaines and appoints George Morriss and David Crawford, executors. He served as an officer in a Virginia Regiment under Admiral Vernon in the Carthagean expedition, 1740-1742; he inherited “Porto Bello” and owned large estates in Isle of Wight and Surry Counties. He m. Elizabeth Meredith . . .
Page 50 and 51 Capt. Thomas Collier