Abstracts of deeds from 1681 through the revolution -petitions, divisions, and marriages found in Perquimans and adjacent counties.
Page 7 The Court held May, 1693, shows sitting as Justices, Alexander Lillington, Caleb Calloway, and John Barrow. The will of Robert Smith was proven at this court, and Jonathan Bateman and John Durant (son of George) were appointed to appraise his estate. Mrs. Sarah Woolard secured an order of court, demanding estate due her, “now in the hands of Mr. Edward Smythrick in Chowan county.” On the grand jury are found the names of “Timo Pead, Mr Rich Evins, Mr Antho Dawson, Mr Geo Branch, Mr Israel Snelling, Mr Thomas Tondle (Toddy), Mr Jno Little, Mr Jno Stepne, Mr James Hogg. The pettit jury consisted of Mr Ralph Fletcher, Mr Christopher Butler, Mr Timo Clare, Mr James Thigpen, Mr Tho. Pierce, Mr Patrick Kenedy, Mr Ste. Mannering (Manwarring), Mr Robert Brightwell, Mr Geo Eames, Mr Isac Wilson, Mr John Willoughby, Mr Francis Foster.” Robert and Johanna Beasley were paid for six days attending court, and Caleb Calloway received 30 shillings from the estate of “Guyles Long deceased” for what reason is not specified.
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Court February 1694 Rights were proven by Thomas Pierce, for himself, John, Susanna, Ruth, Dorothy, Mary and John Pierce. Hannah Gosby proved rights for her son John Gosby, Jno Anderson, Jean Anderson, Katherine Kinsey, Jeremiah White and Henry Clayton (John Kinsey came to North Carolina from Nansemond County, Virginia, and wedded Katherine, daughter of Francis Toms, having one son, John, born 1692, his death occurring soon after, she married second John Nicholson)… Samuel Nicholson rights for Christopher Nicholson, and Hannah his wife (who came from New England) Deliverance Sutton (daughter of said Christopher, and wife of Joseph Sutton) Francis Simons, Hannah Nicholson… Edward Mayo, also Em John and Ann Nixon, and Samuel and Affica Pike…
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… Jurors appointed for their case; … Robert Moline (Modlin), John Belman (who immigrated to Perquimans from Surry County, Va.) …
January Court, 1696/7 was “holden” at the house of Thomas Nichols, with Justices present; Mr. John Godfrey, Caleb Calleway, Captain Ralph Fletcher, John Barrow, and Samuel Nicholson. James Oates appeared for the first time at this court. Rights were proven by Thomas Speight, for himself, John Morres (Morris), Elizabeth, John, Junior, William, and Mare Morres. Denis Maclenden proved rights for himself, Rebecca Carpenter, Elizabeth Brient, Denis Francis, and Thomas Maclenden. Abraham Williams rights for himself, wife Anne, and Edward, and John Williams. Peter Jones brought suit in this court. In March, 1696/7, John Stepney took oath as Clerk of Perquimans. Court at the house of Mr. Thomas Blount April, 1697, with Justices present; Caleb Calleway, Judge Captain Ralph Fletcher, Mr. John Barrow, Mr. John Godfrey, Mr. John Whedby and Mr. Samuel Nicholson. Richard Nowel and Ellener, his wife, acknowledged a deed of gift to their daughter, Allis. Mr. John Whedby did the same for his two children, Richand and Deborah. John Lilly, Robert Harmon and Jonathan Tailor were appointed constables of the precinct.
November 29, 1694 ... Jacob Overman proved rights for himself, Dorothy, Jacob, Junior, Tho., Ephrim, margery, Charles, and Ann Overman …
Page 11 January Court, 1696/7 was “holden” at the house of Thomas Nichols, with Justices present; Mr. John Godfrey, Caleb Calleway, Captain Ralph Fletcher, John Barrow, and Samuel Nicholson. James Oates appeared for the first time at this court. Rights were proven by Thomas Speight, for himself, John Morres (Morris), Elizabeth, John, Junior, William, and Mare Morres. Denis Maclenden proved rights for himself, Rebecca Carpenter, Elizabeth Brient, Denis Francis, and Thomas Maclenden. Abraham Williams rights for himself, wife Anne, and Edward, and John Williams. Peter Jones brought suit in this court. In March, 1696/7, John Stepney took oath as Clerk of Perquimans. Court at the house of Mr. Thomas Blount April, 1697, with Justices present; Caleb Calleway, Judge Captain Ralph Fletcher, Mr. John Barrow, Mr. John Godfrey, Mr. John Whedby and Mr. Samuel Nicholson. Richard Nowel and Ellener, his wife, acknowledged a deed of gift to their daughter, Allis. Mr. John Whedby did the same for his two children, Richand and Deborah. John Lilly, Robert Harmon and Jonathan Tailor were appointed constables of the precinct.
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Court at Mr. James Oates October, 1698 … The Court of January, 1699, came to order at the same house… In October of the same year a “Grate brig” is mentioned over the head of Perquimans River, where James Perrisho served as overseer. This bridge was probably the same later called “Newbys Bridge” and crossed the River beyond Belvidere going to Piney Woods.
Court at the house of Captain Anthony Dawson April 8, 1701, at which time Captain Ralph Fletcher had been advanced to the office of Judge of the precinct. Justices Samuel Nicholson, Francis Foster, James Cole, and Samuel Charles. The next court July 8, 1701, at same house, Robert Inkrsone “sheweth that Walter Sestion is ded Haven Made No Will” prays for administration on his estate “having married Rellock of said Sestion.” John Pricklo petitioned the court that “ffrancis Bedson (Belson) Lay Sick at His— (House). A long time, who died and was Buried At His on Cost, now prays for Custodie of his Estate.”
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Governor Walker had sworn in three new justices, Samuel Swann, Frances Toms, and William Glover.
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Mrs. Deborah Whedbee, widow of John, married second Dennis Macclenden, and it was at her house that Court was held July 9, 1706, the presumption being admissible that she was a widow for the second time. The Justices present at this Court were James Cole, Thomas Long, Joseph Sutton, Senior, William Long, Esquires. Ezekiel Maudlin, deceased, his wife, Hannah, being Administratrix. Ralph Bosman was appointed Constable. Ordered that John Parish, Francis Beesley and Samuel Phelp be “packers” for this precinct, “John Parish from the head of Little River to the mouth thereof and soe around up Pequimins River to Lillys Creek,” and Francis Beasley and Samuel Phelps for the remainder of the precinct. Plainly this demonstrates the fact that along.
A motion was made by Richard Cheston in Court July 3, 1740, for laying out a road from Newbys Point to the main road leading to Morgans. Granted.
This road appears to be the same which now runs from the Causeway to Winfall. Zachariah Nixon, Richard Cheston and James Morgan, Senior, were appointed to lay off the road. On the same date Mary Newby, widow, petitioned the court that her “Tithables be taken off the main road to labour on the ferry road, it being more Convenient to me than the main road and I can better tend the ferry if any person Comes to be Set over my lands being on that road Can Set them over so shall get no Blame.” (Petition granted.) Mary Newby (nee Toms, wife of Nathan first) was required to give bond after the death of her husband in 1735 for the maintenance of the ferry between her Point and where the ferry landed on the Phelps Point side. She exhibited her husbands will in Court, July, 1735. Soon after his death she married Samuel Moore. Her son, Nathan (2), continued to operate the ferry, which was later cared for by Samuel Pretlow who married his widow. Jonathan Phelps, who had charge of the ferry on the Hertford side, died before January, 1769, when Francis Nixon in behalf of Benjamin Phelps, his son, petitioned the Court showing that about January 1, 1767, he had rented the ferry and ferry house in the town of Hertford and by Order of Court for six years on condition that the highest bidder should pay the rent yearly which had been bid off to Hatten Williams in behalf of William Newbold, now in possession, who failed to pay the rent, and said Nixon now prayed for the use of said premises for four years. This Francis Nixon had married the widow of Nathan Newby (2). She being Kesiah Pierce, daughter of Thomas, and having for her third husband Samuel Pretlow. Dorothy Phelps (nee Jordan daughter of Matthew Jordan of Isle of Wight County, Virginia), wife of Jonathan had by him son, Benjamin, and a daughter, Dorothy. The widow of Jonathan Phelps married second John Skinner, and he is found at a later date keeping the ferry.
A motion was made by Richard Cheston in Court July 3, 1740, for laying out a road from Newbys Point to the main road leading to Morgans. Granted.
This road appears to be the same which now runs from the Causeway to Winfall. Zachariah Nixon, Richard Cheston and James Morgan, Senior, were appointed to lay off the road. On the same date Mary Newby, widow, petitioned the court that her “Tithables be taken off the main road to labour on the ferry road, it being more Convenient to me than the main road and I can better tend the ferry if any person Comes to be Set over my lands being on that road Can Set them over so shall get no Blame.” (Petition granted.) Mary Newby (nee Toms, wife of Nathan first) was required to give bond after the death of her husband in 1735 for the maintenance of the ferry between her Point and where the ferry landed on the Phelps Point side. She exhibited her husbands will in Court, July, 1735. Soon after his death she married Samuel Moore. Her son, Nathan (2), continued to operate the ferry, which was later cared for by Samuel Pretlow who married his widow. Jonathan Phelps, who had charge of the ferry on the Hertford side, died before January, 1769, when Francis Nixon in behalf of Benjamin Phelps, his son, petitioned the Court showing that about January 1, 1767, he had rented the ferry and ferry house in the town of Hertford and by Order of Court for six years on condition that the highest bidder should pay the rent yearly which had been bid off to Hatten Williams in behalf of William Newbold, now in possession, who failed to pay the rent, and said Nixon now prayed for the use of said premises for four years. This Francis Nixon had married the widow of Nathan Newby (2). She being Kesiah Pierce, daughter of Thomas, and having for her third husband Samuel Pretlow. Dorothy Phelps (nee Jordan daughter of Matthew Jordan of Isle of Wight County, Virginia), wife of Jonathan had by him son, Benjamin, and a daughter, Dorothy. The widow of Jonathan Phelps married second John Skinner, and he is found at a later date keeping the ferry.
No. 20. Grant from Lords Pro’ unto Francis Toms, planter-478a on West side of Perq River, adj Robert Wilson due sd Toms for Trans’ of eleven persons into the Country.” Feb 6, 1687. Seth Sothel Gov, & Comd-in-Chief. Councillors; Thomas Miller, Anthony Slocum, James Blount, Thomas Harvey.
No. 21. Wm Charles of Yeopim, “in con’ of a plan’ where I now live, 300a up Perq River, now in poss’ of my brother Daniel (formerly John Lacys) delivered to us by our father-in-law Francis Toms, do assign to sd Francis 140a on East side of Perq River.” April 11, 1687. Test’ John Stepney, Anthony Heathcott, Edward Mayo Sen’r.
No. 22. Francis Toms of Perq River, in con’ of a plan’ on East side of sd River delivered to me by Wm Charles, do covey to sd Daniel, & Samuel Charles, Brother of sd William, 300a on West side of Perq River, “taken out of my Dividend of 580a,” adj land of Robert Wilson Mar 26, 1687. Test’ John Stepney, Anthony Heathcoatt. Edward Mayo Sec’r.
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No. 25 Thomas Kent of Perq, Planter – “do assign all right to Land mentioned in Bill of Sale unto Ralph fletcher.” June 27, 1672. Test’ Samuel Pricklove. Thomas Harris Clerk Court.
No. 33. George Castleton, to Richard Evins 150a “upon a Creek out of Perq River, called perishoes Creek, adj James perisho, & William Steward, sd land Surveyed by Wm James, Deputy Surveyor for the Co.” Entered May 24, 1688. Test’ Dan’l Snuke, Wm Chapman.
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No. 44. John Bellman of Albemarle, assigns to Richard Byar “houses, clear Ground on Franks Creek, on North side of River.” 25day 8mo 1687. Test’ Peter Gray, Robert Wilson
No. 48. John Eldin, to Wm Steward, & Samuel Green, “a parcel of Land adj Lands of James perisho, with two sows, & five shoats, now running on said Land.” Feb 27, 1678/9. Test’ Sam’l Pricklove, Geo Harris.
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No. 51. Wm Vose of Albemarle, planter—for £30 pd by Israel Snellin, sold 100a on North side of Perq River, between land of Ralph Fletcher, & Wm Lawrence. William & Joan Vose. Nov—1663. Test’ Wm Bundy, John Whedbee Robert Wilson
No. 52. Wm Vose, “for love I bear my dau’ Margaret,” wife of Jonathan Jones, do give 100a where I now live, on the “Point” of the River. Wm Vose, & Joan Vose. Aug 20, 1690. Test’ Ralph Fletcher, James Morgan.
No. 65 Samuel Nicholson, for love I vear my brother, Joseph, do give 200a on North east side of Perq River, adj land formerly Joseph Scotts called “Log house Land” when it shall come into my hands by the death of Ann Dorman, the Relict of Christopher Nicholson Dec’d. Oct 5, 1691. Test’ Peter Gray, John Kinse, John Lawrence
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No. 92 Samuel Nicholson of Albemarle, for £20 pd by Joseph Nicholson of same – sold 300a West side of Suttons Creek, “to me grt by the Lords Pro’ May 22, 1694. Seal Aug 13, 1694. Test’ John Whedbee, John Stepney.
No. 95 Jan 7, 1694 Charles Tailor of N.C. Cordwainer – to Jacob Overman, Bricklayer – of same 132a “abutting on Land of John Tomlin. & Wm Jackson & East side of Little River.” Ack’ in Gen’l Court Feb 26, 1694. Test’ Henry Whitr, Arnold White.
