(p.184) 7 Jun 1753 … John Lankford and wife, Sarah Lankford, of Stratton Major Parish in King & Queen County to Thomas Lankford of the same … 375 acres (being the land he lately bought from Samuel WIlkins of Newport Parish in Isle of Wight … with 200 acres being part of 400 acres granted to George Pierce on 23 Apr 1681 who sold it to John Williams and Thomas Williams and John Williams sold the 200 acres to Ralph Vickers and the other 175 acres was granted to George Anderson on 25 Oct 1696 who sold it to Ralph Vickers who sold it to Samuel Wilkins on 26 Nov 1744 who then sold it to John Lankford on 3 Sep 1751) adjoining William Williams, John Sellaway, George Pierce, William Carver (?) and Richard Braswell. Mention is made of a patent of George Anderson dated 25 Oct 1696 who sold it to Ralph Vickers.
Wit: John Baldwin, Jethro Gale and Richard (X) Teasley.
John Lankford
Rec. 6 Sept 1753(p298) 5 Dec 1754 … James Bridger, Gent. of Newport Parish and wife, Sarah Bridger, to Peter Stubbs of Petswortj Parish in Cloucester County … 635 acres in Newport Parish on the south side of Burks Swamp adjoining the Old Chappell Road (being land that was lately seized of by Joseph Bridger, Gent., and from him if descended to Joseph Bridger the Elder, Esq. decde. who in his last will entailed the same and entail was broken and the land came to the said James Bridger).
Wit: George Hall, William Woodward and Daniel Herring
Rec. 5 Dec 1754
James Bridger, Sarah Bridger
State Archive NC – Raleigh, North Carolina March 2019
GR 929.3 V81 H7941f