UNC Wilson Library Special Collections
FHL SLC 975.63 R2m pg22-2
151. Caswell, Richard Book 22, page 202
25 Jan 1773 300 acres on the N side of Neuse River on both sides of Atkins’s Branch, joining John Herritages Corner of Land Patented in name of Robert Atkins, Jesse Cobb, Robert Hay (now Wm. Martin Herritage), Hay’s old field and Caswell’s own line (Lenoir)
206. Crooms, Jesse Book 23, page 67
27 April 1767 200 acres on the N side of Nuce river joining Charles Homes, John West and a branch (Lenoir)
207. Croom, Jesse Book 23, page 341
22 Dec, 1768 129 acres on the south side of the Neuse River the east side of Jumping Run joining Crooms own line near the run, Crooms meadow, John Erving Huckleberry pond and John Croom (Lenoir)
208. Croom, Jesse Book 22, page 348
21 July 1774 100 acres on a branch of Stoney Creek joining near Frederick Herring (Wayne)
209. Croom, Major Book 18, page 220
30 October 1765 340 acres on the W side of Falling Creek including the place Croom bought of Isaac Scriven, joining the Beetree Island in Bucklesbury, Horse Point Marsh, John Herring and Richard Byrd (Lenoir)
210. Croom, Major Book 18, page 220
30 October 1765 245 acres on the N side of Neuse river joining Land Patented by John Plowman, John Jones, Crooms own corner and Jonathon Stanley (Lenoir?)
211. Croom, Major Book 25, page 100
4 March, 1775 400 acres on the N side of Neuse River, joining Gershom Wiggins and Benjamin Herron (Lenoir)
251 Fellows, Robert Book 15 page 494
22 Apr 1763 190 acres So. Side Nawhuntey swamp joining the swamp side at mouth of Henry Easterlings just above Davis old field (Wayne)
p252 Fellows, Robert Bk 17 page 15
23 Dec 1763 150 acres no side Neuse River and on so side of Little River joining Geo. Journagan
253 Fellows, Robert Bk 17 page 15
21 Dec 1753 120 acres so side Nauhunty swamp joining Mill Marsh, Geo Cater, and Benj. Best
324 Harper, Alexander Book 22, page 122
23 January 1773 85 acres on the S side of Great Contentnia and on the N W side of Phiz Patricks Mill Creek, joining Manoah Phitz Patrick, John Granger, William Hooker, Harpers own line and the side of the sd creek (Greene)
325 Harper, George Book 26, page 181
28 February 1775 300 acres on the S side of Trent including Thomas Chesters improvement joining buck branch and George Noble (Lenoir/Jones)
page 31
343. Herring, Anthony Book 20, page 558
9 April, 1770 100 acres on the N side of Nuce river being Surplus land held by a patent Herring bought of Robert Rielly between Herring’s own Lands and the River, joining the river bank, Robert Rielly, James Cummings, David Jernagan and his house by the river [Wayne]
344. Herring, Arthur Book 20, page 554
9 April, 1770 300 acres on the N side of Nuce river on the E side of Walnut Pocoson, joining near the Mill pocoson including the Goose pond [Wayne]
345. Herring, Benjamin Book 15, page 465
27 November, 1762 200 acres on the N side of Neuse River and the East side of falling Creek joining Ambros Airress Survey, Moses Ratclif and the Late John Herring being the Land whereon sd Herrings Father lately lived [Lenoir]
346. Herring, Frederick Book 15, page 456
15 November, 1762 125 acres on the N side of Neuse River joining John Dickson, James Bun (?), a branch and a Bent of sd branch [Wayne]
347. Herring, Jacob Book 15, page 459
15 November, 1762 90 acres on the North side of Neuse River and on the N side of reedy Branch joining his own line [Wayne]
348. Herring, Joshua Book 23, page 50
27 April, 1967 180 acres on the head of Whittens Branch joining Edward Searls and Phillip Stone [Lenoir]
349. Herring, Michael Book 23, page 166
