Deed  Book 8

p. 27 – 16 May 1795
246-(289) Commissioners’ report on the division of the lands of Cornelius Jordan. . . 150 acres on Great Swamp, joining Stephen Cobb, . . .

248 (292) 11 Aug 1793
James Cobb of Wayne Co to Stephen Cobb.  100 silver dollars.  All my right to the land set off by the court to Patience Cobb widow of Stephen Cobb equire dec’d as her dower, joining below the road from the ford across Contentnea below the mill with the acre set off for the mill; the part being 1/5 part of her dower.  Wit:  Benja Cobb, John Morris, Chas Coleman. May Ct. 1795. Edward Hall CC

p. 28
253 (297) Stephen Cobb of Wayne Co to James Cobb of same.  11 Au 1793.  400 silver dollars.  All his right to land that was allotted by the jury that divided the land of Stephen Cobb Esq dec’d between the heirs of the sd dec’d, being part laid off for John Cobb now dec’d (who was) orphan of Stephen Cobb Esq dec’d, including Brookins & the High Hill fields; my rights to the same being 2/5 of the same (1/5 by purchase from Benja Cobb 1 of the heiars of the sd dec’d orphan 23 Feb 1793; the other 1/5 became my property as an heir of the sd dec’d orphan).  Wit: Benja Cobb, John Morris, Chas Coleman.  Proved May Ct 1795.  Edward Hall CC

259 (303) Benjamin Cobb planter of Nash Co to Stephen Cobb planter of Wayne Co. 23 Feb 1793. 100 pounds.  All my right, being a fifth part, to the land allotted to me by the jury that divided the real estate of Stephen Cobb Esq dec’d “to John Cobb, or of the said Stephen Cobb, who is also now deceased.”  Wit: David Hall, Jas Cobb, Chas Coleman.  Proved May Ct 1795.  Edward Hall CC

260 (304) Stephen Cobb of wayne Co to James Cobb of same.  8 Sep 1791. 20 pounds. 20 acres which was part of the land allotted to me by the jury that divided the lands of my father, on the north side of Contentnea Creek, joining Owens field, a slash, sd James & myself, Owens Branch, the mouth of Marsh Branch.  Wit:  William Hogg, Charles Coleman.  Proved May Ct 1795. Edward Hall CC

p. 30
273 (317) Benjamin Cobb of Nash Co to Stephen Cobb of Wayne Co. 8 Aug 1794.  100 silver dollars.  All my right to the land allotted by the jury to award the dower to Patience Cobb widow of Stephen Cobb Esq dec’d, below the road from the ford across Contentnea below the mill, but excepting the acre allotted for the use of the same mill; my right of the sd lands being a fifth part of that which was allotted to sd Patience Cobb widow as her dower.  Wit: Jas Cobb, Chas Coleman.  proved May Ct 1795. Edward Hall CC

p. 42
391 (442) William White . . . joining Stephen Cobb

p. 78
719 (722) thomas jordan of Edgcombe Co . . . joining Stephen Cobb

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