p460 John Slaughter, the immigrant ancestor, settled in Virginia prior to 1620. His three sons were:
I. Francis, of whom later
II. William, High Sheriff of Essex County, Virginia, 1685: married Phoebe, daughter of Colonel Toby Smith
III. Richard
Captain Francis Slaughter, born 1630, died 1656; Captain of Militia, Justice for Rappahannock, Virginia; Married 1652, Elizabeth Underwood, daughter of Colonel. William Underwood and Margaret, his wife.
I. Francis, born 1653, only child.
Francis Slaughter, born Essex county, Virginia, 1653: died 1718; a planter in Richmond County, Virginia; Married Margaret Hudson, 1679.
I. Robert, born 1680, of whom later
II. William
III. Martha, married John Taylor
IV. Mary
V. Elizabeth
Robert Slaughter, born 1680, died 1726, a planter of Essex County, Virginia, where he lived and died; married 1700, Frances Ann Jones, daughter of Lieutenant Colonel Cadwallader and Katherine Jones, of Stafford County, he the son of Richard and Frances Ann (Townsend) Jones, of Devonshire, England.
I. Francis, born 1707, of whom later
II, Robert, married 1723, Mary Smith
III. Thomas
p461 Colonel Francis Slaughter, born in Essex County, Virginia, 1701; died in Culpeper, 1766; Captain of Militia, later Colonel, Justice, Vestryman and Church Warden; married 3rd June, 1729, Ann Lightfoot, of Spotsylvania County, Virginia, born 22nd September, 1708, died 1748, daughter of Major Goodrich and Mary (Chew) Lightfoot, he the son of Colonel John Lightfoot, the immigrant, who married Ann Goodrich. Colonel John Lightfoot, Member of the Virginia Council from 1692 until his death, 28th may, 1707, Commander-in-chief of King and Queen County, was the son of John Lightfoot, of Gray’s Inn, London, and Elizabeth Phillips, his wife, and the god son of the Rev. Richard Lightfoot, of Stoke Bruene, Northamptonshire, England, born 1562, died 1625, who married Jane Jones. Ann Goodrich was the daughter of Lieutenant General Thomas Goodrich who was in command of the troops in Northern Virginia during Bacon’s Rebellion, the son of John Goodrich, the immigrant, and god son of Sir Richard Goodrich and Muriel his wife of Goodrich Castle, Hertfordshire, Wales.
I. Francis
II. John
III. Reuben, born 1733, of whom later
IV. Cadwallader
V. Frances, born 1737; married Captain William Ball
VI. A daughter, married Edward Thomas
Captain Reuben Slaughter, born 1733, in Culpeper, Virginia; served in Revolution as Captain of Militia; married Betty Poindexter.
- Goodrich Lightfoot, born 24th January, 1770, of whom later
- Joseph, married a Miss poindexter
- William, married a Miss Thompson
- Robert, married a Miss Pendleton
Goodrich Lightfoot Slaughter, born 24th January, 1770, in Culpeper, Virginia; died 3rd July, 1833; married 16th may, 1797, Hannah Van Bibber, born 23rd November, 1778, Kanawha County, Virginia, died 28th June, 1858, Kanawha County, Virginia, the daughter of Captain John Van Bibber, born Cecil County, Maryland, 1740, deied Kanawha County, Virginia, 1820, served in Indian, Colonial and Revolutionary Wars, and Chloe Standiford, of Cecil County, Maryland, his wife. Captain John Van Bibber was the son of James and Anna Van Bibber, he the son of Hendrik and Catherine (Bougard) Van Bibber, who came from utrecht, The Netherlands, in 1720, and settled at “Bohemia Manor,” Cecil County, Maryland; he the son of Isaac Jacobs Van Bibber, the immigrant who founded the city of Germantown, Pennsylvania, 1684.
- Catherine Gizzage, born 28th July, 1804, of whom later
- Maria, born 1798; married Samuel Reed
- Rhoda, born 1800; married 1814, Isaac Reed
- Betsey, born 1802; died 1833; married Mr. Loring
- Fanny Dawson, born 1806; married Charles Reynolds
- Francis, born 1808; died young
- Caroline Donnally, born 1810; married James Cogar
- John, born 1812
- Chloe, born 1814; married James Norton
- Miriam Van Bibber, born 1816; married Fred Walker
- Edward, born 1818
Catherine Gizzage Slaughter, born 28th July, 1804, Kanawha County, Virginia; died 30th April, 1885, Charleston, West Virginia; married 28th January, 1824, Levi Welch, of Kanawha County, Virginia; born 23rd August, 1778, died 23rd August, 1849, son of George and Hannah (White) Welch.
- Cornelia Welch, born 1825; married Charles Hedrick
- Caroline Amelia Welch, born 16th February, 1827, of whom later
- Llewellyn Welch, died young
- James Welch, died young
- Clara Virginia Welch, died 1906
- Miriam Van Bibber Welch, born 1837; married Lewis Fry Donnally
- Julia Welch, married James Henry Fry
- John Welch, unmarried
Caroline Amelia Welch, born 16th February, 1827, in Kanawha County, Virginia; died 21st July, 1904, in Jefferson County, Kentucky; married John B. Smith, 18th July, 1844
- Levi Welch Smith, born 1845; died 1848
- Mary Cornelia Smith, born 9th February, 1845
- Kate Welch Smith, born 13th September, 1850
- Amelia Smith, born 1852; died 1852
- Rogers Morris Smith, born 20th march, 1858, the subject of the smith record