No. 97. Jenkins Williams, & Joanna his wife, for £5 pd by Joseph Sutton, sold 158a, & one half, (pt of a patent recorded May 15, 1694) on Perq River, adj said Sutton. Feb 7, 1694. Test’ Stephen Manwarring, James perishow.
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No. 103. Jonathan Bateman of Perq, Planter, sold unto Samuel Parsons, of afsd planter — 300a on “Beaver Cover” adj Ralph Fletcher, & sd Parsons. Sept 22, 1695. Test’ Richard Bayle. John Stepney Reg of all writings for Perq Pre’ct.
No. 115. Stephen Manwarring of Perq, “Entitled to a tract of Land, 640a as by Patent, May 1, 1695, in con’ of a bill of Sale under the hand of James perishow of same—assigns 240a, pt of sd tract, in possession of sd Stephen, at the lower End of Bear Garden along the Swamp to the Creek.” (Vosses Creek) Jan 9, 1696-7. Test’ Anthony Dawson, Patrick Kenedy, Cullum Flyn.
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No. 116. James perishow of Perq, planter-in con’ of a Deed of Sale, from Stephen Manwaring of same—do assign unto sd Manwaring, plan’ on South west side of Perq River, down to a Creek called “perishows” adj Wm Steward. Jan 9, 1696. Test’ Anthony Dawson, Patrick Kenedy, Cullum Flyn.
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No. 127. 10, 3-mo 1697. Lawrence Hunt, & Elizabeth his wife, unto John Morgan, a Patent of Land of Perq. Test’ James perishow, Ralph Fletcher.
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No. 139 Samuel Nicholson & John Nicholson (Ex of Joseph Nicholson Dec’d) assign right of a Conveyance, unto Andrew Reed, “for a con’ pd by Joseph Nicholson, before his death” Jan 11, 1698. Test’ Caleb Caleway, John Barrow
No. 148. James Cole, & Mary his wife, for £30 in hand pd by John Stepney, assigns a Patent. April 11, 1699. Test’ Ralph Fletcher, John Whedby, John Barrow Justice.
No. 151. Samuel Charles, & Elizabeth his wife, of the Co of Albemarle for a Val’ Con’ pd by Gabriel Newby, of same, sold 240a on West-side of Perq River, adj Robert Wilson. “Land purchased by me of my father (step father) Toms.” Mar 26, 1699. Test’ John Stepney, John Nicholson.
No. 153. John Pierce, for a Val’ Con’ unto Jacob Peterson Senior, of Perq. Land “Patent to me granted” Feb 25, 1696. Wm. Glover Clerk. Test’ Alex Lillingon, Caleb Callaway.
No. 154. John Stepney, & Marcy his wife, for £40 pd by James Coles, sold 300a on West-side of Perq River—“a patent granted to John Pierce Sept 1, 1694.” Seal July 11, 1699. Test’ Isaac Wilson, Daniel Phillips.
No. 157. Edward Holmes of Car, sold 200a “for a Val’ Con’ pd by John Lilly” Said Land taken up by Daniel Snoke, & sold to said Lilly by said Snuke, Feb 25, 1696, on lines of John Pricklove, Phelps, & David Sharwood. Elizabeth Holmes Ack her dower right. Test’ Callum Flin, Peter Gray.
No. 158. James Thigpen Att’ to Stephen Manwaring, late of N. C. sold to John Lilly of same, 30a formerly belonging to Wm Voss, purchased of said Wm Voss by Stephen Manwaring, Jan 16, 1696, on line of Francis Toms & Jonathan Jones. Oct 1, 1700. Test’ Gabriel Newby, Mary Newby.
No. 160. John Bennett, “assigns right of within mentioned Contents,” unto Wm Hall. Oct 8, 1700. Test’ Ralph Fletcher, John Barrow.
No. 164. Wm Glover of Pasquotank Pre’ct, in Albemarle Co, Gent; for £5 pd by Isaac Wilson, of same, 490a in Perquimans percinct, adj Robert Wilson. Nov 20, 1699. Test’ John Porter, Daniel Akehurst, Thos Abington.
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No. 178. Ann Wilson, widow & Relict of Robert Wilson Dec’d* doth assign “my Interest in Estate, both Real & Personal unto John Belman & Isaac Wilson (her son & son-in-law) jointly to possess & Enjoy.” 11-5mo 1701. Test’ David Sherwood, Joseph Smith, George Bion.
*Robert Wilson came ot Perquimans precinct from Chuckatuck, Nansemond Co. Va. He was a Quaker, and lived on “The Narrows of Perq River” where he died “at his own house Dec. 21, 1696.” His wife Ann (nee Blount, dau of Thomas) went back to Va. after the death of her husband, where her will may be found in Surry Co Va. Isaac Wilson son of above, married Ann Parker, who married 2d John Pettiver.
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No. 192 Ralph Fletcher Sr. of Perq to dau Margaret 170a on North west side of land seated by Jenkins Williams & South west side of “Grassy Point Gut.” Mar 21, 1702. Test’ Ralph Fletcher, Jane Fletcher, Orphans Court Aug 11, 1702.
No. 193. July 23, 1701. Wm Friley & Grace his wife, dau of Joshua Scott Dec’d for £15 pd by Ezekiel Moadley (Modlin) sold 66a on North side of Perq River, being one third of 200a formerly belonging to sd Joshua Scott. Test’ Daniel hall, Joseph Sutton, John Bird.
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No. 204. Isaac Wilson of Perq Pre’ct, planter—for £5 pd by Ralph Bosman, sold 150a “on East-side of great Pond, to the small Ponds, & the head of Robert Wilsons Creek, & down said Branch to Horse Bridge, being line between Isaac Wilson & Samuel Phelps.” Mar 9, 1702/3. Isaac Wilson, & Ann Wilson. Test’ James Coles, Peter Godfrey.
No. 212 Ralph Fletcher Sen’r of Perq Prec’ct, for “Love & Natual Aff’ that I do bear to my Son Ralph Fletcher Jun’r, Bequeath to said son all my plan lying betwixt land of Francis Toms sen’r & Land of Rachel Snelling,” dau of Israel Dec’d Jan 12, 1703/4. Thomas Snoden Clerk of Court. Test’ Francis Foster, James Coles.
No. 213 Ralph Fletcher, Jun’r of Perq Pre’ct, for Love & Aff’ I bear My father Ralph Fletcher Sen’r, “do give to him half of that plan’, between land of Francis Toms Sen’r & Rachel Snelling,” dau of Israel Dec’d. Jany 14, 1703/4 Test’ Francis Foster, James Coles.
No. 214. Jan 10, 1703. Capt Ralph Fletcher of Perq Pre’ct, for £20 to Richard Burtonshall, Planter – assigns plan’, now in poss’ of said Burtonshall, 300a. Reg Jan 13, 1703/4 Test’ Thomas Snoden, Thomas Houghton
No. 219. April 11, 1704. James Morgan, Sen’r of Perq Pre’ct, Planter—“for Love & Aff’ I have to my son Williiam Morgan,” hath given 100a to him, on Vosses Creek, adj James Thigpen, & Thomas Harveys plan’. Test’ Anthony Haskins Sen’r (Haskit), Peter Gray.
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No. 223 Ralph Fletcher “the Elder,” of Perq, “for Love & Aff. I do bear by Dau Margaret Harvey, wife of Thomas Harvey,” of afore’ have given Land, adj that seated by Jenkins Williams & East by Grassy point Gut. 170a. April 11, 1704. Test’ John Stepney, Tho Snoden.
No. 224 David Harris & Elizabeth his wife, to Thomas Harvey 200a on Vosses Creek, adj John Morgan, Wm Morgan & Francis Toms. Jan 2, 1703/4. Test’ Ralph Fletcher, John Flowers.
No. 225 Thomas Harvey & Margaret his wife … Test’ Ralph Fletcher, John Flowers
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No. 249. Ezekiel Mauldin, for £7 s10 to me pd by Timothy Clear, assigns Land. April 26, 1705.
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No. 269 Wm Glover of Perq precinct, Esq – for £28, pd by Jonathan Stanley, of same, Mariner – “all my Plan” 316a on South-west side of Little River, between Lands of John Arnold & Thomas Holloway. Reg 15 April 1707. Test’ Robert Hosea, John Arnold, Joseph Glover, John Willoughby.
No. 271 Edward Phelps of Chowan precinct sold to Wm Stevens of Perquimans 64a of Land. Jan 4, 1705/6. Test’ Godfrey Spruiel, Geo Durant. Thomas Abington C.C. (Pasq Pre’ct).
No. 272 Edward Phelps of Albermarle, appoints Mr. James Fox of same, Att to this Court, in a sale of Land to Mr. Wm Stevens, of same, called “White-oak Land” on South-side of Albermarl Sound, “between Scupernong, & Alegater.” Aug 25, 1705. Francs Phelps, her dower right.
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No. 310. James Coles of Perq, assigns “Rite” of a Patent, to James perishoe, of afore’. Aug 12, 1712.
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No. 326 1 April 1713, Jonathan Stanly of Perq Pre’ct & Elizabeth his wife sold to Cornelius Ratliff of same for £35 sold a Plan’, which “I purchased of Honb’le Wm Glover, Esq -313 a. between lands of John Arnold & Thomas Holloway. Reg Aug 13, 1713. Test’ T Knight, Richard Sanderson
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No. 356. Timothy Clear, of Albemarle, for £15 s5 pd by Francis Smith, of afore’ sold 300a in the “Narrows” of Perq River, commonly called “Sanders Dock” Patented in the name of Ezekiel Maudlin, & assigned by him to me July 10, 1705. Seal Aug 25, 1715. Court at Mr Richard French Oct 11, 1715.
No. 359 Oct 1, 1715, Richard Ratliff, Planter – of Perq Pre’ct to Wm Hall, Blacksmith – by order of my brother Cornelius Ratcliffe, Carpenter – Late of the Perq Pre’ct for £40 pd by said Hall assigns Plan’ which my Brother Cornelius bought of Jonathan Stanley & Elizabeth his wife – 313a on the West- side of Little River between Lands of John Arnold & Thomas Holloway. Test’ Daniel Guthrie, Christopher Dudley.
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No. 33. Elleaner Attaway of Perq, Spinster—Whereas “my father Thomas Attaway Dyed Seized of a Tract of Land” 208a on North-side of Perq River, on lines of John Bateman, & James perishow, “which fell to me & my Sister Mary, as coheirs of said Thomas,” in Con’ of £15 pd to me by Harris Willoby, Planter—have sold half of said Tract, adj other half, “now in possession of my mother Elizabeth,” which belonged to my sister Mary. May 27, 1716. Test’ Rich Smith, Dan’l Guthrie.
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No. 51. Edward Mauldin of Perq, for a “Val’ Con’ pd by John Henby” of afore’ sold 104a, & ½, being “one half of the Land of my wife Mary, & the said John Henbys wife Hannah” on Gum Swamp, Perq River, & Suttons Creek. Test’ Rich’d Ratlif, Rich’d Cheston, Ezekiel Maudlin. Reg July 12, 1718.
No. 113. Thomas Collings, of Albemarle, Planter—for £33 pd by Ralph Fletcher, of afore’ Weaver—Sold 203a on No side of Perq River, adj John Bateman, & John Flowers. Jan, 1722. Test’ Charles Denman, Jeremiah Symone
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No. 130 James Coles, Carpenter & Mary my wife, of Perq -for £30 to Lewis Alexander Knight & Emanuel Knight (his brother) of Afore’ Planters – sold Plan’ (bought of Wm Hall, heir to Ann Peterson Dec’d) on N. E. side of Perq River, 100a adj Land of Christopher Nicholson & the land of John Kinsey, “which was sold Mar 14, 1672 to Thos Kent, by one Wm Vose of said Pre’ct, being part of 200 a Granted Sept 25, 1663, & signed by Sir William Berkeley.” Seal April 14, 1702. Test’ Samuel Swann, Jun’r. Ralf Fletcher.
No. 131 … by Joseph Sutton Jun’r of Perq. assigned “Right of Within Deed.” Oct 9, 1716 Test’ Francis Toms, Richard Leary
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No. 142. Edward Maudlin of Perq, for £20 pd by Richard Ratlif of afore’ Sold part of Tract, 60a on N. east side of Perq River, adj said Richard, it being the third part of 200a, of which said Richard hath the other two thirds. Test’ Ezekiel Mauldin, Francis Croxton. Edward & Mary Maudlin. Reg May 20, 1723.No. 144. Oct 8, 1723. Daniel Smith of Perq, & Sarah his wife, “to John Powell of upper parish of Nansemond Co in Va,” for £23, assigned 250a on S. W. side of Perq River, adj Timothy Clare, on River Pocoson, to Thomas Roundtrees line, “to me Grt April 1, 1720.” Test’ Ezekiel maudling, Wm Bastable.
No. 144. Oct 8, 1723. Daniel Smith of Perq, & Sarah his wife, “to John Powell of upper parish of Nansemond Co in Va,” for £23, assigned 250a on S. W. side of Perq River, adj Timothy Clare, on River Pocoson, to Thomas Roundtrees line, “to me Grt April 1, 1720.” Test’ Ezekiel Maudling, Wm Bastable.
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No. 187. James perisho, of Perq, for £15 pd by “my Brother John perisho” of afore’ sold half of Tract Grt to John Anderson 29 — 1703 (Whole tract 209a) “assigned by said Anderson, to James Layton, & by Layton, to Daniel Guthrie, who assigned same to Edward Ellson, by him to James Coles, & said Coles to me.” Land on N. side of Perq River. Dec 11, 1714/15. Test’ J. Jessop, John Morgan.
