The Ivey home located in the Piney Grove area just north of Seven Springs, is believed to be the oldest house still standing in Wayne County. The house is believed to have been built about 1790 on a 747 tract of land that was deeded to John Ivey by his father Robert Ivey in 1789.
Wayne County records indicate that the deeded land accumulated by Robert Ivey of Dobbs County, included parts of sundry grants and patents which he had bought from his neighbors and had been awarded, himself. The parcel included two land grants to Richard Ivey himself; one dated 1767 and the other, 1788. Other purchases included that from John Roach in 1754, from William Wiggins in 1757, from John Spain in 1785 and from M. Stanley in 1784.
John Ivey probably built the three-story home for his wife, a Miss Mosley and his five children. The house stands give feet above ground level which helped to provide a full-size basement with only three feet of evacuation. Today the kitchen and dining room area is joined to the original structure but one must enter them from the front porch of the home. The original kitchen building was ten feet, removed from the house because of the danger of fire. A log smoke house which appears to be as old as the home itself, stands nearby and an overgrown family cemetery is several hundred yards east of the house.
Family History Center, Salt Lake City, Utah