p. 235
Richard McKinne, son of William McKinne Sr., was born 1752 in Wayne County, N.C.; died Jan 27, 1800 in Wayne Co., N.C.; married 172-3 in Wayne Co, N.C. Sarah Fellows, b. 1752 in Wayne Co., N.C., made her will November Court 1837, in Wayne Co., N.C., daughter of Robert Fellows. One Robert Fellows as a member of the Surry Co., Va. Militia received grants of 1000 acres in Craven and Johnston Co., N.C. “An Act to establish Warehouses for the inspection of Tobacco in the County of Dobbs ‘at Fellows Ferry, on the land of Robert Fellow’.” (N.C. Col. Records V.23 p. 507)
p. 236 William Fellows appointed Captain, Joel Herring Lieutenant and John Cooper Ensign for ———– County, under command of Brigadier General Ashe at Cape Fear “now in actual service” Tuesday, June 11, 1776 (N.C. Col. Records, V. 10, p. 625) William Fellows appointed recruiting officer for the County of Dobbs, 2nd Sept. 1777. . . 14 April 1778 – The following were duly elected members of the Commons House of Assembly for the respective Counties and towns, as follows Viz: For Dobbs – Willam Fellows and Jesse Cobb. William Fellows, William McKinne, Sr. and William McKinne Jr. were among those consitituted “Directors and Trustees for designing, building and carrying on the said town (Waynesborough)