No. 188 Ephrim Overman, Yeoman, & Sarah his wife, for £100 pd by Henry & Arnold White Jun’r of afore’ sold 245a on S.W. Side of Little River Swamp, adj Wn Jackson. Dec 26, 2714. Test’ Sam’l Charles, Robert Cox Jun’r, Jeremiah Symonds.
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No. 201. Wm Boswell, of Albemarle, for £30 pd by Thomas Trowbell, of afore’ sold 175a in the “mouth of Perq River,” on a Creek called “Lillys” half of Tract “pat’ by Anne, & Elizabeth Walker,” in the year 1694, the other half belonging to Joshua Calloway. April 13, 1725. Test’ John perishoe, William Wood.
No. 203. George Sutton, Eldest son of Joseph: for £20 pd by Edward Maudlin of same, assigns “right of Land in said Pattent.” Test’ Robert Hicks, Jo— Oates. Jan 12, 1724.
No. 211. John Flowers, Shoemaker, & wife Mary, of Perq—for £30 pd by John Pettiver, of same, sold 200a—100a on N. E. side of the River, adj Ralph Fletcher & 100a adj Land of Wm Lacy dec’d, near a Mill Dam, called “Isaac Willsons” upon Vosses Creek, now in possession of Thomas Sharbo, a planter. July 30, 1725. Test’ Charles Denman, John Falconer.
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No. 247 John Barlet of “Little River,” in perq Pre’ct, Planter – for £25 pd by John parish, of same, sold 599a adj John Newby & Jacob Overman, a patent from Lords Pro’ of N.C. Oct 11, 1726. Test’ Jo. Oates, William Man.
No. 256 Wm Boswell of Perq. Planter – for 30lbs “in good Pork,” pd by Wm Bundy of same, Merchant – sold 75a, on So Wt side of Little River. Land Grt May 15, 1702 to John Shaw & by him sold to James Newby, by said Newby sold to Christopher Nicholson & by said Nicholson “in his will given to Margaret his dau’ now wife of said Wm Boswell”, April 17, 1732. Test’ Jacob Chancy, Thos Weeks
No. 263. Thomas Winslow, of Perq, For £15 pd by James Field of afore’ sold part of Tract, on No East side of Perq River, adj Sarah Robinson, & Luke Hollowell; Part of 400a Grt to Thomas Winslow Nov 11, 1719, “next the River,” & the said Tho Winslows Land. 100a. Oct 9, 1727. Test’ Wm Moore, James Morgan.
No. 268. Wm Moore, of Perq, for £20 pd by James Morgan, of afore’ sold 100a on No East side of Perq River, adj Timothy Clears dec’d, & Wm Morgans line, “Grt to Wm Bogue, & by him Elapsed,” now Grt to me on June 8, 1725. Oct 9, 1727. Test’ Jos Jessop, John Falconer.
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No. 305. Jan 20, 1728/9. Joseph Godfrey, of Perq, to Eziekiel Maudlin, of afore’ Merc’t—for £30, with Wm Godfrey, my brother, “Confirm unto said Maudlin, 100a on So West side of Little River, on line of Wm Evens, taken up by John Godfrey year 1694.” Test’ Richd Sanderson, Jun’r, Nathan Newby. Thos Crew Clk.
No. 306. Francis Toms, of Perq, for £25 pd by Jonathan Phelps, of afore’ sold 100a on No E. side of Perq River, adj Samuel Swann. Jan 18, 1728. Test’ Will’m Moore, J. Jessop.
No. 307. Jan 20, 1728/9. Joseph Godfrey, of Perq, to Wm Evens, of afore’ for a “certain sum,” Assigned 50a, on So West side of Little River, adj said Wm Evens, “taken up by John Godfrey year 1694.” Test’ Richd Sanderson Jr, EzekieL Maudlin
No. 308. Stephen Gibson, of Perq sold Plan “secured to me by Francis Toms,” of afore’ do “Ack’ myself fully Satisfied, also to the Satisfaction of my wife Jane Gibson,” land on No E side of Perq River, adj Arthur Jones line, to “Bridge Branch,” along Branch to John Lawrence, & along his line to the River. 75a. 11mo 9ber, 1719. Test’ Wm Moore, Jos Jessop.
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No. 311 Benj Newby, of Perq, Planter – for £110 pd by Thomas Ratcliff, of sme, “do set over” unto Joseph Rattiff 215 a on So W. side of Little River, on lines of Mr. Joseph Sutton & Jacob Overman, “an Est of Inheritance”. July 19, 1727. Test’ Thos Hollowell, Nathan Newby.
No. 312. June 27, 1729. Edward Maudlin, of Perq, Planter—to Arnold White, of afore’ for £30 “doth sell 175a,” on James Newbys line, “by a forked Branch,” & Swamp, adj Thomas Boswell. Test’ Ezekiel Maudlin, Wm —.
No. 315. Joseph Godfrey, of Perq, for £180 pd by Ezekiel Maudlin of afore’ “Doth sell 150a,” All that said Joseph now holds, called “Hacklefield land” surveyed by John Godfrey 1694, on So W. side of Little River, by a Small Creek Issuing out of Little River, adj Thos Bartlets, & Maudlins. April 21, 1729. Test’ Thos Weeks, Henry Wise.
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No. 6. John Simpson, of Perq, for £25 pd by Wm Townsend, sold 50a on Southwest side of River, on main Road, adj Phelps line. Elizabeth Simpson “her dower Right.” Mar 2, 1729/30. Test’ Wm Sanders, Robt Willson.
No. 12. Jan 20, 1728/29. Joseph Godfrey, of Perq, to Wm Evins, of afore’ a parcel of Land, on So West side of Little River (50a), adj Said Wm Evins, “taken up by John Godfrey in year 1694.” Test’ Richd Sanderson Jr, Ezekiel Maudlin
No. 13. Wm Evens, for £100 pd by Coln’l Richd Sanderson, assigns “right of within Mentioned Tract.” Nov 8, 1729. Test’ E. Maudlin. Tho Weeks.
Deed Book C
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No. 20. Wm Evens, of Perq, planter—for £200 pd by Col Richard Sanderson of afore’ sold 225a, adj “Lands of Col Hecklefield dec’d.” Nov 8, 1729. Test’ E. Maudlin, Tho Weeks.
No. 25. Wm Morgan Sen, of Perq, Planter—“For love I bear my son James Morgan of same,” do give 200a out of a Tract (328a), “now in possession of said William,” on Voses Creek, adj Francis Toms. Jan 20, 1728/9. Test’ James Morgan Jr, Wm Morgan Jr.
No. 26. Ralph Fletcher, of Perq, for £24 pd by Richd Cheston, of afore’ sold 30a on So East side of Perq River, “in middle Swamp,” known by the name of “Frog Hall” down said Swamp to a Branch, to line of Francis Toms, along his line to Wm Jones 6a, between me, & Wm Jones, to line of Francis Toms Jun. April 20, 1730. Test’ — Oates, —bert (Gilbert) Scot.
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No. 27 William Jones, of Perq. for £30 pd by Richd Cheaston of afore’ sold 20a “in the middle of a Swamp” called “Frog Hall” at a line which divides him & Ralph Fletcher. April 20, 1730. Test’ Ralph Fletcher, Isaac Elliott
No. 30 June 4, 1730 Robt Cock Sr. of Perq, planter – to Thomas Weeks, of same, schoolmaster for £110 assigned plan’ on So Wt side of Little River. “Where I now dwell,” by pattent, Sept 1, 1694, to Charles Taylor, 132a & sold by him to Jacob Overman & by said Overman to me, adj Wm Jackson. Test’ Solomon Hendrick, Job Hendrick
No. 35 Stephen Gibbens & Jane his wife of Currituck … April 19, 1731 Test’ Ralph Fletcher, James Fletcher
No. 36 Stephen Gibbens of Perq. .. pd by Sarah Morgan Jun … adj Francis Toms called “James Henby’s” 100a to me “granted, as well as by a deed of sale from Francis Toms,” Mar 1, 1719. Seal 11 of 9br 1731. Test’ Jonathan Phelps, Ralph Fletcher
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No. 43. James perishoe, of Perq, planter—for £40 pd by Clement Hall, of afore’ assigns 104a on No East side of Perq River” being the manner Plan’ on which my Father James perishoe formerly dwelt” adj Land where Jon’a. Bateman formerly lived, along John Andersons line. Oct 18, 1731. Test’ Richard Whedbee, John Bateman.
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No. 53. John Flowers, & Mary his wife, for £100 pd by David Sherwood, of Perq, sold 104a on N. E. side of Perq River, adj Land of John perishoe, George Fletcher, & John Bateman, “land left me by my Father Thomas Attoway.” July 27, 1732. Test’ Wm Suton, Samuel Swann.
No. 72. Peter Albertson, planter—for “love which I have for my son Arthur Albertson have given 145a on Suttons Creek,” adj Nath’l Nicholson, & Wm Sherwood, now in possession of Alex Steward. July 5, 1732. Test’ R. Cheaston, Ralph Fletcher.
Book C
No. 121. Isaac Elliott, of Perq, “in Exchange for a parcell of Land with James Morgan, I do ack’ myself Contented,” “assigned 15a before the said Morgans Door” between that, & Isaac Elliotts Land. Margaret Elliott her dower Right. Oct 15, 1733.
No. 123. James Morgan (son of Wm), of Perq, “in Exchange for a small parcell of land, from Isaac Elliott, do ack’ myself contented,” & do confirm unto said Isaac, 15a next to John Henbys. Oct 15, 1733. Test’ Nathan Newby, W. Sanders.
No. 157. James Morgan, of Perq, for £120 pd by Samuel Moore of same, sold 50a at the mouth of “Reedy Branch,” on Wm Morgans line, adj Moses Elliott, to line of Thomas Jessop, “along the old path called Stephen Gibbens.” Jan 20, 1734/5.578
No. 181. Robert Boyce, of Perq, Planter—for £45 pd by James Morgan, of afore’ sold 140a, on No east Side of the River, “part of a Patent to Wm Moore Sen’r, June 8, 1725, & sold by him to James Morgan Sen, Oct 9, 1727. An Est of Inheritance.” July 1, 1735. Test’ Wm Bogue, R. Cheston.
No. 182. Foster Toms, of Perq, for 40 Barrels of pork, pd by Joseph Perishoe, of afore’ Sold 250a, on No east Side of Perq River, adj “Beaver Cove Swamp,” part of a larger “Survey to my Gr-father Francis Toms Esq,” by a pattent grt by John Archdel (Archdale) Esq, Gov, & Com’ in Chief, of No Car, “with advice of Lords Pro’ at six pence per hundred quit Rents, Dated Feb 25, 1695.” Seal June 25, 1735. Test’ Richd Cheaston, Ralph Fletcher.
No. 183. James Morgan, of Perq, for £50 pd by John Henbe Jun, of afore’ Conveyed 50a at the head of “Dirty Branch” to James Morgans line, along his line to Isaac Elliott, & Thomas Jessop lines. Oct 20, 1735. Test’ Zach Nixon, Jun, J. Jessop.
No. 184. John Godfrey, of Deep Creek Perq Pre’ct, for £120, & “300 lbs of Pork pd by Thomas Godfrey, my Brother,” sold 125a (one half of land) a Patent to my Father William Godfrey, Jan 1, 1694, & “assigned by my Brother Wm Godfrey to me, & My Brother Thomas, on Deep Creek,” adj John Barclift. Nov 1, 1732. Test’ Jer Symonds, Wm Bracke.
No. 185. James Morgan Jun, of Perq, for £25 pd by Mary Newby, widow of Nathan Dec’d, of afore’ Sold 90a part of tract “at the main Road, of the path formerly Called Stephen Gibsons” along Wm Morgans line, to Francis Toms. Jan 19, 1735/6. Test’ R. Cheaston, R. Fletcher.
No. 186. Peter Albertson, of Perq, Planter—for £45 pd by John Morgan Jun, of afore’ sold 40a on No east Side of Vosses Creek Swamp, adj said Morgan. Jan 19, 1735/6. Test’ Wm Ambler, James Morgan, Jun.
No. 199. James Henby Sen’r, of Perq, for £23 pd by Edward Maudlin, of same, sold 150a part of land “whereon I now Dwell,” near the head of Vosses Creek, by the Side of “Goose Pond,” adj John Morgan Jun. Elizabeth Henby, her dower right. Jan 24, 1735. Test’ Thos Weeks, Anne Weeks.
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No. 257. John Charles, of Perq, for 14 Barrels of Pork, pd by Edw’d Maudlin, of same—sold 200a on N.East Side of Suttons Creek, adj Francis Foster, & Nathaniel Nicholson, thence to Gum Swamp, down sd Swamp to line of John Henby, & Samuel Charles, dec’d. July 6, 1734. Test’ William Bogue, Thos Weeks.
No. 265 Edward Maudlin, of Perq, planter—for “love I bear my Cousin Thomas Nicholson,” of Pasquotank, planter—have given 183a, on Fork Swamp, called “Passimon tree land,” as per Patent. Oct 15, 1739. Test’ Zach. Nixon, R. Cheston.
No. 266. Moses Ellott, of Perq, planter—for £100 pd by James Morgan, of same, sold 50a on South west Side of Perq River, called “Camponds” adj Ralph Bufkin now Caleb Elliotts, to “Union Road,” & the head line of John Smith. Oct 15, 1739. Test’ R. Cheston, Joshua Elliott.
No. 267. Wm Moore, of Perq, planter—for £10 pd by Benjamin Sanders of afsd—sold 50a on North Side of “Ballihack Swamp” adj John Townsing, & James Thomas, across Swamp to Samuel Phelps line. Aug 2, 1739. Test’ Zach. Elton, John Phelps, J. Pearson.
