page 187 Col. William Peirce, b. in York County, Virginia 1632; will probated 7th April, 1702; d. in Westmoreland County, Virginia, 2701; he settled ona grant of 300 acres of land at the junction of the Nomini and Peirce Creek, the latter so named for himl in 1666 he obtained a patent for 4310 acres in “The Forest;” here the family home was built and called “Level Green;” for a long tim ehe was Major of Militia; Justice of the Quorum, 1668; Burgess, 1680, and Colonel the same year; his widow Sarah was living, in 1706, when she appeared in Court with reference to her gd. son, William Peirce, at school in care of his uncle, Col. Nathaniel Pope, in England.

- John
- Sarah
- Margaret
- Mary
- Elizabeth