p. 19 (223) John Sykes of Edge. Prect., Albermarle Co. to John Hatcher of Edge. Prect. 10 Nov. 1737 9 pounds current money of Va. 170 acres more or less a tract and plantation upon the creek below the sd. John Sikes’ house, joining the Gum branch and the south side of swift creek part of a patent granted to Jacob Pope 12 July 17– Wit: John Lawrence, Cornelius Jordan, Peter Rigg Reg. (place not given) Nov. Ct. 1737 T. Kearney D. C. Ct.
(pg224) Samuel Williams (prect, not identified) to John Egerton (prect. not identified) 1 Dec 1737 120 pounds 100 acres on the south side of Roanoke river being a tract and plantation, joining a branch all houses, buildings, etc. Wit: Thomas Kearney, R. Whittington Reg. (place not given) Feb. Ct. 1737
Deed Book 6 p. 7
DB-6-124 Ann Croom, wife of Richard Croom of Dobbs Co., N.C., was daughter of Jesse Hare, decd., March 23, 1788.
DB-6-125 Elizabeth Mary Ann King Croom, wife of Isaac Croom of Dobbs Co., N.C., was daughter of Jesse Hare, decd., March 23, 1788.
page 20
DB 8-292 James Cobb of Wayne Co., N.C. sold to Stephen Cobb his one-fifth interest in dower land of Patience Cobb, widow of Stephen Cobb, Esq., decd., Aug 11, 1793.
DB-8 297 Stephen Cobb and James Cobb of Wayne Co. N.C. and John Cobb, dec’d were all sons of Stephen Cobb, Esq. , dec’d Feb 23, 1793.
DB 8-303 Benjamin Cobb of Nash Co., N.C., Stephen Cobb of Wayne Co., N.C. and John Cobb, decd. were all sons of Stephen Cobb, Esq., dec., Feb 23, 1793
DB 9-8 Robert Peele, Junr, was son of Robert Peelle, Senr., May 25, 1798.
DB9-35 Release of claim to the land of Uriah Vickers, decd., by Christopher Edwards and wife, Salania Edwards, to Stephen Vickers of Darlington Co., South Carolina as attorney for Samuel Harrill and wife of the District of Charlestown, South Carolina, March 27, 1798.
DB-9-272 Sarah Harrel was wife of Samuel Harrel of the District of Charleston, South Carolina, and was sister of Uriah Vickers, decd., of Edgecombe Co., March 28, 1798.
DB9-273 Uriah Vickers, dec’d, Sarah Harrel, and Selany Edwards were children of George Vickers, decd., March 28, 1798.
DB11-50 Oct. 7, 1803 John, Cobb dec’d., among (1) David Cobb, decd.; (2) Nathan Cobb, dec’d (3) James Cobb, dec’d; (4) Stephen Cobb (5) Benjamin Cobb – “all which lands except Lot No. 1 now belongs to James Cobb. His father James Cobb, dec;d having in his lifetime purchased the rights of Benjamin, Nathan, and Stephen Cobb which, together with his own part, he willed to his son, James Cobb. Lot No. 1 now belonging to Benja. Farmer descended to his wife, Polly (formerly Polly Cobb) from her father, David Cobb, decd.”
p.66 DB11-530 April 24, 1792 John Cobb, orphan of Stephen Cobb, Esq. Nathan Cobb of Wayne Co. received a one-fifth part of the land of said John Cobb, April 24, 1792.
p. 78 DB 12-323 Feb. 16, 1808 dower land of Patience Cobb, decd, in Edgecombe Co., which descended to the heirs of Stephen Cobb, decd., after her death between Stephen Cobb who had purchased three other shares and Etheldred Deberry who received a one-fifth share and sold this to said Stephen Cobb.
p. 80 DB12-429 May 17, 1808
Etheldred Deberry and wife, Polly (Mary), sold to Stephen Cobb their one-fifth interest in the dower land of Patience Cobb, decTab Contentd., in Edgecombe Co, which fell to said Deberry in right of his wife.
Other Cobbs: Allen, Amos, Arsideny, Benja, Caroline, Celia, David, Eaton, Edward, Elizabeth, Elva (Elvey), Ephraim, Fred, Gray, Jas., Jonas, Josh, Joshua, Leaston S., Lydia, Marg., Martha, Mary, Penelope, Rebca, Rhody, Sally, Sarah, Tabitha L., Winnifred, Winney
by Joseph W. Watson 1969
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