No. 268. Edward Maudlin, of Perq, for 7 Barrels of Pork pd by Wm Bogue, of afsd—sold 100a, on North East Side of Suttons Creek, & South Side of Gum Swamp, adj Nathaniel Nicholson, part of 200a sold to sd Maudlin by John Charles, July 6, 1734. Seal Jan 5, 1734/5. Test’ Joseph Riddick, Wm Hasket, Thos. Jessop. (last part from page 118)
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No. 266 Moses Ellott of Perq, planter – for £100 pd by James Morgan, of same, sold 50a on South west Side of Perq River, called “Camponds” adj Ralph Bufkin now Caleb Elliotts, to “Union Road,” & the head line of John Smith. Oct 15, 1739. Test’ R. Cheston, Joshua Elliott
No. 268. Edward Maudlin, of Perq, for 7 Barrels of Pork pd by Wm Bogue, of afsd—sold 100a, on North East Side of Suttons Creek, & South Side of Gum Swamp, adj Nathaniel Nicholson, part of 200a sold to sd Maudlin by John Charles, July 6, 1734. Seal Jan 5, 1734/5. Test’ Joseph Riddick, Wm Hasket, Thos. Jessop.
No. 270. Thomas Nicholson, of Pasquotank Co, for £100 pd by Thomas Hollowell, of Perq, sold 91a adj Joseph Ratliff, & Arnold White, being ½ of land grt to my father, Christ’r Nicholson, Nov 22, 1714. Seal Oct 16, 1739. Test’ John Nixon, R. Cheaston, Jeremiah Barns.
No. 275. Macrora Scarbrough, Treasurer of Perq Co; for £200 pd by John Stone, of afsd—Carpenter—sold 100a on Vosses Creek, “which was Mortgaged by Smith Cella, Late of sd Co dec’d,” & for want of several payments in Public Bills of Credit, land adj Moses Elliott, & Roger Kinyon, “where sd Cella did Dwell.” Jan 21, 1739/40. Test’ James Morgan, James Craven.
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No. 12. James Griffin Sr, of Chowan, for “love I bear my son John” of Perq, do give 150a on North East side of Perq River, at the mouth of a Branch, called “Plum Tree Branch” part of a Patent to Ezekiel Maudlin, 300a, June 20, 1703, by sd Maudlin assigned to Timothy Clare, dec’d, by sd Clare sold to Francis Smith late of Perq, & by him assigned to sd Griffin. July 19, 1740. Test’ Tho Rountree Sr, Charles Rountree, Thomas Rountree Jr.
No. 13. William Barrow, of the Co of Hyde, for £5 pd by John Barrow, of Perq, sold 100a on East side of Yopim Creek, adj John Barrow Jr, dec’d, “part of 525a pattented by Joseph Barrow.” June 26, 1740. Test’ Thomas Peirce, Ann Barrow, Joseph Barrow.
No. 14. William Barrow, of Hyde Co, for £10 pd by Joseph Barrow, of Perq, Planter—sold 200a on East side of Yopim Creek, adj John Barrow, part of 300a, one hundred of which, was conveyed to sd John. June 26, 1740. Test’ Thomas Peirce, Ann Barrow, John Barrow.
No. 18. Joseph Ellitt, of Perq, for £27 pd by Jacob Perry, of afsd—sold 480a on South west side of Perq River, at a Branch called “Elder Branch,” formerly land of Daniel Snooke, part of a patent to Isaac Wilson, Jan 5, 1712, & by sd Mary to her dau’ Elizabeth, “now wife of John Wilson.” Oct 20, of sd Joseph. Oct 20, 1740. Test’ Robt Wilson, John Wilson.
No. 20. John Willson, of Perq, for £13 pd by Jacob Perry, of afsd—sold 200a on North Side of Perq River, adj Jacob, & John Winslow, sd land grt to Timothy Clare, dec’d, Dec 1, 1712, & given by him to his dau’ Mary Mayo, & by sd Mary to her dau’ Elizabeth, “now wife of John Wilson.” Oct 20, 1740. Test’ Rt Willson, Joseph Elliott.
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No. 22. Sarah Elliott, & Jacob Elliott, Planters—of Perq, for £50 pd by John Perry, of afsd—Sadler; sold 50a on Vosses Creek, adj Joseph Newby, John Morgan Sr, Thomas Jessop, & Samuel Moore, to line of Francis Toms, “Land given me sd Sarah by my father Timothy Clare, my husband Jacob Elliott, having good authority to sell same.” Oct 20, 1740. Test’ Rt Wilson, Jacob Perry.
No. 27. Margaret Barrow, Spinster, of Perq—for a “Sum pd to my Mother,” by Jonathan Phelps, Merchant—sold to Henry Phelps, son of afsd, 20a, adj land formerly belonging to William Lawrence, on North East of land taken up by Francis Toms, now in possession of Zachariah Nixon. Jan 19, 1740/1. Test’ Joseph Wilson, Joseph Ratliff.
No. 29. Thomas Nicholson of Pasq Co, planter—for £100 pd by Thomas Hollowell, of Perq, sold 91a, adj James Newby, & Joseph Sutton. Nov 22, 1740. Test’ John Perry, Will’m Haskitt, Michael Murphy.
No. 30. James Henby of Perq, for £120 pd by Edward Maudlin of afsd—sold 100a on “Bee Tree ponds” at the head of Vasies (Vosses) Creek, adj Upper part of sd Henbys land, a patent to Francis Toms Jr, 1716. Seal July 16, 1740.
No. 43. James Morgan, Esq, of Perq, for £300 pd by Thomas Winslow, of afsd—sold 150a, adj William Morgan, on “Morgans Swamp.” Sept 29, 1741. Test’ Richard Cheaston, John Henby.
No. 45. John Lacy, of Perq, for £100 pd by John Maudling, of afsd—sold 50a on Voices, (Vosses) Creek. May 10, 1741. Test’ Joseph Barnes, R. Cheston.
No. 48. Joseph Winslow, of Perq, planter—for £200 pd by Ezekiel Maudlin, of same—sold 125a, on Voices (Vosses) Creek, adj Gabriel Newby. Oct 19, 1741. Test’ Zachariah Nixon, Nathan Pearson.
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No. 61. Richard Cheaston, of Perq, for £400 pd by Zachariah Nixon of afore’ sold 330a on ye No East side of Perq River, in a swamp called “Frog Hall” to lines of Francis Toms, Ralph Fletcher, & William Jones. 13d 1mo 1742. Test’ Samuel Moore, Joshua Davis, John Wilson.
ewby, Millwright; in con’ of an “exchange” of land, with Robert Wilson, of Perq, planter—sold 200a on Gum Branch, “which runs out of Cypress Swamp,” on each side of Mill Swamp, adj Thomas Newby, & 130a “at ye head of sd land” adj William Elliott, John Pearson, & land called “Aarons old field” 7—2mo 1742.
No. 82. Edward Modlin, of Perq, for £31 s10 pd by George Eason, of afsd—sold 100a on North east side of Suttons Creek, adj Nath’l Nichols, & Wm Bogue. Jan 14, 1742/3. Test’ John Sumner, Christopher Sutton, Lott Stallings.
No. 93. Andrew Woodley, of Perq, planter—for £100 pd by Samuel Moore, of afore’ sold 100a on Sharrows line, to Arthur Albertsons, along said line, to the head land in Old Neck, thence to Ralph Fletcher. Jan 17, 1742/3. Test’ Zachariah Nixon, Thomas White.
No. 132. Joseph Winslow, of Perq, for £100 pd by Robert Bogue, of ye afore’, sold 100a, on “ye North west side of Vasses Creek,” adj Ezekiel Maudlin, 17d 11mo 1743. Test’ Henry Phelps, Nathan Pearson.
No. 38. Arnold White of Perq, for £100 pd by Thomas Elliott Sr, of afsd—sold 87a on South West side of Little River, adj William Boswell, & Radcliff.” at ye head of Long branch.” Test’ Isaac Wilson, Edward Maudlin – 1745
No. 48. William Wyatt of Perq, yeoman, for £27 s10 pd by Edward Maudlin, weaver; of same—sold 150a, “part of tract I now live on,” adj John Stepney, & Banks. Which was grt to sd Wyatt April 15, 1745. Seal Dec 16, 1745. Test’ John Stepney, John Carruthers.
No. 49. Joseph Perishoe of Perq, farmer—for £9 s16 pd by John Barclift Jr, of afore, farmer—sold 78¾a “on ye North side of ye main Road” adj Albert Albertson & sd Barclift. Test’ Jno Clayton, Rebecca Clayton. Jan 20, 1745/6.
No. 50. William Wyatt of Perq, for £205 pd by John Stepney of afsd—sold 156a on North East side of Indian Creek, “part of a grant to sd Wyatt 1745.” Test’ John Carruthers, Edward Maudlin, Oct 29, 1745.
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No. 74. Simon perishoe of Perq, planter—for an “Exchange agreed upon by sd Simon & Joseph perishoe of afsd, Sadler—sold 100a near “Naggs head Chappel” adj Thomas Stafford, Elihu Albertson, & William Tomblin, part of a Grt unto James perishoe Dec’d, 50a in sd Co. April 21, 1746. Test’ Richard Wood, John Clayton.
No. 87 Robert Wilson, Joseph his son, of Perq—for £20 pd by Thomas Bullock, Sr of afsd—sold 30a, “part of a patent to Robert Wilson, gr-father of sd Robert, in 1684, on a branch called ye Pond branch, down ye run to horse bridge Creek.” Aug 18, 1746. Test’ Joshua Hobart, James Sitterson, Samuel Sitterson.
No. 117. Edward Maudlin of Perq, for £200 pd by Zach Nixon of afsd, sold 100a “on ye North East side of Voices (Vosses) Creek Swamp, adj James Henby Sr, being ye upper part of land formerly sd Henbeys.” Jan 19, 1746/7.
No. 120. Feb 8, 1747. James Egerton of Perq, planter—for £1150 pd by Charles Blount, of Chowan Co, planter—sold 300a in Perq, adj William Halsey, & Joseph Crecy, on Yeopim pocoson, sold by John Woolard to William Egerton, “except ye burying place, 60 feet square.” Test’ Jacob Carruthers, Isachar Branch.
No. 121 Edward Maudlin of Perq, weaver; for £250 pd by Levi Creecy of afsd—cordwinder, sold plan’ bought of William Wyatt Aprill 15, 1745, “in ye mouth of Yoppim Neck, near Bucks Branch.” Oct 30, 1747. Test’ William Wyatt, Jos Oates.
No. 60. John Hudson of Perq, for “love I bear my brother Uriah Hudson” of afsd, do give plan’ whereon my sd brother now lives, same being” grt unto Eziekiel Maudlin June 20, 1703, & was conveyed by him to Timothy Clare April 26, 1705, & was conveyed by Hannah Bundy (his daughter) unto my father John Hudson, July 29, 1729.” 130a. Jan 5, 1753. Test’ Davenport Goodwin, Mary Hudson.
No. 67. George Eason of Perq, for £33 s15 pd by Moses Barber of afsd, sold 100a, on lines of Francis Foster, Nathaniel Nicholson, Wm. Bogue, & John Henby, sd land sold to sd Eason by Edward Maudlin Jan 14, 1742, & was sold to sd Maudlin by Samuel Charles July 6, 1734. Seal Aug 15, 1752. Test’ Abner Eason Jun, James Price, Simon Stallings.
No. 245. Sept 19, 1757. George Fletcher, of Hide Co, for £26 pd by John Harvey, of Perq, sold 104a, on No East Side of Perq River, adj Thos Bateman, up the Branch that divides sd land from Thos Sherrods, (orphan of David dec’d) sd land “with like quantity belonging to sd Sherrad was grt to Thos Attoway, July 26, 1708,” & was sold after his death, by Elenor his dau, to Harris Willoby Mar 27, 1716, & by sd Willoby, conveyed unto Thomas Collins, April 15, 1717, & by sd Collins, to Ralph Fletcher, father of sd George, Jan 10, 1721/2, & was “bequeathed to his son in his will.” Test’ Joseph Ratliff, Joshua Fletcher.
No. 252. Sept 21, 1757. John Harvey of Perq, for £35 pd by Abraham Turner, of afsd, sold 104a, on No East Side of Perq River, adj Thomas Bateman, “sd land half of 208a grt to Thomas Attoway July 26, 1708, & was after his death sold by Ellena his dau to Harris Willoby, Mar 27, 1716,” & by sd Willoby, conveyed unto Thos Collins, April 15, 1717, & by sd Collins, sold to Ralph Fletcher, Jan 10, 1721/2, & by sd Fletcher, in his will given to his son George, & by sd George, Sept 29, 1757 deeded to me. Test’ Ben Harvey, Edward Turner.
No. 280. July 17, 1758. Nathan Newby of Perq, for £4 pd by Jacob Jacobs, of afsd, sold 4a, pt of land that “Mary Newby purchased of James Morgan,” adj Francis Toms. Test’ Francis Toms, Nicholas Collins.
No. 393. Henry Lamb of Perq, for £100 pd by Caleb White, of afsd, sold 150a, on south side of Cypress Creek. July 29, 1760. Test’ Zachariah Nixon, Joshua fletcher, Thomas Newby.
No. 11. Christopher Nicholson, for £2 pd by William Hasket, Farmer—sold 27a, on South west Side of Little River, pt of 700a. 30d, 12m 1762. Test’ Thomas Nicholson, Phineas Nixon, Thomas Robinson.
No. 28. James Morgan of Pasquotank, for £5 pd by Betty Maudlin, of Perq. Widow—sold “parcel of Swamp,” on So-west Side of Little River—30a, at the mouth of Fork Swamp. Feb 7, 1762. Test’ Peter Maudlin, Mary Maudlin.
