p 16 Averitt, Christo. 1630 by Capt. John Chelsman, Charles River Co.
p19 Ballance, Wm 1656 by Wm. Justice, Charles City Co.
p. 20 Bardin, Geo. 1694 by Mr. Edmund Scarburg, Northampton Co.
p. 42 Bragg, Wm 1650 by Wingfield Whitehurst, Lower Norfolk Co.
p 163 Hodges Robert 1638 by Mr. John Gookins, Upper New Norfolk Co.
(other Hodges)
p254 Peele, John 1652 by John Howett, Northumberland Co.
Peele, Luke 1652 by Francis Hamond, York Co.
Peele, Eliz. 1650 by Epa. Lawson ____ Co.
Peirce, Robt. 1651 by Robt. Bradshaw, Charles River Co.
Peirce Wm. 1643 by Capt. John Upton, Isle of Wight Co.
Peirce Eliza. 1643 by Capt John Upton, Isle of Wight Co.
Peirce Wm. 1648 by Mr. Phillip Bennet, Nansemond Co.
Peirce Jane 1650 by Richard Tye and Charles Sparrowe, Charles City Co.
(other Pierce on document below)
p308 Sparrow, Thomas 1637 by James Knott, New Norfolk Co.
Sparrow, Thos. 1636 by James Knott, Elizabeth City Co.
Sparrow, Alice 1654 by Phillip Chesly and Dan. Wilde, York Co.
Sparrow, John 1653 by Nicholas Perry, Charles City Co.
p 338 Vicard, Wm. 1648 by Tho. Ludwell, Gent., James City, Co.
Viccars, Bryan 1639 by by Edward Travis, James City, Co.
Viccars, Bryan 1639 by Richard Nance, Henrico, Co.
Viccars, Francis 1639 by Lieut. Richard Popeley, _____ Co.
Viccars, Mary 1639 by Richard Nance, Henrico Va.
p351 West, Robt. 1656 by Martin Baker, New Kent Co.
West, Robt. 1650 by Richard Tye and Charles Sparrowe, Charles City Co.
West, Robt. 1639 by John Lewis, Isle of Wight Co.
p339 Wade, Rich. 1642 by Stephen Gill _____ Co.
Wade, Antho 1654 by Robert Holt, James City Co.
Wade, Mary 1653 by John Bishop and James Mason, Surry Co.
Wade, Thomas 1637 by Alice Edloe, Henrico Co.
Wade, Eliz. 1654 by John Watson and John Bognall, Westmoreland Co.
Wade, Tho. 1653 by John Maddison, Gloucester Co.
Wade, Wm. 1656 by Richard Gible, Northumberland Co.
Wade, Phillipp 1642 by John King, Charlse River Co.
Wade, Edward 1638 by Robt. Martin, Lower New Norfolk Co.
Wade, John 1642 by Bartholomew Knipe _____ Co.
Butler Center, Little Rock Arkansas