p. 40
William Hatcher 200 acs. Henricoe Co. 1 June 1636 p. 353. S.E. upon Appomattuck River, S.W. with a small Cr. N.E. towards Pearse his stile Cr. & N. W. into the woods adj. neare to land of Elizabeth Ward, Widdowe. 50 acs. for trans. of 3 pers: Richard radford, John Winchester, Alice Emmerton
p. 59
William Hatcher 850 acs. at Appamattock Riv., 10 July 1637, p. 433, 450 acs. upon the Swifte Cr., beg. at a little Cr. lying N. E. thereon &, 50 acs allowed for a small island therein with a Sw. & marshes; 400 acs. sideing upon the sd. land. 450 acs. due by assignment from William Clarke & 400 acs. for his own per. adv. & trans. of 7 pers: Benjamine Gregory. Tho. Browne, Charles Howell, Eliza. Willis, Richard Radford, John Winchester, Alice Emmerton.