No. 29. James Morgan, for £5 pd by Peter Maudlin, of Perq, Planter—sold 25a, of Swamp land, on So-west Side of Little River, adj Joseph Boswell. Jan 20, 1762. Test’ Thomas Boswell, George Boswell.
No. 30. James Morgan, for £10 pd by Thomas Boswell, of Perq, sold 96a, of Swamp land, on So Wt side of Little River, in Perq Co. Dec 13, 1761. Test’ Joseph Boswell, Isaac Boswell.
No. 31. George Boswell of Perq, for £10 pd by James Morgan, of Pasquotank, sold 76a, on So-west Side of Little River, adj Joseph Boswell. Dec 13, 1761. Test’ Joseph Outland, Jno Clayton.
No. 32. James Morgan of Pasq, for £10 pd by Samuel White, & Arnold White, of Perq, sold tract of Swamp land, on So Wst Side of Little River—52a, adj Isaac Boswell, “up the Swamp to George Boswells Grt.” Dec 13, 1761. Test’ John Hasket, Jno Clayton.
No. 36. James Morgan, for £10 pd by Joseph Boswell, sold 53a, on So-Wst side of Little River, adj George Boswell. Dec 13, 1761. Test’ Jno. Clayton, Isaac Boswell.
No. 54. James Morgan of Pasq, for £10 pd by Isaac Boswell, of Perq, sold 34a of Swamp land, on So Wst Side of Little River. Dec 30, 1761. Test’ Joseph Boswell, Jno Clayton.
No. 57. June 8, 1762. Joseph Boswell, for £14 pd by James Morgan, sold 24a on So Wst Side of Little River, “where said Joseph now dwells,” sd land taken up by Thomas Boswell. Test’ Christopher Nicholson, Thomas Robinson, William Hill.
No. 66. Joshua Maudlin of Perq, planter—for £50 pd by Joseph Outland, Merch’t—of afsd, sold 80a adj Dempsey Barclift, & Charles Blount, to the head of Little River. Jan 30, 1762. Test’ joshua fletcher, Foster Toms.
No. 71. Francis Toms of Perq, for £30 pd by Joseph Smith Jr, sold 100a “near a ditch called Samuel Newby’s,” in Balahack, adj Truman Moore’s line. Jan 7, 1762. Test’ Samuel Snith, Jonathan Sherod, Thomas Elliott.
No. 73. Sept 6, 1762. Jesse Newby, for £5 pd by Robert Newby, sold land “at the Mill Pond” next to land where Mark Newby formerly dwelt, on lines of Samuel, Robert, & Francis Newby, to the mouth of a branch, running out of the Mill Pond, “on the north side of Francis Newby’s house.” Test’ Cornelius Moore, Fras. Nixon, joshua fletcher.
Deed Book G
No. 93. April 17, 1762. Charles Morgan, for £16 pd by Ralf Fletcher, sold 50a “back of land, whereon sd Fletcher now lives.” Test’ Jesse Winslow, Joseph Outland, Elizabeth Boswell.
No. 182. Zachariah Nixon of Perq, for £50 pd by Ralph Fletcher, of same—sold 24a on the N. E. Side of Perq River, adj sd Fletcher, & Mark Newby. Oct 19, 1765. Test’ Frans. Nixon, Zachariah Jones.
Deed Book H
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No. 17. Oct 10, 1767. Ephrim Etheridge, & Miriam his wife, of Perq—for £5 pd by Jacob Jacobs, “do sell unto him 10a, on No East Side of Perq River, a 5 pt of land, sold by James Morgan, unto John Henby Jr.” Test’ Fras. Newby, Cornelius Moore.
No. 63. April 20, 1767. Joseph Farmer, & Mary his wife, of Perq, for £5 pd by Jacob Jacobs, of afsd—sold 10a on No East side of Perq River, pt of land “conveyed by James Morgan to John Henby Jr.” Test’ John Hogard, Joseph Sutton.
No. 73. Pleasant Winslow, (widow, & relict of Joseph) of Perq—for £200 pd by Ezekiel Maudlin, of afsd—sold a “moiety of land 125a, to sd Ezekiel, (since dec) Oct 19, 1741 sd land now in possession of his Eldest son, Edmund Maudlin, assigned her dower right in sd land.” June 24, 1767. Test’ Joseph Draper, William White Jr
No. 123. Feb 23, 1770. Josiah Perrisho, Edward Maudlin, & Joseph Perrisho, for £35 pd by sd Joseph, sold 40a on north Side of Vosses Creek Swamp, adj sd Maudlin. Test’ Joseph Draper, Jesse Bogue, Moses Bundy.
209. Benj Wilson of Perq. for “love I bear my son Thomas, of afsd – ” April 20, 1772.
214. Jonathan Moore of Perq. for 55pounds pd by Caleb Toms, of afsd – sold 50z, adj Moses Elliott & the mouth of “Reedy branch,” on teh Swamp, to lines of Francis Toms & Jacob Elliott. 11d, 3 mo 1772. Test’ Hercules Saint, Lemuel Ray.
216. Samuel Bagley of Perq. for 11pounds pd by John Ownly, of Chowan Co, sold 25a in Perq, adj Job Riddck, Docton Riddick, Abram Eason & Austen Nixon. Feb 15, 1772. Job Riddick, Thos. Overman.
218. Jan 18, 1772. John Moore & Mary his wife of Perq. for 45pounds by Jesse Winslow dec’d sold to Jesse Winslow (son of Jesse) 30a. adj sd Jesse. Test’ Mark Newby, Benj. Heaton, Jonathan Phelps.
Deed Book I
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No. 8. Hercules Saint of Perq, for £60 pd by Joseph Wood, of afsd—sold 50a on North East Side of Perq River, “at the head of Dirty Branch,” to lines of James Morgan, Isaac Elliott, & Thomas Jessop. pt of a tract sold by sd Morgan, to John Henby Jr, Oct 20, 1735. Seal Oct 20, 1777. Test’ Humphrey Simons, Thomas Bagley.
No. 11. John Moore of Perq, for £45 pd by Ralph Fletcher of same, planter—sold 30a on No Et Side of Perq River. 23, 12mo 1776. Test’ Joshua Moore, Thos Robinson, Aaron Moore.
No. 43. Robert Bogue of Perq, for £45 pd by Ralf (Ralph) Fletcher, of afsd—sold 45a “near the head of Newby’s Mill pond,” in a place called the “Beepond” to a gum in “plum tree pond” up the middle of Bee pond. Feb 6, 1776. Test’ Jacob Wyate, Josiah Perishoe.
No. 255. Ralph Fletcher of Perq, for £52 pd by William Bundy, of afsd—sold 27a on Vosses Creek, “at the pond side.” 4, 12mo 1783. Test’ Cornelius Ratclift, Joseph Ratclift, Joseph Draper.
No. 307. Ralph Fletcher of Perq, for £975 pd by Francis Newby, of same—sold 76½a on South side of Suttons Creek, to line of John Toms. Nov 16, 1779. Test’ Thomas Robinson, B. Albertson.
Maudlin, Ezekiel, Gent, dec’d, 1737. Heirs: Jeremiah, Thomas, Joshua, Hannah.
Maudlin, Ezekiel,, dec’d, July 10, 1745, Mary Maudlin, & John Perry Exrs. Among effects, “1 old Bible.”
Mullen, Abraham, dec’d Nov 25, 1762. Heirs: Elener widow: £37-17-2, Joseph Turner, in right of his wife; Gideon Maudlin, in right of his wife; Tamer Hassell (dau); Wm Bateman in right of his wife; Miriam, & Deborah Mullen (The last m Christopher Towe). Abraham Mullen was son of Jacob, & brother of Isaac.
Castleton, George, (s of George, & Mary, of New Castle on line, in England) m Hannah Perishoe (Relict of James) by Mr. Thomas Gordon, 13 — 1679. (Berkeley Par Reg.) Hannah Perisho née Hill, it is thought m 3d Ezekiel Maudlin.
page 307
Phelps, Jonathan (s of Jonathan & Hannah) was b April 13, 1687. (Berkeley Par Reg)
Pike, John, m Sarah Small (Intention) Mar 20, 1802. (Pas Mo Meeting)
Perisho, James m Hannah Hill (Col records) & had issue: Ellener, b Sept 18, 1673 – James, b Nov 25, 2676
Perisho, James (s of James & Hannah) m Mary Morgan (d of James, & Jan) Feb 18, 1696.
Perisho, Joseph m Deborah Wood, Aug 5, 1742 (mar bonds Perq Co.)
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John Belman, m. Sarah Wilson (d of Robert & Ann (Blount, d of Thomas), who came to Perq Co, from Isle of Wight Co Va. John Belmans children are given in Symon Creek Reg. as follows: Sary, b 28, 6 mo 1688 – Ester, b 22, 1 mo 1691 – John, b. 7, 9 mo 1695 – Robert, b 2, 12 mo 1697 – Ane, & Mary (twins) b 13, 1 mo 1701 – William b 6, 5 mo 1704 – Ruth, b 11, 2 Mo 1707. Hannah, d of John & Sarah b Aug 28, 1689. Berkeley Reg) John Belman, will p in Pasq Co. Jan 1706/7, names only sons: John, & Robert, and wife Sarah
Robert Wilson in his will, Perq Prect, p Jan 11, 1696, names his gr-children, Sarah & Ester Belman
Esther Belman m — Turner, at a meeting in Paasq Co. They were allowed to be “free of each, other,” & were charged by the Quakers “not to let it happen again” (See Col Rec, Vol. I Quaker Rec Pasq Co)
John Belman (2) will Perq Co, p Oct 1740, names as only legatees, wife Mary & d Sarah. After this the Belman family, disappear from the records, in Perq Co. Probably the male line died out, or they moved to parts unknown.
Hannah Charles, who was 2d wife of Samuel Charles, also made her will in Perq, p July 1752. She names son Edward Moulin, & dau’s Elizabeth White, Sarah Perry, & Ann Cox, son-in-law Robert Cox, gr-dau Mary Moulin, (d of John), & gr-son John Moulin. (She was d of Joshua Toms, m 1 Ezekiel Maudlin, 2 Samuel Charles.)
Ralph Fletcher was living in Perq, prior to 1689. He was one of the early Justices in Perq, serving for years, in that capacity. He is called Steward, or Judge, in the Justice Court Apl 1689.
Capt Ralph Fletcher had grt for land 370a on Perq River, “at the mouth of a Swamp” adj Jenkins Williams, May 15, 1694.
In an affidavit, made in Chowan Co 1694, he stated that he was b 1632. It is thought that these Fletchers came from Surry Co Va, although no positive proof can be found. Hannibal Fletcher was living in sd Co very early. His wife Elizabeth came to Va, in Primrose of London, 1635, & he is spoken of as “Hannibal Fletcher of Chippoakes Creek.” (Surry Co Records.)
Hannah Fletcher was transported to Va, in Middleton, by Capt Adam Thorogood, 1634. Whose wife she was is not shown. (Hotten.)
Berkeley Parish Reg, Perq Pre’ct. Fletcher births, & deaths,
Ralph (1) Fletcher m Elizabeth Suton, Mar 11, 167- —Issue: 1 Elizabeth b Feby 22, 1675—2 Ralph b Dec 24, 1676—3 George b April 4, 1679—4 William b May 10, 1687—5 William (2 by name) b Dec 9, 1688—6 John b Jan 21, 1689, d June 25, 1689, (sons James, & Joshua, ages not given, but named in his will).
Will of Ralph Fletcher of Perq, p Jan 21, 1728. Sons: Ralph (2) to whom he bequeathed (“my manner house, & plan’ ”) George, (“my lower house, & plan”) Sons: James, & Joshua, Dau’s Jane, & Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Fletcher, wife of Ralph, died Jany 21, 1690-1700.
Ralph Fletcher, had also a dau Margaret, who m Thomas Harvey, Jan 27, 1701.
Ralph Fletcher Jr m Jane Morgan (d of James, & Jean) Mch 2, 1698-9, issue: 1 Ralph (3) b April 22, 1703—2 George b June 15, 1705—3 Joshua b Nov 5, 1718.
The Rent Roll of Perq, prior to 1700, shows that Ralph Fletcher possessed 300a in said County.
Ralph Fletcher (3) m Mary Guyer, Dec 23, 1728, issue: 1 Ralph (4) b Feby —, 1729-30 & son Joshua, (age not in Reg.)
His will Perq Co, p July 1752. Sons: Ralph, (to whom he left “my manner plan’ ”) Joshua, dau’s Jane’ Miriam, Ruth Fletcher Mary Ratcliff, (wife of Joseph), wife Mary.
George Fletcher (s of Ralph, & Elizabeth, (Sutton) m Susanna Burtonshall (d of Richard, & Priscilla) Feby 17, 1701.
Ralph Fletcher (4) will Perq, p July 1785. Son Jesse, d Miriam Newbold, d Margaret, s Joshua, & William Skinner Exrs.
William Fletcher, will Perq, p Feby 1827, names brother Zachariah, Winney Harrell’s children, Samuel, Francis, Margaret, Ann, & Sarah Nixon Fletcher, sister Margaret White (wife of Aaron) uncle William Jones.
James H. Fletcher, will Perq p Feby 1830, names sister Nancy Skinner, sister Jane Fletcher, wife Grizzell, Exx. (See deeds Perq Co, in this Vol.)
