by Wm. L. “Bill” Murphy; GR 929.3 NB, M978do; North Carolina State Library
page 1-July 1743 Thos Sasser 250 acres Craven on the No Side of little River lying between Jno Sassers & Jno Ballards lands being the land he now lives on (Wayne)
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Novr 15th 1743 Jno herring Junr 300 acres Craven on the No Side of Nuse beging at the No Sappony running up bogue marsh to the Beaverdam for the compliment (Wayne)
Novr 18 1743 Jno Harring Junr 300 acres Craven on the No Side of nuse on the wt Side of Bear Creek Marsh between mart fryars line & Christo Hamsons [Wayne]
31. Febry 21 1743/4 Simon Pierce 100 acres Craven On the So side of the beaverdam Swamp rung down for the Complimint [Wayne]
32. Febry 21 1743/4 Phillip Peirce 100 acres Craven On a Branch of Nuse called Burdin’s branch between Mockason & Beaverdam Swamp [Wayne]
64. Novr 14th 1744 William Hooks 200 acres Craven on Both Sides of Buck Swamp Joyning his one Land [Wayne]
66. Novr 14th 1744 Richd Pierce 100 acres Craven on ye So Side of Littel River on a swamp known by ye Name of Sozer Eyes Swamp [Wayne]
90. 22d Novr 1744 Abra Herring 150 acres Craven joining Jno Rouce’s of his lines rung down the Swamp to Wolf Trap branch for the Compliment [Lenoir]
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109. 5 Apr 1745 Robt Hatcher 250 acres Craven on the So side of Falling Creek it being the place he Lives on [Lenoir]
114. 6 Apl 1745 Anthy Herring son of Saml Herring 640 acres Craven beging at the upper bogue Swamp & rung down for the Complemt [Wayne]
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119. 10 Apl 1745 Anthony Herrin 300 acres Craven On the No side of Nuse River begining on the upper side of Boag Swamp runing up the Boag Swamp for the Complement [Wayne]
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134. Sept 25, 1745 Thos Cox 200 acres Craven on the So Side of Nuce & Lower Side of fallg Creek Joing Wm Bushes Line & rung up the Creek for the Complement [Wayne]
135. Sept 25, 1745 Thos Cox 300 acres Craven On the So Side of Nuce & lower Side of fallg Creek begg at Wm Bu
shes Corner tree rung off and down the RIver for the Complement [Wayne]
142. Sept 25 1745 Anto Herring 600 acres Craven between bogue marsh & Nuce RIver on the So Side & both sides of bogue marsh Creek [Wayne]
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152. March 11 1745 Rh Fellows 50 acres Craven on the So Side of Neuse beging at a Pine Roberts’s corner Tree & rung down for the Complemt [Wayne]
157. June 16, 1746 John Herrin 200 acres Craven on the No side of Neus River lying between Edward Williams Survey of Land & Wm Wiggons & on the So Side of Bear harbour. [Wayne]
158. June 16, 1746 John Herrin 200 acres Craven on the So Side of Nuse below George Roberts Survey at Sponey & Wm Faris & Christo Harrison [Wayne]
161. Feb 25, 1746 Major Croom 200 acres Johnston on the No Side of Neuse RIver &…
187. March 18 1747 Major Croom 100 acres Johnston on the No Side of Nuce and on the upper Side of Lower Faling Creek [Lenoir]
221. 27th Sepr 1748 Wm Baker 100 acres Johnston On the No Side of Neuse River called Jos Muckilroy’s clearing (Lenoir)
235. 27th Sepr 1748 Fras Benton 300 acres Johnston ON the So side of Neuse River On Panther Creek being the Land he lives on (Lenoir)
248. 27 Septr 1748 Major Croom 200 acres Johnston on ye So Side of Nuse near William Belts Land [Lenoir]
257. 3d octr 1748 Thomas Saucer 150 acres Johnston on Stoney Creek the No Side of Neuse River joing David Williams Land [Wayne]
262. 3d Octr. 1748 James Barber 150 acres Johnston on the No Side Nuse River near Wm Sassers Land near the Marshy branch & on the Et Side there of [Wayne]
263. 3 d Octr. 1748 Joshua Herring 300 acres Johnston beginning upon the branch he lives on runing down the marsh to the Creek & down the Creek for the complement [Lenoir?]
273. 23 June 1749 Robert Fellow 200 acres Johnston On the East side of Falling Creek & in the fork of Brooks Swamp [Wayne]
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287. Octr 6 1749 Robert Fallow 300 acres Johnston on the No Side Neuse River & Et Side of Walnut Creek Joyuning Wm Hanleys line [Wayne]
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294. 19 Oct 1749 Stephen Herring 640 acres Johnston On the No Side of Neuse River in & on each side of the forks of Black Walnut Creek [Lenoir?]
page 22 294. July 9th 1750 John Herring 200 acres Johnston to begin from John Giles Line to Run almost East, upon the Creek, from the N. Side of Neus River (Lenoir)
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305. 7th Janry 1750 John Stanley 150 acres Johnston on the North Side of the River Beginning on John Herrings line near the Spony Landing running down the Compliment [Lenior?]
313. 29 March 1751 Isham Hatcher 150 acres Johnston Beginning at Robert Hatcher’s lower Corner Tree on Falling and runing up toe Same for the Complemt [Lenoir]
318. April 1st 1751 Thomas Peirce 50 acres Johnston On the South Side Little … between the lines of Robert Raiford & Arthur Crafford’s land [Wayne]
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