Patent Book 1
Page 7 (46, 47)
46 pg. 19 Captain Ralph Fletcher 15 May 1694 370 acres on Perquimans River, joining the mouth of a swamp, Jenkin Williams and the sd. River /s/ Philip Ludwell, Tho. Harvey, Francis Tomes, Benj. Laker, Tho. Pollock
47 pg. 19 Jenkin Williams 15 May 1694 317 acres on Perquimans River, joining the sd. river, Captain Ralph Fletcher and Joseph Sutton . . .
Page 14 (130 pg 50) The Honorable Francis Toms 1 May 1695 640 acres on the North side of ye Perquimons River in Perquimons Precinct, joining Captain Ralph Fletcher, James Morgan, William Voss, and the sd. River . . .
Page 30 (314 pg. 117) Ezekiel Maudlin 20 June 1703 300 acres in Pequimons precinct, joining Sanders Dock Landing on Perquimons River, ye long branch to ye Mouth of it, and ye pocoson of ye River /s/ Hen. Walker, Samuel Swann, Fra. Tomes, Tho. Pollock, Wm. Glover
Page 35 (369 pg. 136) Arnold White 2 October 1704 400 acres in Pequimons precinct on the South side of little river, joining the mouth of a branch, Ephraim and Charles Overman, John Parish, the river, and the Pocoson /s/ Robrt. Daniell, Samuell Swann, Francis Tomes, W. Glover
Page 39 (409 pg. 150) John Cary, esquire 11 May 1706 1440 acres on the south side of Neuse River, joining a branch, Anthony Hatcher, Weeks creek, from the head to the mouth, and the sd. river /s/ Thomas Cary, Thomas Pollock, Wm. Glover, John Arderne, Edward Moseley
Page 49 (534, 537)
534 pg 188 Richard Ballance 2nd Xber 1712 832 acres in Corratuck precinct, joining the Cypress swamp /x/ Tho. Pollock, Tho. Boyd, Nath. Chevin, W. Reed, Chris Gale, T. Knight
537 pg. 189 Samuel Ballance, 2nd Xber 1712 450 acres on ye South side of ye N.W. River in Curratuck precinct, joining ye River pocoson and a Cypress swamp /s/ Tho. Pollock, Tho. Boyd, N. Chevin, W. Reed, C. Gale, T. Knight
Page 66
Edward Moseley signed most of the entries on page 66 and 67.
(745 pg 254)William Handcock (Edward Moseley signed)
Page 67 (746, 747, 748)
746 pg 254 Levi Truewhitt 10 June 1706 330 acres assigned unto Mr. Sparrow (the sd. land) at the fork of Mr. Derham’s Creek, joining the Lesser Creek and Cedar swamp /s/ Thos. Cary, Saml. Swann, Edw. Moseley, Francis Foster, Wm. Glover
747 pg 255 Levi Truewhitt date (not given) 640 acres on Derhams Creek, joining Mr. Derham Know all men I, Levi Truehitt assign over all my right and title unto Thomas Sparrow Witness my hand the 2nd day of March 1709 . . .
748 pg 255 Farnifould Green .. 20 December 1708 2400 ares (known as) Crany island lying in Core sound within 6 or 8 miles to the E. of Topsale Inlet (the sd. land)assigned ot William Brice and from (assigned) to Thomas Sparrow /s/ Thomas Cary, Edwd. Moseley, Francis Foster, John Hawkins
Patent Book 2
Page 92-93
many Edward Moseley witness signatures
1007 pg 228 John Bond 29 March 1727 350 ares on the South side of Pamplico river, joining the East side of the Western Branch of the dividing creek and Thomas Sparrow which land was formerly surveyed for Abraham Pritchard . . . Witnesses: . . E. Moseley . . .
p 120 (1292 pg 321) Thomas Sparrow 6 December 1716 640 acres on the S. side of Pamplico and the East side of S. dividing creek being a Neck of land lying against . . .
p 123 (1322 pg 332 Daniel Cox . . .
p 124 (1337 pge 336) Richard Ballance 20 June 1717 248 ares on Slades Creek on the E. side of Matchapungo river, joining Mathias Tice, the point of Marsh, a small creek, and another Creek from the head to the mouth Witnessess: Cha. Eden, Thos. Pollock, Fra. Foster, N. Chevin, T. Knight
Patent Book 3
Page 145-146 (1556 pg 3) Phillip Walston 5 April 1720 Chowan . . . joining Jontha. Stanley and ye river
p 163 (1757 pg 54) John Jones 6 December 1720 240 acres at ye Mouth of a Branch, joining William Fellows and ye Swampside . . .