John Hecklefield m Elizabeth Abingdon (d of Thomas of Pasq Co) & had one son John, who died before Nov 8, 1729. d. s. p. when the name became extinct in Perq. Capt John Hecklefield’s land lay around “Little River” a small village, the earliest settlement in the county. He was Dec’d Aug 8, 1721. “Elizabeth Hecklefield Dower Lands,” adj Wm Godfrey. He had other land that adj Capt George Clerke, now in the tenure of Abraham Warren, & Mary Evans, widow of said George. Nov 9, 1709. Joseph Godfrey made a deed April 21, 1729, to Ezekiel Maudlin, 150a on So W. Side of Little River, by a small Creek, issuing out of sd River, called “Hacklefields land.” Col. John Hecklefield was dead Nov 8, 1729. His land adj William Evans which the latter sold to Col Richard Sanderson. (225a.) John (1) will p in Chowan Co Aug 8, 1721, only one son John is named. The Inventory of this son can be found in the Deeds of Perq, and is a very interesting document.
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Ezekiel Maudlin, first in Perquimans, came from London, according to family tradition. This name does not appear on any of the records of the Lower counties in Virginia, neither do the Quaker records show a person of this name. So the opinion is advanced, that he came straight from England to Perq, or landed first in New England, where he m Hannah Nicholson (d of Christopher, & Hannah —, b Mch 4, 1667). It is positively known that Christopher Nicholson came to Perq from New Eng, where he had already m Hannah Rednap. The names & ages of his children are recorded in Berkeley Par Reg, but his marriage is not mentioned.
Ezekiel Maudlin, & wife Hannah, issue: 1 Edward, b Feby 11, 1695—2 Ezekiel, b April 2, 1698—3 Mary, b Mar 2, 170-1—4 Elizabeth, b Nov 20, 1703—5 Sarah, b April 28, 1706. Ezekiel Maudlin died Mch 16, 1705-6. (According to the Roman Calendar.)
Hannah (née Nicholson) m 2d Charles. Her will p in Perq Co, July 1752, names son: Edward Moudlin, dau’s Elizabeth White, Sarah Perry, & Ann Cox (son-in-law Robert Cox), gr-sons: John Moulin, & John Cox, gr-dau Mary Moulin (d of John).
Ezekiel Maudlin grt for land in Perq, June 20, 1703, which he conveyed to Timothy Clare, April 26, 1705. (Deed book F, No 60.) He evidently died intestate, as no will appears in Perq, made by him.
Hannah Maudlin (above) was 2d wife of Samuel Charles Sr, he had for 1st wife Elizabeth, by whom he had issue, d Elizabeth. (See Charles record in this book.)
Ezekiel (2) Maudlin m Hannah Toms (d of Joshua, & Sarah née Gosbey, b June 6, 1706), issue: 1 Jeremiah, b Aug 21, 1725—2 Joshua, b Apl 19, 1727—3 Edward, b Apl 7, 1735. Hannah wife of (2) Ezekiel m 2d Edmund Chancey. (2) Ezekiel Maudlin , in his will p in Perq April 17, 1732, names sons: Jeremiah, Joshua, & James, wife Hannah. His son Edward is not named for some reason, & as Edward b April 7, 1735, was born 2 years after the death of sd Ezekiel, we do not see how he could have been one of his sons. He is certainly given in Berkeley Par Reg, however, as “son of Ezekiel, & Hannah.” (Probably the 2d Ezekiel & Hannah Toms.)
Sarah Maudlin was a legatee in the will of Samuel Charles, Mar 12, 1727-8. (3) Ezekiel Maudlin, is thought to have m 1st Hannah — & had Edward, b April 7, 1735; he m 2d Mary — issue: 1 Elizabeth, b July 13, 1738—2 Sarah, b March 20, 1741. Ezekiel Maudlin was “Overseer of the Roads” in the district of John Perisho Apl 1740. The division of Ezekiel (2) Maudlin Est, 1737, shows Hannah as his wife, sons: Jeremiah, Joshua, & Thomas.
Among Tithables; May 25, 1743, Edward Modling, Edward Jr, Wm Modling, & Ezekiel Maudlin. Tithables 1768; Mary Modlin, & son Ezekiel, Edmund Modlin, Jacob Elliott & Joseph Draper.
Hannah Chancey, & Thomas Weeks, made petition to the Court, Jan 1736, for a division of the Est of Ezekiel Maudlin Dec’d.
Mary Maudlin widow of Ezekiel, July 1746, John Maudlin petition to sell perishable Est of sd dec’d. Jan 1754.
Edward Maudlin, in a deed Oct 15, 1739, called Thomas Nicholson “cousin.” He bought of James Henby Jan 24, 1735, 150a of land, “near the head of Vosses Creek.”
(1) Edward Maudlin (Ezekiel (1) m Mary — issue: 1 John, b May 26, 1718—2 William, b Feb 27, 1721-2. He was dead Jan 19, 1754, when John Maudlin petitioned the Court for liberty, to sell pt of his Est, which was done Feb 7, 1754.
(1) Thomas Maudlin, will Perq, Nov 16, 1758, names wife, Sarah, son Jeremiah, brother Edmund Chancey, father-in-law John Clayton, bro-in-law Richard Clayton.
(4) Ezekiel Maudlin, m Ann Stafford, Sept 2, 1743, Sec Thos Stafford. (Mar bonds Perq Co.)
(1) John Maudlin m Hannah (dau-in-law of John Stokes, will 1772, Perq Co) issue: (twins) Joseph, & Mary, b Jan 26, 1742/3—2 John (2) b Mch 1, 1745.
John Maudlin moved from Pasq, to Perq Co, 17, 3mo 1787, with children: Hannah, Elizabeth, Jesse, Joseph, Charles, William, Pleasant, & Mary. (Pasq Mo Meeting.)
John Modlin moved from Perq, to Back Creek, Randolph Co, date not known.
Joshua Maudlin Planter, Court 1755.
Edward Maudlin m Sarah Ashley, widow, before July 1745, when an Order of Court was rendered them, to sell Est, & divide with the Orphans.
(1) William Maudlin, will Perq, p Oct 1774, wife Martha, Sons: Miles, Thomas, Jacob & Micajah, dau’s Elizabeth, Martha, brother John. Ex.
(1) Gideon Maudlin, m Mary Mullen (d of Abraham) & had issue, see his will Perq p Jan 1777.
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James Morgan emigrant to N. C. came from “Mary Land” where he had married, Jane Knea, Oct 12, 1673. (Berkeley Parish Reg) According to same, they had issue: 1 James, b Feb 2, 1675/6—2 John, b Mar 26, 1678—3 William, b Aug 27, 1679. James (1) Morgan was grt 300a in Perq Precinct, May 22, 1694, “on a Branch of Vosses Creek” adj William Vosse, & Mr Francis Toms. His son John made a deed of gift to his dau Mary Elliott, wife of Thomas Jr, Jan 12, 1724/5, 50a on said Branch. He called this land “Broad Neck,” and later it was spoken of as “on Morgans Swamp” and it seems evident that it was situated on the south side of Vosses Creek, where sd Toms land was located, and the Swamp here mentioned, is probably the one just above what is now called Brights Mill, between Winfall, & Brights Creek. (Vosses) James Morgan, (2) James (1), m Jane Martin (d of John of Pasq Co) issue: James (3) b Jany 17, 1707/8. He died intestate, and we have to rely on the will of his wife Jane, for further information. Her will proven in Perq Co, Mar 22, 1742, Sons: John Anderson (son-in-law) & James Morgan, dau Sarah Parsons (wife of Samuel) dau-in-law Ann Morgan (wife of James) gr-daus: Mary, & Miriam Morgan, Elizabeth Cosan, & Jane Anderson.
James Morgan Esq J. P. 27, 8ber 1739. He was Commissioned Sheriff of Perq, by Gov Gabriel Johnston Esq, Apl 1741. Zachary Chancey Dept Sheriff.
Morgan, James, (4) Will’m (1) James (1) m Hannah Overman, who was his Extrix Oct 1741, issue: Rebecca, b May 28, 1739.
(2) Morgan, William, (1) James (1) m Sarah fletcher (d of Ralph, & Elizabeth) Mch 13, 1699-1700, issue: 1 Sarah, b Jan 8, 1700/1—2 William, b Sept 14, 1703.
Morgan, James, (3) James (2) James (1), wife Ann (née Overman) issue: 1 Elizabeth b Sept 30, 1739—2 Seth, b Sept 16, 1740.
(2) Morgan, John, (1) James (1) m Mary Jones (d of Mary Jones, “ye Relict of Robert Beasley”) Sept 2, 1699, issue: 1 Sarah, b Oct 20, 1700—2 John, b Oct 13, 1705—John Morgan will p in Perq Co, Jan 1755. Sons: John (2) & Joseph, dau’s: Rachel Overman, Elizabeth Elliott, Mary Elliott, & Hannah Boswell, to them “my manner Plantation,” gr-son Joseph Boswell. (No wife is named.)
Joseph Morgan (s of John ? & Mary) was b July 14, 1741.
Morgan (3) James, will Perq Co, names himself “son of William” proven Oct 1741. Sons: Jacob, & Charles, “land on Morgans Swamp” dau’s: Elizabeth, & Rebeckah, wife Hannah, & Thomas Overman (bro-in-law) Exrs.
(3) Morgan, William (2) William (1) James (1) m Frances Hendricks (d of Solomon), who made petition July 1747, for “filial Portion” of his Est, out of the hands of Jeremiah Hendricks, her Guar. (Loose papers.)
Morgan (4) James, m Hannah Griffith, 16, 3mo 1768, issue: 1 Millicent, b 1, 1mo 1679—2 James, b 7, 3mo 1771, d 17, 8mo 1774—3 Sarah, b 31, 7mo 1773—4 Charles, b 28, 4mo 1777. Sarah Morgan died 27, 11mo 1780. Hannah Morgan died 27, 11mo 1780.
Morgan, James, m 2d Millicent Symons, 2, 4mo 1783, issue: 5 James, b 22, 12mo 1783—6 Penninah, b 6, 4mo 1785—7 Lydia, b 1, 11mo 1786—8 Margaret, b 18, 11mo 1788—9 Mary, b 14, 7mo 1791—10 Nathan, b 21, 5mo 1793.
(4) Morgan, Charles, (s of James) m Susannah Nixon (d of Barnabe) 1, 5mo 1771, issue: 1 Benjamin, b 1, 7mo 1772—2 Ann, b 18, 2mo 1775—d 18, 10mo 1775—3 Sarah, b 2, 9mo 1776, d 15, 2mo 1777—4 Micajah, b 2, 2mo 1778, d 5, 11mo 1778—5 Penninah, b 26, 12mo 1779—6 Susannah, b 24, 3mo 1782. Susannah wife of Charles Morgan, died 24, 5mo 1783. Charles Morgan (s of James) m 2d Lyda Bundy (d of Josiah) 25, 1mo 1786. (See her will Perq Co, p May 1802; N. C. Hist & Gen Reg Vol 3-3.)
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*Christopher Nicholson emigrant to Perq Co N.C. m before coming to Albermarle Hannah Rednap. issue: 1. Christopher (2) – 2 Deliverance m Joseph Sutton (s of George and Sarah) Jan 1 – – 3 Samuell, b March 12, 1665- 4 Hannah b Mch 4, 1667 – 5 Joseph b Sept 28, 1670 – 6 John b Dec 17, 1671 – 7 Nathaniell b Jany 7, 1675
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Nicholson, Hannah, wife of Christopher, d. Dec 2, 1678
Nicholson, Christopher (s of Edmund), m 2d Ann Atwood (d of Thomas, of Middlesex” in ould England) April 11, 1580, issue: 8 Elizabeth, b. Jan 13, 1648 – d Sept 11, 1682 – 9 Sarah, b. Aug 5, 1682 – 10 Thomas, b Feb 7, 1687 – 11 Ann b. Feb 8, 1689
Nicholson, Christopher, died Sept 10, 1688. Ann “relict of Christopher” m Richard Dorman, June 26, 1690, issue: Hannah Dorman, b Mar 30, 1695.
Nicholson, Christopher, the elder, seems to have died intestate.
Nicholson, Deliverance, issue can be found chronicled in the Sutton record. Nicholson, Samuel, m Elizabeth Charles, at Quarterly Meeting, Dec. 16, 1688 dau of Wm & Abigail Charles, b. Juny 8, 167–) issue: 1 Abygull, b. Sept 24, 1689 – 2 Hannah, b Aprill 9, 1692 — 3 Ida, b Nov 10, 1984 — 4 Elizabeth, b Jan 5, 1697
The will of Samuel Nicholson . . . . Nicholson, Hannah (d of Christopher & Hannah b Mch 4, 1667 m Ezekiel Maudlin (1) (more information on children of Christopher) Christopher, b. 1638 m Hannah Rednap (d of Joseph, who moved to Perq CO N.C. . . . early). 2 Joseph, b 1640 – 3 Samuel, b 1644 – 4 John , b. 1646 – 5 Elizabeth b 1649 m Nicholas Anderson 6-Thomas b 1653. (New England HIst & Genealogical Reg.)
Nicholson, Hannah (d of Christopher and Hannah) b Mch 4, 1667 m Ezekiel Maudlin (1)
Nicholson, Christopher (2) m Mary (s of Christopher & Hannah) … (their issue)
Nicholson, Joseph (s of Christopher & Hannah) m Hannah Albertson b Dec 11, 1675, d Jan 2, 1695 0 m 7, 4mo 1693, issue: Sarah…
Nicholson, Joseph, will Perq p Jan 1698 …
Nicholson, Nathaniel (s of Christopher & Hannah) b 1675 m Sarah Harris …
Nicholson, John (son of Christopher & Hannah b 171 m Priscilla Toms (d of Francis & wife Pershillah) Nov 20, 1700. He d June 19, 1718. The division of his Est. April 14, 1719, gives his heirs: d Elizabeth, d Mary, s Samuel, wife Pershillah (who m 2d John Kinsey).
