by Mary Best Bell
BYU Library F262.B38 B4; 1977
B433 Stephen Howard and wife Sarah to Edward Moore (Moor) April 1, 1728 . . . all my rite and title … of within patent …Wit. John Hatcher, Jonathan Standley, May Court 1728 Edward Mashborne
B 433, 435, 436 437, 438 439 440, 441, 442 … test. Edward Mashborne (B435, 436, 437, 438, 439. 440, 441, 442)
48 Edw. Mashborne
50 Edw. Mashborne
C51 Lord Proprietors to John Moore (Moor) & Benton Moor
Oct 1, 1726. Grant. 640 A. On SES Meherrin at mouth of Elm Swamp. adj. Ed. Cobb. Land surveyed for Richard Moore. Father to the said John and Benton,and was by Richard devised to John & Benton. Signed: Fran. Foster, C. Gale, Edm. Gale, Thos. Harvey, Richard Everard, William Reed, Ed Moseley, Robert Forster, Deputy Sec’t’y.
page 71-72 Herring
C 145 John Williams & wife Ann to Thomas Castelaw, son of James Castelaw*, 10 pds, for 250 A. on NS Roanoke River “being the plantation whereon John Glisson now lives … ” By Indian Village Pond. Adj. James Blunt, Anthony Herring, Indian Village Meadow and Great Swamp. Wit: Edm. Davis, John Mathews. August Court 1729
page 71-72 Herring
C 145 John Williams & wife Ann to Thomas Castelaw, son of James Castelaw*, 10 pds, for 250 A. on NS Roanoke River “being the plantation whereon John Glisson now lives … ” By Indian Village Pond. Adj. James Blunt, Anthony Herring, Indian Village Meadow and Great Swamp. Wit: Edm. Davis, John Mathews. August Court 1729
C92 John Hoy of James City Co., Va to Samuel Cobbs of York Co, Va. May 7, 1729
5 shillings for 630 A. one year lease, land on Plum Tree Gut and Mill Patch adjacent William Green, John Goddes or Godlies
Wit: Anthony Collins, William Kenney May Court 1729 Ed. Mashborne D.C/C
E516 Robert Cob, jurat. Nov Court 1739 witness to William Smelley of county of Brownswick in Virginia to John Deberry on SS Maherring river
E525 Nicholas Boone to Arthur Stevenson October 17, 1739
20 pds for 125 A. on SS Meherring River adjacent Carolus Anderson, Elias Ford, Joseph Strickland, William Eldridge, Robert Cobb, Arthur Stevenson by patent dated October 3, 1720
Wit: Joseph Cobb Jr., Robert Cobb, Abraham Stevenson November Court 1739 John Wynns D.C/C.
E553 Nicholas Boon to Robert Cobb October 17, 1739
20 pds for 165 A. on SS Manherring River adjacent John Debarg, William Stevens, Robert Cobb, Nicholas Boon. Land purchased of William Bennet by deed dated May 14, 1723.
Wit: Joseph Cobb Jr., Charles Anderson, Abraham Stevenson Novemeber Court 1739
F100 Carolus Anderson to Benjamin Cobb, Oct. 16, 1739 – 10 pds for 150 A. part of patent granted Thomas Boon for 250 A. dated Aug 4, 1723. On SES Conoroy Swamp. Said land now in possession of Cobb.
Wit: Joseph Cobb Jr., Nicholas Boon, Abraham Stevenson May Court 1740
F501 Samuel Herring of Craven County to Charles King of Chowan County February 28, 1742/43
40 pds for 100 A. on Roquiff Pocoson at Broad Branch
Wit: Thomas Jones, Thomas Wimberly, Samuel Herring, Anthony Herring August Court 1743
F2 Abraham Herring witness to George Watson and wife to John Bowin April 30, 1739
G24 Henry Cobb witness to Henry Sumerell & wife Sarah to Thomas Ryan Feb 20. 1746. on SS Salmon Creek
Book C, pg.195 “George Clement to John Herring Jr., Nov. 20, 1729 for one negro man called Dick. wit. Wm. Jones, John Hatcher
H363 Joseph Hardy to William Knott Aug 25, 1756 … “below Cobbs old field” . .
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