Order of First Families of North Carolina Registry of Ancestors Vol. 2
The Descendants of John (d. 1692 and Thomas Williams (d. 1693) of Isle of Wight County, Virginia
by John A. Brayton
The following 1681 patent describes the land which George Pierce sold some months later to John and his brother Thomas Williams:
VA Land Patent Book 7, p 71, dated 23 Apr 1682 George Peirce, 400 acs, Is. of W. Co. on brs. of Blackwater …
Isle of Wight Co. VA Will & Deed Book 1, p 469
(deed on document)
John Williams of 1692 acquired land from George Peirce in 1681. Will of John Williams is on p6-9)
p6-7 James Williams
p52-53 George Pierce mentioned in John Williams
p 58-61 Arthur Williams
The Children of John Williams and Ann born Isle of Wight, VA:
c. Anne Williams born ca. 1696 married by 1716 as his second wife, Samuel Herring
f. Mary Williams born ca. 1702, married (Abraham?) Herring
p81 Anne Williams the daughter of John and Anne Williams was born ca 1696, Isle of Wight Co, VA. She married by 1716, as hiw second wife, Samuel Herring who died 1750, Johnston Co, NC. Samuel Herring was apprently the son of Anthony Herring of Isle of Wight co, VA. …
Samuel Herring and Ann Williams removed to Craven Co. by 1742, from which Johnston was formed in 1746. The statement that Ann Williams was Samuel Herring’s second wife is based on the fact that Anthony Herring, slearly Samuel’s son, petitioned for one of his father’s lapsed land patents in 1723.
p.82-83 North Carolina Land Patents -Samuel Herring (information on document page)
p84-85 Will of Samuel Herring
p86-87 Children of Samuel Herring and Ann Williams
Deed of John Williams Bertie Deed Book B p388 dated 2 Aug 1727 wit: Anne Herring
p86-87 Anne Herring
Deed of John Williams Bertie Deed Book B p388 dated 2 Aug 1727 wit: Anne Herring
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