*Edmund Nicholson & wife Elisabeth came to new England from Bootle, Cumberland Co England. He died in marblehead Mass 1660. Issue: Christopher b 1638 m Hannah Rednap (d of Joseph, who moved to perq Co, N.C. very early). 2 Joseph b 1640 – 3 Samuel b 1644 – 4 John b 1646 – 5 Elizabeth, b 1649 m Nicholas Anderson – 6 Thomas, b 1653 (New England Hist & Genealogical Reg)
children continue on page 396:
Nicholson, Thomas (s of Christopher (2) m Mary – issue …
Nicholson, Thomas m Mary Griffen 7, 6mo 1780 (Quaker records)
Nicholson, Thomas, m Sarah White 3, 9mo 1796 (Quaker records)
Nicholson, Margaret (d of Thomas) m Aaron Morris (s of Aaron) 30, 11 mo, 1768. (Quaker records)
Nicholson, Samuel (husband of Elizabeth) d 29 – 1727 (Quaker records)
Nicholson, Joseph, son of Elizabeth d 10, 1 mo 1727 (Quaker records)
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William Phelps came to America, from Tewksbury England in Mary & John, 1630. Tradition has it that Jonathan Phelps, who settled in Perq Co N. C. was an Englishman, but no record has been found, to prove that fact, and where he came from to Perq, can not be certified by any legal papers. The Land books however give the fact that he took up 400a “in ye pre’ct of Perq, on West side of Perq River, and South side of Wilsons Creek, running down the River 116 perches,” 1684 Robert Wilson in a grant to him (same year) names the same Creek, and calls it a “branch” so it was probably a very small stream. This grant is of especial interest, from the fact that it was exactly where the town of Hertford is now located. Seth Phelps was grt “240a in Perq pre’ct, June 24, 1704,” on So side of Albemarle Sound, adj Richard Buttenshall. Cuthbert Phelps had land grt him, 300a in Perq prec’t, on So side of Albemarle Sound, adj John Jennett. (same date). Samuel Phelps took up 150a of land Feb 10, 1718, on S. W. side of Perq River adj Sarah, & Hannah Lilly. It is a well known fact that Henry Phillips lived on the “Point” and Hannah his wife m 2d John Lilly, leaving several children. Old papers in Perq, show that Jonathan Phelps held land in the same locality, and he sold to the Directors of Hertford land to build a town, called Hertford. Jonathan Phelps petitioned the Court July 1755, for “Lycence to keep an Ordinary at his now Dwelling house” which was granted. An Act of Assembly was passed the same year, for “Establishing A public Ferry, from Phelps point, to Newby’s point, whereon the Courthouse Now Stands, on Perq Rier,” and agreed to pay said Jonathan “one of said ferry men £4, and Nathan Newby the Other Ferry man,” the same, for “setting over ferry free Inhabitants of said County at Court times, Elections, Members of Assembly, Vestry men, & Musters, In said County” Security; James Sitterson, Joseph Ratcliff. Jonathan Phelps, and Nathan Newby prayed for their pay, “for Maintaining a Publick ferry, from Phelps Point to Newby’s Point” April 1759, Granted. Jonathan Phelps was dead, July 1759. (Auditors Act.) Dorothy Phelps was granted Admix on Estate of her dec’d husband Jonathan Phelps, April 1759. (Minute book Perq Co.) His Inventory was presented in Court, by Dorothea Phelps, widow, May 20, 1759. Benjamin & Dorothy Phelps Orphans of Jonathan dec’d, in Act with their Guar John Skinner, who intermarried with Dorothy, Relict of sd Jonathan Mar 13, 1761. (Auditors Act.) This Jonathan Phelps was the third in descent, from Jonathan (1) in Perq, whose will was p April 4, 1689. His children are given in Berkeley Parish Reg as follows:
Phelps, Jonathan (1) m Hannah — & had issue: 1 Sarah, b Jan 15, 1671—2 Elizabeth, b Apl 2, 1679—3 Jonathan, b Nov 6, 1681—4 Samuell, b Aug 6, 1684 (the first Jonathan evidently died, at what date is not given, but he had a second son) Jonathan (s of Jonathan and Hannah), b April 13, 1687. Jonathan Phelps d Feb 21, 1688/9. His will on date above, is much faded and only the son Jonathan, and wife Hannah names are legible. The son Samuel certainly survived him however many years.
(2) Phelps, Jonathan (2) Jonathan (1), m Elizabeth Toms (d of Francis Toms Jr, & wife Margaret Bogue), issue: 1 Henry, b Mch 5, 1724/5—2 Elizabeth, b Aug 29, 1728. His will Perq, p Jan 1732. Sons: Henry, & Jonathan, to whom he left, “my manner plantation” & second, 300a “on Perq River,” dau Elizabeth, wife Elizabeth.
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(3) Phelps, Jonathan (3) Jonathan (2) Jonathan (1) m Dorothy Jordan (d of Matthew Jordan & wife Dorothy née Newby, of Isle of Wight Co Va) Dorothy Jordans mother, was sister of Gabriel, William, & Nathan Newby, who came to Perq from Nansemond Co Va. She m 2d John Skinner before 1761. (See Auditors Act.) Loose papers, & Minute books in Perq, state plainly Jonathan (3) and wife Dorothy had issue: Benjamin, & Dorothy.
(4) Phelps, Henry, (s of Jonathan (2) m Margaret Nixon (d of Zachariah) issue: Jonathan and Elizabeth, named in his will, p in Perq July 1752. These children were still under age Mar 1758, when Elizabeth chose for her Guar, Robert Newby, and Jonathan (s of Henry) made choice of Mark Newby in the same capacity.
(4) Phelps, Benjamin, m Sarah, & had according to his will, p in Perq, Jan 1785: Dorothy, Margaret, Sarah, & Mary Phelps.
(2) Phelps, Samuel (1), Jonathan (1) will p in Perq, July 1728, Sons: Jonathan, John, William, James. Ex brother Jonathan.
Phelps, Samuel (s of Samuel & Hannah, m Elizabeth Toms d of Francis) b Nov 17, 1706—2 John, b Jan 13, 1716/17. John Phelps was of age Jan 1739, and made petition for his Est out of the hands of Zachariah Elton on that date.
Phelps, William (1) Samuel (1) Jonathan (1) d. s. p. will probated April 1752. Leg: John, Harvey, & James Sitterson (cousins) William Barker, Sarah Eliot, & Samuel Sitterson.
Phelps, Benjamin, petitioned the Court July 1774, for leave to “keep an Ordinary at his now Dwelling house in Hertford,” Which was granted. He served as Justice of Peace in Perq Co, 1778.
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The name Piers is thought to be derived from a French family by that name. It is variously spelled, on the records in Perq Co, as well as elsewhere.
Peter Piers who lived in the reign of Edward IV, & Richard III, was an adherent of the house of York, & fought at Bosworth field 1485. He was standard bearer of Richard III. John Pierce was Bishop of York. The first grt for land at Plymouth Colony, was given to John Pierce June 1, 1621. Abraham Pierce was the first of that name to settle in New Plymouth, & was called a Freeman 1633. He was a householder 1637. Soldier under Miles Standish 1643, purchased Bridgewater 1645. He died about 1673, when his son Abraham was his Ex. He had also a son John settled at Gloucester 1712. (Ancestral families, & Portraits.)
John (s of John Pierce, & Elizabeth his wife), b 16, 4mo 1643. (Records of Boston.)
Elizabeth (d of John Pierce, & Elizabeth his wife), b 16, 4mo, 1643. (Records of Boston.)
Capt William Pierce, & John Pierce were among the living at James City Feb 16, 1623. (Hotten.)
Capt William Pierce trans to Va in Sea Venture 1620.
Richard Pierce, & wife Elizabeth came in Neptune 1624.
John Pers of No’wch weaver, age 49 years, & wife Elizabeth 36, “about to pass into foreign parts” took passage for Boston April 8, 1637, with children, John, Barbre, Elizabeth, & Judith. (Hotten.)
p 405
William Pierce was a Sea Capt, & trans William Edwards to Surry Co Va June 22, 1635. It is probable that the John Pierce mentioned, as living after the Indian massacre May 22, 1622, was a son of Capt William Pierce. His age is not shown, but it seems he would not be too old, to have been the same John Pierce who d in Perq Co 1692. At that time he probably was just a lad, in his ’teens.
There is no proof that he is the same, John, who moved to N. C., but he must have married before coming to Albemarle, as no record of such a marriage was recorded, in the old Berkeley Parish Reg. His wife however, married for her 2d husband, William Bundy Dec 5, 1683. Her marriage is recorded in sd Par Reg, & announces the fact, that she was a dau of Joseph Scott. Her mother Mary Scott, had already passed away, Berkeley Reg, giving the time, as Feb 24, 1681/2, Her father Joseph Scott d Last of Oct 1685.
William Bundy, had 1st wife Elizabeth, by whom he had a son: Samuel b Feb 4, 1682 & by 2d wife Mary Scott, a dau Sarah b Jan 23, 1685, m Francís Pettit, of Chowan. William Bundy d Nov 7, 1692.
Pierce, John, & Mary (née Scott) had issue: 1 Deborah b Mar 5, 1678—2 Rabacka b Aug 9, 1680—3 Mary b May 7, 1682, & Thomas age not given, but he is named in the will of his father John Pierce, Perq Co Sept 13, 1682. Sons Thomas, John, & Joseph, dau Rebeckah, wife not named, William Bundy was made one of the Ex, with Jonathan Phelps.
Thomas Perre, m Mary Kent July 30, 16— Issue: 1 John b July 30, 1691—2 Thomas b Nov 24, 1693.
Joseph Pierce (son of John, & Mary) m Damaris Nixon (d of Zachariah, & Elizabeth, née Symonds,) at Little River Aug 11, 1699. Joseph Pierce d Nov 16, 1705. Damaris Pierce m 2d Richard Ratcliff of Perq. (See their wills—Grimes.)
His will Perq Precinct, June 6, 1700, names brother Thomas Pierce, & wife Damaris. No other legatees.
John Pierce (2), b July 30, 1691, m Sarah (probably Copeland). His will probated in Perq Co Jan 10, 1726, names sons: Copeland, Thomas, & dau’s Mary, Elizabeth, & Hannah, wife Sarah. Brother-in-law Peter Jones. (Peter Jones m Mary Pierce, sister of John.)
Thomas Pierce (Eldest son of John, & Mary (Scott) Pierce), will probated in Perq Precinct Mar 30, 1732. Sons: Thomas, Joseph, & John. Dau Mary Jones (wife of Peter) gr-children Thomas, & Mary Pierce. Son-in-law Peter Jones.
Thomas Pierce (2), (son of Thomas) will p Oct Court 1756, names Dau’s Mary Nixon, Sarah Morris, Jamima Newby, Kesiah Newby, Kerrenhappuch Pierce, gr-son Pierce Nixon (son of Phineas & Mary) Brother-in-law Peter Jones. Exors: Phineas Nixon, John Morris, Robert Newby, & Nathan Newby. (Son-in-law.)
Mary Pierce m Phineas Nixon. Her sister Kesiah m 1st Nathan Newby (s of Nathan & Mary Toms) m 2d Francis Nixon, who made his will May 13, 1772, 3d Samuel Pritlow. (See N. C. Hist, & Gen Reg Vol 3—No 2.)
Thomas Pierce (3d) m Miriam, named in his will, Perq Co probated Oct Court 1772. Sons: Joseph, John, David, Abner, Nathan, William, & James. Francis Wright, & Ralph Fletcher Ex.
Nathan Pierce, m Kezia Carter. Aug 19, 170—.
Joseph Pierce, m Elizabeth Barrow. Oct 18, 1780.
page 406
Joseph Pierce 2d, m Zebrah Small. Aug 16, 1784.
Abner Pierce, m Mary Roberts. June 17, 1784. (Mar bonds Perq County.)
Division of the Est of Thomas Peirce dec’d, by Order of Court Oct 1757. To Alice Calloway, mother of dec’d, £5-11s-4p. To Sylvanus Wilson, (in right of his wife) £3-11s-4p. To John Chancey (in right of his wife) same. To Mary Bartro (sister of the half blood) same. To Caleb Calloway, (brother of the half blood) same. To John Calloway, (brother of the half blood) same. Thomas Jones Ex.
Peter Jones m Mary Pierce (d of John & Mary) & sister to Thos, & John Pierce (sons of Thomas).
Berkeley Parish Reg, has the following:
Pierce, John, & wife Sarah, had issue
Mary b Mch 11, 1716/17.
Copeland b May 11, 1719.
Elizabeth b May 11, 1721.
Thomas b Feb 11, 1722/23.
Hannah b Mch 25, 1725.
Pierce, Thomas Jr, m Mary Copeland 1719, issue:
John b Feb 16, 1720.
Mary b Sept 23, 1722.
Pierce, Joseph, & wife Alice, issue: Rebecca b Feb 28, 1729/30, and son Thomas (of Division).
Pierce, James, & wife Elizabeth, issue:
Hartwell b Jan 22, 1742/3.
Miles b Feby 23, 1745/6.
Florella dau b Jany 9, 1747/8.
Fan son b May 2, 1750.
James Pierce in his will p in Perq Co, April Court 1763, names son: Miles. Wife Susannah, Dau’s Kesiah, & Celia. Eldest children, Hartwell, Miles, Florida, & Fen. Test’ James, & John Gibson, & Amy Maudlin.
