page 7 In 1612 Capt. William Tucker and his brother Thomas each received a bequest of 10 pounds sterling from Henry Steevens, Citizen and Haberdasher of London …
In his will, proved 16 August 1615,
page 10 The first Official Report of the General Assembly was signed by George Sandys, Francis Wyatt, John Pountes, and Samuel Matthews and sworn to by Roger Smythe, William Pierce, Francis West, George Yeardley, Ralph Hamor and Capt. William Tucker …
The Great Massacre
On 8 March 1622, the chief of all Indian Chiefs, named Jack of the Feather, invited a planter named William Morgan, also known as Brookes, to go hunting with him William Morgan, whose land adjoined John Bowles and John Powell, whose land adjoined Capt. William Tucker, agreed. Jack returned to Morgan’s plantation alone, wearing Morgan’s hat. When he reported that Morgan was dead, two male servants asked no questions, but grabbed one of Morgan’s muskets and shot Jack at pointblank range. His dying requests were that he be buried among the English and that no one tell his people that he had been killed by a bullet. Those requests (which might hav eprevented a bloody war) were ignoed. The body of Jack of the Feather was returned to his people…
When the massacre broke out, Capt. William Tucker’s cousin Ralph Harmor and 40 others, building a house near the Morgan house, also fell under seige…
page 12 … On 28 February 1624, a report from the Governor of the Council of Virginia at Jamestown to the King … The report was signed by Francis Wyatt, George Yeardley, Roger Smith, Ralphe Harmor, WIlliam Tucker, William Pierce, Gabriel Holland, Luke Boys, Rawley Croshaw, John Chandler and other …
p74-75 This parish was originally in Spottsylvania, when that was the frontier county, and was a part of St. George’s parish. The vestry-book from whence I derive my information concerning it, thus begins in 1730: “In pursuance to an Act of the General Assembly holden at Williamsburg the 21st day of May, 1730, of Spottsylvania, and that all the other parts of the said parish be known by the name of St. Mark: according to the said Act, the freeholders and housekeepers of the said parish, on the 1st day of January, and there did elect and choose twelve of the most able and discreet persons of their parish to be vestrymen, viz.: Goodrich Lightfood, Henry Field, Francis Huntley, William Peyton, James Barber, Robert Slaughter, John Finlason, Francis Slaughter, Thomas Staunton, Benjamin Cave, Robert Green, Samuel Ball.” Robert Slaughter and Francis Slaughter were the first churchwardens, …
p76-77 … In the year 1747, Robert Slaughter Jr is appointed vestryman in place of W. Finlason, deceased and William Green in place of Robert Green, deceased. In the year 1750, a chapel os prdered at the Little Fork, were an old chapel stood. In the year 1751, Abraham Field is on the vestry, also Thomas Slaughter in place of Robert Slaughter, Jr who removed out of the parish and … In 1758, Thomas Slaughter and Anthony Garnet elected vestrymen…
Sally (Sarah) Briscoe who married William Slaughter, son of William Slaughter of Culpeper Co. VA and Jefferson Co KY and of Miss Zimmerman of Madison Co VA. William Slaughter who married Sally Briscoe had an aunt, Martha Slaughter, who married (1) Gabriel Jones, married (2) Major William Broaddus…
p94 Vestry prior to the reorganization of the parish in 1832. the following among the vestry:
… Thomas T. Slaughter, …
p131 William Pannell Ford married Gillie Marshall. In 1823, land of W. P. Ford adjoined Briscoe Smith, William Slaughter, William Hume and others.
p164 Matthias Smith made a deed of gift to his son Nicholas Smith for 100 acres. That deed was signed in German and witnessed by Roger Dixon, R. Slaughter and RIchard Thomas.
p165 William Slaughter was grandson of Robert Slaughter who married Mary Smith, daughter of Augustine Smith …
p172 Article LXIL
Farnham and Lunenburg Parishes, Richmond County
To do justice to the history of this county and these parishes, we must go back to the time when they were a part of Rappahannock county and Littenburne parish, – which they were from the year 1658-1692 – when new counties and parishes were established. ..
At my request,… unable to specify who were the vestrymen of the parish, yet, in giving the following list of magistrates from 1680 to 1695, has doubtless furnished us with the names of far the greater part of the vestrymen, if not the whole of them, during that period. We cannot determine to which side of the river they belonged, as both the county and parish were on both sides. They are as follows: … William Slaughter, …
p346 The Church at Coalsmouth
… Among those families was that of Mr. Philip Thompson, of Culpepper, son of the Rev. Mr. Thompson, of St. Mark’s parish, of whom we have given so good an account in our aticle on Culpepper. His family, now reduced in numbers by death and dispersion, have contributed largely to the support of this congregation. The venerable mother, daughter of old Mr. Robert Slaughter, of Culpepper, was loved and esteemed by all who knew her, as one of the humblest and most devoted members of the divine power and excellency of religion streghtened by every visit made to her abode. She exchanged it some years since for a better one above.
p347 List of Persons who have acted as Vestrymen: Robert Simms…
p429 No. IV. Names of some of the Old and Leading Families in Eastern Virginia in Colonial Times and immediately succeeding the revolution.
p430 Hodges, Innes, Irby, Moseley, Nicholas, Pierce, Pope, Poythress, Slaughter, Ward
A very few Scotch and Irish names are found in this list, – still more of Welsh; but the great body of them are English or British (other than Saxon)
p436 Jos. Pierce, Wm. Peirce
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