p 165 (1778 pg 60) Joshua Toms and Ezek. Mandling (prob Maudlin) 30 March 1721 176 acres on ye N.E. side of Perquimens river, joining rattlesnake Ridge and Joshua Sutton Jr. Witnesses: C. Eden , Wm. Reed, Fra. Forster, Richd Sanderson, John Lovick
Page 194
(2118 pg 148) William Eggerton 1 April1 723 300 acres in Chowan precinct, …
(2126 pg 150) John Williams 1 April 1723 . . . joining Jonathan Stanley (no place mentioned)
p 195 (2132 pg 151) . . . Perquimons precinct . . . joining Jacob Overman
p 200 (2194, 2195)
2194 pg 167 John Barnes 4 August 1723 200 acres in Bartie precinct in the fork of the Fort Branch, joining the pocoson and both forks of the branch . . .
2195 pg 167 . . . Bartie precinct . . joining John Barnes
p 216 E. Moseley witness on most of the entries
p 217 (2370 pg 205) . . . joining . . . Thos. Busby
many E. Moseley witness signatures
(2371 pg 206) William Barden Bertie Precinct 1 February 1725 E. Moseley (one of Witnesses)
p 228 (2499 pg 236) William Ballance 10 November 1727 225 acres in Currituck precinct, joining a Gum Swamp, William Harslet, sd Ballance, Andrew McFashon, and the main swamp Witness: R. Everard
p 239 (2631 pg 268) Richard Everard 29 August 1730 640 acres in Hyde precinct on the West of Machypungo River to the Westward of Daniel Cox . . .
p239 (2632 pg 268)E. Moseley Witness to Benjamin Hil 23 Nov 1728
p239 (pg 269) Samuel Paget 28 October 1728 E. Moseley Witness
(pg 269) E. Moseley witness to John Hecklefield 30 July 1730
(pg 269) E. Moseley witness to Elizabeth Blount 17 April 1728
(pg 270) E. Moseley witness to Samuel Paget 22 October 1728
Patent Book 8
Page 253 (2680 pg. 110 Samuel Ballance 9 October 1716 130 acresin Currituck precinct, joining Henry Bright Witnesses: Charles Eden, N. Chevin, C. Gale, Fra. Foster, T. Knight
Page 262 (2786 pg 136) joining Samuel Ballance
Page 266 (2829 pg 149) Edward Moseley 6 Apr 1717 400 acres, joining Thomas Gilbert Witnesses: Cha. Eden, Thos. Pollock, Fra. Foster, N. Chevin, T. Knight
Page 266 (2835 pg 150) joining William Ballance (Curratuck)
(2835 pge 150) Robert Smith 20 June 1717 200 acres in Curratuck precinct, joining William Balance and WIlliam Bateman Witnesses: Cha. Eden, Thos. Pollock, Fra. Foster, N. Chevin, T. Knight
Page 271 (2889 pg 167) . . . Perquimons, joining the MOuth of Bear Garden branch, Arthur Jones, the river tract, Francis Toms, Ralph Fletcher, William Morgan, . . .
Page 284 (3034 pg 207) John Hendly 1 March 1719/20 111 acres in Prequimons precinct, joining ye Middle of Suttons Creek swamp nigh ye mouth of a small branch, John Nicholson, Chri. Nicholson, ye Upper Grum Swamp, and the sd. Branch Witnesses: Cha. Eden, Thos. Pollock, Fre. Jones, Richd Sanderson, John Hecklefield
Page 285 (3051 pg 211) James Castellaw 1 March 1719/20 Chowan . . . joining Jonth. Standly . . .
Page 295 (3158, 3166)
3158 pg. 244 joining Jacob Overman
3166 pg. 247 Ralph Fletcher 22 November 1714 166 ares on the N.E. side of Perquimans river, joining Francis Tomes and a small branch Witnesses: (not given)
Page 297 (3196 pg 256) Samuel Ballance 22 November 1714 130 acres in Currituck precinct Witnesses: (not given)
Page 304 (3291 pg280) Andrew Etheridge – joining Thomas Cox and ye Creek side
Page 305 (3298 pg 282) Francis Tomes 22 Febuary 1714/15 40 acres, joining his own land Witnesses: Cha. Eden, Nath. Chevin, Wm. Reed, Chr. Gale, Fra. Foster, T. Knight
by Margaret M. Hofmann
Contains Patent book 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13
Butler Center
F253.H63 1979
(3300 pg 282) Andrew Etheridge
Index of Family Names
Page 325 Ballance, Barden, Barnes
Page 326 Barnes continued, Clount
Page 332 Egerton, Eggerton, Etheredge
Page 338 Heron, Herring, Hooks
Page 344-345 Morgan, Moseley, Nicholson, Newsam, Overman, Pace
Page 346
Pace continued
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