John Pierce, “an Elder,” departed this life, 10, 6mo 1812, 80 years of age. (Suttons Creek Mo Meeting.)
p421 . . . The Hon’ble Francis Toms, had a grt, in Perq Pr’ct, 640a, adj Capt Ralph Fletcher, & James Morgan, to corner of Wm Voss, & along his line to the River (Perquimans). May 1, 1695. Francis Toms Esq, another grt, in Perq (page 422)
Page 425-426
James White in Va same date, at same place. Henry White of York Co Va, had a son Henry, who moved to Isle of Wight. From the dates it seems probable that this was the identical Henry White who migrated to Perq Precinct N. C., before 1670. He built the first Quaker Church in Perquimans, thought to be Little River Mo meeting, which was about where Woodville is situated. Just beyond the confines of this village can be seen at the present time an old Quaker burying ground, with small stones such as were in common use at that day among the simple Quakers. Meetings were held at the house of Henry White, 26, 4mo 1690, at which time, James Davis (s of William) and Elizabeth White (d of Henry) of Albemarle, took each other as man and wife. Another Quarterly meeting convened at the house of Henry White, 1, 3mo 1695, when it was “agreed that Robert Wilson, Francis Toms, & Henry White, doe write a letter in behalf of the Meeting, to friends at yearly meeting in London.” At a meeting held at the house of Arnold White, 24, 4mo 1679, there were present: Henry White, Timothy Meade, Francis Toms, Charles Moris, Jonathan Tailer, Arnold White, George Tailer, Mary White, Rebecka Simons, Solomon Pool, & Margaret White. The children of Solomon Pool were registered at this meeting, as follows: Richard, b 2, 3mo 1680—Ane, b 12, 2mo 1682—Mary, b 15, 10mo 1683—Solomon (2) b 23, 4mo 1687.
Page 434
The will of Robert Wilson, p in Perq Precinct Jan 11, 1696. Son: Isaac, dau Sarah Belman, gr-children: Robert, & Ann Wilson, Sarah, & Ester Belman; wife Ann Extrix. (This will was proven before John Archdale, Daniel Akehurst, Francis Tomes, & Samuel Swann, Justices; at the house of Samuel Swann.)
Page 435
(1) Robert Wilson died “at his own house, up the Narrows of Perq River” Dec 21, 1696. (Roman Calendar) His wife Ann moved back to Surry Co Va, where her will was p21, 5mo 1702 reads as follows: “Disposing of wordly Est itt hath pleased God to bestow upon me in Carolina, do bequeath unto Robert Borsman & Ann, ye son, and dau of John Borsman: & Sarah His wife, except cattle etc. to be equally divided between Robert Wilson & Ann Wilson, son & dau of Isaac Wilson & Ann his first wife’. Jno Tocke, & Sam’ll Cornell Exrs. (Surry Co Rec.)
In “Paule” of London, July 16, 1635, Kathren Wilson, age 28, and children: Robert, age 6—Richard, age 5. (Hotten.)
William Edwards, Clerk of Surry Co Va, was grt (with Rice Davis) 1080a in sd county, for trans’ among others, robert wilson, & Henry White. July 10, 1648.
William Wilson “of the City of Bristoll, Mercht; apt’ son John of Isle of Wight Co, Va Att’ Aprill 26, 1666.” (Isle of Wight Records.)
George Hardy of Isle of Wight Co, in his will bequeathed, “Land, Housing, my Mill, with all movable Est, to be equally divided between Kinsman George Hardy, & Christopher Willson, after the decease of my wife,” He gave also 1000 lbs of Tob toward building a Church in this Parish, “to be Built of Brick.” To Christopher Willson “Land in Suit between me & Successors of Justinian Cooper, in case it be restored.” (Records Isle of Wight.)
robert wilson was living in Chuckatuck, Nansemond Co Va, 9, 12mo 1688, when he witnessed the mar banns of Levin Buffkin, & Dorothy Newby, at the house of Thomas Jordan. He recorded his mark in Perq Co N. C. April 1689, and his son Isaac did the same, May 1689.
At a quarterly meeting at the house of Henry White, in Perq, 1, 3mo 1695 robert wilson, Francis Tomes, & Henry White, were apt to “write a letter to friends in London, in behalf of the Meeting.”
The will of Robert Wilson, p in Perq Precinct Jan 11, 1696. Son: Isaac, dau Sarah Belman, gr-children: Robert, & Ann Wilson, Sarah, & Ester Belman; wife Ann Extrix. (This will was proven before John Archdale, Daniel Akehurst, Francis Tomes, & Samuel Swann, Justices; at the house of Samuel Swann.)
(1) Robert Willson died “at his own house, up the Narrows of Perq River” Dec 21, 1696. (Roman Calendar.) His wife Ann moved back to Surry Co Va, where her will was p 21, 5mo 1702, reads as follows: “Disposing of worldly Est itt hath pleased God to bestow upon me in Carolina, do bequeath unto Robert Borsman, & Ann, ye son, and dau of John Borsman; & Sarah His wife, except cattle etc, to be equally divided between robert wilson, & Ann Wilson, son & dau of Isaac Wilson, & Ann his first wife.” Jno Tooke, & Sam’ll Cornell Exrs. (Surry Co Rec.)
(1) Isaac Wilson, m Ann — issue: 1 Robert, b 10, 8mo 1690—2 Ann, b 16 7mo 1692—3 Benjamin, b 19, 10mo 1694. Isaac Wilson m 2d Ann Parker (d of Robert, & Hannah, “b at Nattensate in Ash Church Parish, in Glouster Sheer”) Mch 31, 1701, issue Isaac, b Nov 18, 1702. (The Quaker Rec’ds give the first three, the last are found in Berkeley Par Reg, Perq Co.)
Isaac Willson will Perq, p July 13, 1714. Sons: Benjamin, Robert, Isaac, dau Ann, wife Ann. He was a Burgess in Perq Co, Oct 11, 1709.
(2) Isaac Wilson d. s. p. will p in Perq Dec 29, 1724. Brothers: Benjamin, Robert, nephews: Joseph, & Isaac Wilson, to whom he left a plan’ on Perq River “where Capt Pettiver now lives,” niece Rachel Wilson, mother Ann Pettiver, uncle Ralph Bozman, other legatees: Joseph, & Thomas Elliott.
(3) Isaac Wilson, will Perq p April 1751. Sons: Robert, James, dau’s Rachel, and Miriam Wilson, wife Elizabeth (née Perry, married 2, 12mo 1742).
(1) Joseph Wilson (s of Benjamin) Will Perq, p July 1752. Son: Reuben, dau’s Elizabeth, & Mary, wife Mary. Wit’ Jacob Wilson, Wm Townsend, Rachel Winslow.
(2) robert wilson (s of Isaac & Ann) m Rachel Pricklove (Pretlow) (d of John, and wife Elizabeth). His will p in Perq, June 1758. Sons: Isaac, and Silvanus, dau Rachel Townsend, gr-sons: Reuben Wilson, Obed Winslow, Caleb Winslow, gr-dau’s Elizabeth, and Mary Wilson. Exrs Barnaby Nixon, & Jacob Winslow (gr-son).
Rachel Wilson, m 1st Timothy Winslow, issue three sons, & one dau; m 2d William Townsend, issue four children, m 3d John Williams, by whom no issue. Her will Perq county, p July 1777, is a very interesting document.
Isaac Wilson, (s of Benjamin) b Nov 16, 1694.
robert wilson, m Martha Gilbert, 4, 1mo 1739. (Quaker Records.)
John Wilson (s of Thos) m Mary Pearson (d of Peter) 20, 9mo 1740. (Quaker Records.)
Thomas Wilson m Elizabeth Newby, 6 8mo 1777. (Quaker Records.)
Isaac Wilson m Roda Chappel. 5, 6mo 1776. (Quaker Records.)
Jonathan Wilson, m Huldah Harrel, 4, 7mo 1795. (Quaker Records.)
William Wilson m Elizabeth Munden 3, 11mo 1765. (Symons Creek Pasq Co.)
robert wilson, m Anne Reed 2, 3mo 1752, Suttons Creek Perq Co.
Edward Wilson, came to Va in “Plaine John” May 15, 1635, age 22. He settled in Surry Co, from which place he moved to Perq Co N. C. When or where he married can not be certain, but his wife is given in Berkeley Par Reg.
Edward Wilson, & wife Rachell—issue: 1 John, b Jan 11, 1686—2 Edward, b Last of Feb, 1687/8—3 John (2d by name) b Sept 14, 1693—4 Elizabeth, b Feby 24, 1692—5 Sarah, b July 14, 1695. Edward Wilson died 1712. Dau Sarah m Daniel Jones.
(1) John Wilson, m Elizabeth Mayo (d of Edward (2) & wife Mary née Clare, d of Timothy Clare, & wife Mary née Bundy) & had according to Mary Newby’s (née Clare) will 1739, issue: 1 son John Wilson.
(2) John Wilson, m Ann — will p April 1785, Wife Ann, dau’s Rebecca, & Amey. His division, Nov 24, 1798, shows: dau Rebecca Webb, & Amey Wilson.
(See other Wilson Wills in N. C. Hist Reg, Vol 3-2 & 3-3.)
Jacob Wilson (1) m Rachel Hollowell (d of Thomas) m 2d Sarah. His will p Perq, 1793. Son: Jonathan, brothers, Zachariah, & Moses, dau’s Misala, Miriam Elliott and Julianna Elliott (buried in Episcopal Cemetery in Hertford, wife of Exum Elliott) Rachel Nixon, sister Sarah Copeland, (wife of Jesse) Jesse Copeland (s of Jesse) d Absala Seymour, kinsman Thomas Hollowell (s of Joseph) Ex.
(3) John Wilson, m Margaret White, 5, 11mo 1828, issue: 1 Alfred, b 9, 1mo 1830—2 Timothy, b 20, 1mo 1832—3 Christopher, b 4, 5mo 1834.
Joseph Wilson, m Sarah Charles, 7, 6mo 1780. (Welles Meeting, Perq Co.)
(1) William Wilson, moved from Pasq Co, to Tyrrell, where his will was p June 1741. Sons: Patterson, William, Thomas, Benjamin, dau’s Rebecca, Sarah, & Rosaman Wilson, & Mary Scarbrough, Elizabeth Barclifte. His wife Sarah evidently moved back to Pasq, where her will was p April 1754. Sons William, Benjamin, Thomas, dau’s Rebeckah Furbush, Elizabeth Bartlet. Patterson Wilson died in Pasq Co before his mother, so he is not named in her will. His will sd county: p July 12, 1746, names son: William, dau Mary, wife Elizabeth.
(1) Thomas Wilson, will Perq, p April 1785. Sons: Thomas, Samuel, William, wife Elizabeth.
Wilson Grants
Robert Wilson had 450a grt him, “upon ye West side of Perquimons River, near the mouth of Robert Wilsons Creek, to ye South East side of sd Creek, or branch” 1684.
Isaac Wilson, 490a, in Perq pre’ct, to line of Robert Wilsons, by Cypress Swamp. May 22, 1694.
Edward Wilson, 250a in Perq pre’ct on the head of Albemarle River (Sound) near the mouth of a Creek. Feby 17, 1696.
William Wilson, 300a in Anson Co N. C. on North side of Broad River, & Dry Creek, Oct 3, 1753.
Capt John Pettiver, 240a in Perq, “by ye side of Perq River, adj Jno Spelman, Xber 10, 1712, and 400a on the head of Bentley Creek (now called Muddy Creek) adj James Cheston, to Spelmans corner, & line of Edward Wilson. Dec 10, 1712, (same) 377a on Cypress Swamp, along ye Indian Swamp. Dec 10, 1712. (same) 220a adj his own land, on Cypress Swamp. Xber — 1712.
John Pettiver was murdered by Joseph Haines. (See deeds.) He m Ann widow of Isaac 1716.
Ralph Bosman (called uncle by Robert Wilsons ) 166a in Perq Pre’ct, adj Samuel Phelps. Feb 10, 1718.
Wilson, Christopher, Intention, with Pharaby Saunders, 15, 11mo 1788. (Quaker Reg.)
Wilson, Jesse, joined the “Baptist Society” and was “out of Unity” 20, 12mo 1788.
Wilson, Thomas, m Martha Pendleton, Mar 31, 1806. (Mar bonds Pasq Co.)
Wilson, Francis, m Nancy Jennings, Nov 19, 1806. (Mar bonds Pasq Co.)
Wilson, John, Intention, with Millicent Trueblood, 20, 7mo 1799. (Pasq Mo Meeting.)
Wilson, Sylvanus, m Rebecca Pierce (d of Joseph, sister of Thomas dec’d) Oct 18, 1757.
Wilson, Sylvanus, (son of Robert, & Rachel (Pricklove) Wilson). (See Robert Wilsons will.)
Wilson, Benjamin, (s of Isaac, & Ann née Parker) m Judith Docton (d of Jacob), & had son Jacob Wilson, whose dau Julianna, m Exum Elliott. (See deeds.)
Wilson, Reuben, (s of Joseph) m Mary Winslow (d of Timothy, & Rachel Wilson, d of Robert, & Rachel née Pricklove) issue: Silvanus, b 8, 9mo 1768—Jacob, b June 12, 1774. Mary, b 8, 1mo 1779—Huldah, b Mar — 1781. (Bible record.)
Page 449 Rent Roll (Perquimans Co. Prior to 1700)
…John Gosby (s of John & Hannah) 3ooa on Suttons Creek, … Sarah (d of Hannah) 200a on Suttons Creek (This land was situated where the old Toms home still stands on the head of Suttons Creek, now vacant and dilapidated) … Thos. Pierce 300a. … Samuel Nicholson 300a, … James Morgan Vosses Creek 300a ... Ralph Fletcher 370a. … Isaac Wilson 490a… George Sutton 99a… Jonathan Phelps Perq River 310a… John Belman on the Sound Pasq Co, 280a… Francis Toms 640a…
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