26 October, 1767 215 acres on the N side of Nuce river at a place Called Bear Folley joining near Benjamin Griffin, Walnut Creek, near Herrings own line and the river Bank [Wayne]
350. Herring, Simon Book 15, page 514
23 April, 1763 130 acres on the East side of Bare Creek, joining the Pocoson, John Jones, Arthur Herring, Thomas Rouse and his own corner [Wayne]
351. Herring, Simon Book 18, page 332
26 September 1766 194 acres on the N side of Neuse River joining Herrings own line, Judge Smith, Bare Creek, near Hines’s line and the River bank [Wayne/Lenoir]
352. Herring, Stephen Book 18, page 153
6 April, 1765 242 acre between Neuse River and great Cotentnea Creek on the Loosing Swamp joining John Windows, Walter Jones, the sd swamp and Stoneyton Creek near the mouth of Loosing Swamp [Lenoir]
399 Ivey, Robert Bk 23 pg 96
26 Oct 1767 310 acres no side nuce River in Bear Pocoson joining Wm Wiggins, John Rooch near Jonathan Stanley (Wayne)
436. Jones, John Book 15, page 514; 23 April 1763 250 acres on the N side of Neuse River joining the Edge of a Pocoson, his own COrner, Elijah Jones, Simon Herring and Arthur Herring (Wayne/Lenoir)
443. Jones, Theophilus Book 23, page 67; 27 April 1767; 219 acres on Jumping run, joining near Jones’ line, William Boyd, near John Sasser, near George Jernigan and Arthur Coar (Wayne)
480. Linch, John Book 20, page 418; 4 May, 1769; 152 acres on the S side of Little River joining William Fellows, near John Sasser Jr., John Sasser Sr and the sd river (Wayne)
636 Sasser, John Book 15, Page 452
15 Nov 1762, 187 acres on Little River joining his own line, William Boyd, and near George Jonagan [Wayne]
657. Skinner, Benjamin Book 20, page 522; 16 December 1769; 400 acres between Bear Creek and Walnut Creek, joining the fork of Poplar Branch, the run of the S prong, William Flowers, near James Parker or Arthur Herring and near Harrisons line (Wayne)
page 60
#675 Jonathan Standley, Book 17, page 18 21 December 1763 160 acres near an old field, joining Charles Young, John Prescote and Jame Uzzel (Lenoir)
#676 Standley, Jonathan Book 25, page 101 4 March 1775 154 acres on the N side of Neuse River and on the E side of Stoney Creek, joining Joseph Dawson and John Thompson (Wayne)
#679 Stanley, Jonathan Book 20, page 421 4 May, 1769 600 acres on the N side of Nuce river in the Pocoson between Bair Crrek and Bogue Marsh, joining near John Roach Sr, near Heritages Line, Wm. Whitfield, and near Robert Ivey (Wayne)
#680 Stanley, Jonathan Book 20, page 691 14 November 1771 150 acres on the N side of Neuse and N side of the Great Savanna between John Creek, Thomas Uzzel, and John Roach (wayne)
#681 Book 22, page 260 24 May 1773, Moses Stanley 194 acres of land on the north side of Neuse River and east side of Bogue Marsh, beginning at a pine on the said marsh, Stephen Cade’s corner.
#682 Book 25, page 39
Stanley, Moses 4 March 1775, 150 acres of land in Dobbs County on the north side of Neuse River and east side of Bogue Marsh, beginning at a laurel tree and runs thence No. 11 east 68 poles to a white oak, then No. 87 east 140 poles to a pine, then No. 63 east 60 poles to a pine, then So. 47 east 180 poles.
NOTE: This land is now situated in Wayne County, North Carolina.
688. Sugg, Absalom Book 23, page 69
27 April 1767 250 acres on the N side of Rainbow creek joining near the ledge pond, Anthony Kennady, John Maxwell, and the rainbow march (Greene)
689. Suggs, John Book 15, page 408
24 April 1762 550 acres on the head of Thomas Edwards Mill Branch joining sd Edwards and the Piney Woods (Greene)
781 Book 18 page 330
26 Sept 1766
John West 1774 and 1776 joining Jesse Croom [Wayne?]
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