
Wayne County, North Carolina Will Bk. 5 p. 71-72

In the name of God Amen. November the 7th day 1822 Whereas Jesse Aycock being weak in body but in perfect mind and memory thanks be to god do make and publish this to be my last will and Testament (Viz.) in the first place I recommend my body to be buried in a Christian like and desent manor and my soul into the hands of god that have it.

Item 1st I lend to my wife Patience Aycock two feather beds and furniture one mare by name Dimont one plow hoe and Cutter fraim and gin one Lomb and gin six setting chairs, one Bofat and all the furniture belonging to it. Two pots of her choice one frying pan and Spider, two pewter dishes three do Basons one Gallon one and two ./2 gallon and too quart Basons and six do plates. Two cows and calves or yearlings four head of Sheep one flat Iron. One Case of Knifes and forks four negroes by names of Jacob Peters and two by name of Haners and the house and plantation on which I now live beginning at the mouth of the little Swamp and runs up a bottom called the gully bottom to Elly Hooks fence containing the whole of my land up the little swamp which I shall not hereafter give off in legacy during her natural life or widowhood

I give my three grandsons Ervin, Ely and Elisha Aycock sons of Ephriam Aycock a certain tract or parcel of land beginning at a pine James Aycocks corner and runs his line No[rth] to a corner black Jack from thence to a large pine on the parth about 60 feet E[as]t of Ends of large pine log in the parth then to uper end and pond then down to the lowest end of the great Marsh then up the same to poplar in Deans line then with said line to Stake thence to the beginning to be equally divided to them and their heirs forever.

I give to my son Simon Aycock a certain tract or parcell of land beginning at Elly Hoods fence at the ? of the gully bottom and runs down the same to the mouth of the little Swamp thence up the great swamp to the mouth of the little swamp then up the great swamp to the mouth of the Cow Branch thence up the same to a poplar then allong by the end of the old field cald the Brent old field down a glade to the Reedy branch then up the said Reedy Branch to where my line crosses the branch then W[es]t to a pine then No[rth] with my line to a pine then nearly E[as]t along Simons new ground fence leaving Simons parth on his side and goes betwixt Simon and Timothy Aycocks houses to the head of the poplar branch then down the same to my line then to the beginning to him and his heirs forever

I give to my grand son Daniel Aycock all the Balance of my land No[rth] of Simon Aycocks line to him and his heirs forever

I give to my three grandchildren Joel Nance and Penelope all my lands I bought of John and Richard Brunt as far as Simons line with a 46 acre tract in the great pocoson to be equally divided and drawn for by a committee to them and their heirs forever

I give to use of Baptist Church the meeting house with one acre of land round the same with all the priviledge of the lanes leading to the same so long as it will last.

I give to my grandson Jesse Newsom Twenty Dollars.

I give to my grandson John Newsom Twenty Dollars.

I give to Daughter Ann Newsom twenty five Dollars –

I give to my son Solomon Aycock Two hundred dollars

I give unto my son Elias Aycock Twenty Dollars –

I leave all my Negroes that I have not lent to my wife to be sold with the Balance of my estate and the money arising from the same after paying my just debts and legacies with all my notes and accts to be equally divided among my children and grandchildren hereafter named.

I give to my son Ephriam Aycock one hundred and fifty dollars to him and his heirs forever.

I give to my son Timothy Aycock one hundred and fifty Dollars to him and his heirs forever.

I give to my grand Daughter Eliz Wilkeson Twenty Dollars

I give to my granddaughter Zilpha Newsom twenty Dollars the balance of my estate

I leave to be equally divided among the whole of my grandchildren except Jesse, John, Zilpha and Eliz Wilkeson the lawful heirs of Ann Newsom besides those named the lawful heirs of Elias Aycock also of Jesse Aycock also of Benjamin Aycock, also of James Aycock, also of Ephriam Aycock, also of Timothy Aycock, also of Simon Aycock after the death of my wife leave the negros and other property lent to my wife except the land to be sold and put to the use above named Peter and haners to be sold together and the and lent her to be rented for the above use.

I Constitute and appoint my two sons James and Simon Aycock Executors of this my last will and Testament in Witness where of I have set my hand and Seal the Day and year above written

Jesse Aycock A[his mark]

Jacob Fulghum

Jacob Hooks

Wayne County November Term 1823

—————-Will of Jesse Aycock duly proved in open Court by the oaths of Jacob Hooks and Jacob Fulgham the Subscribing witness thereto and at the same time James Aycock and Simon Aycock ——————–executors appeared and Qualified executors thereto

Test P. Hooks, Clk