Abstracts of Land Warrants Bladen County, NC 1778-1803
GR929.3 WBb2 P971a; 1778/1803 v.1
John Spann to Robert Ivey Grantee Index Book 5, p 129 (recorded 1757-58)
[These last two entries are probably a single deed, entered differently in each index.]
The two deeds from John Spann to Robert Ivey were preserved by the family of one of his grandsons (See also Ivey Family Papers): 30 April 1759 John Spann to Robert Ive, both of Dobbs County, for 30pds, 440 acres on north side of Nuse, south side of Great Contentena, and on a branch of Nauhunty called Butten Branch…adjoining John Simonses, survey of Robert Parks, and William Faircloth, being part of a patent granted to Robert Parks on 2 September 1745. Witness: Wm. Whitfield, Michael Herring. Recorded May Ct. 1759. Ivey Family Papers, NC Archives, (PC 1828.1). [This apparently the deed from Book 5. Not clear where this land is, but somewhere in northern Wayne County. The Grantor Index contains a deed from Robert Park to John Spann recorded ca1747-9.]
Robert Ivey to John Spann Book 6, p 100 (recorded c1758-65)
John Span to Robert Ives Book 6, p 129 (recorded c1758-65)
13 April 1762 John Span to Robert Ive, both of Dobbs County, for 5 pds, 50 acres on north side of Nuce and east side Boge Marsh, adjoining William Wiggins, John Herring, and Standley, being land deeded from Stephen Cade to John Span. Witness: John Weaver, Robert Simms.
Proved April Ct. 1762. Ivey Family Papers, NC Archives, (PC 1828.1).
[This deed apparently the one from Book 6. This was probably John Spann Jr., husband of Sarah Smith and son of John Spann and Mary Norwood.]
Richard Sarsnet to Robert Ivey Book 9, p 289 (recorded 1771-73)
Robert Ivey to John Roach Book 10, p 408 (recorded c1774-75)
Griffin Jones to Robert Ivey Book 13, p 355 (recorded c1780-89)
Robert Ivey Sr. to Robert Ivey Jr. Book 17, p 3652 (recorded c1797-98)
Recorded twice:
Bladen County DB 12, p239 and DB 29, p240.
Also have not yet read the following deeds:
Duplin Book K19, p365 Josiah Stafford to Robert Ivey
#935, p144. [This land located in present Lenoir County, southeast of Kinston, south of the Neuse River About 15 miles southeast of the Bogue Marsh land. Apparently not the same Turkey Branch as the one on which Thomas Ivey bought in 1766. Lodowick Gray another Pasquotank name, appears one name away from John Ivey in 1754 tax list.]
26 Oct 1767 Patent to Robert Ivey, 310a Dobbs County, north side of Neuse River in Bear Pocoson joining the lines of William Wiggins, John Roach, and near Jonathon Stanley. “Colony of NC Abstracts of Land Patents 1734-1764”, Margaret M. Hofman, p 446. [This land located near the parcel purchased in 1762.]
26 Oct 1767 Patent to Richard Sarsnett, 563 acres in Dobbs County on north side of Neuse River in Sapone Neck, joining Robert Ivey, Robert Argoe, near William Whitfield and the sd river. Patent Book 23, p178. [Sapony Neck is between Bear Creek and Walnut Creek.]
4 May 1769 Patent #1505 to Jonathan Stanley, 600 acres in Dobbs County on north side of Neuse River in the pococon between Bair Creek and Bogue Marsh, joining near John Roach Sr., near Heritages line, Wm. Whitfield, and near Robert Ivey. Patent Book 20, p421. [Bear Creek was later the dividing line between Wayne and Lenoir Counties. Bogue Marsh was just west of Bear Creek in present Wayne County, between it and Walnut Creek.]
1769 Dobbs County tax list: Robert Eivy – 1 poll (male 21 or over)
[William Whitfield Sr. & Jr., Moses Stanley, Richard Sarsnet, John Spann, et al, also on this tax list. Evidently no sons are yet 21.]
1770? Ivey Family Papers (PC 1828.1) has a single page, apparently a ledger sheet, showing the account of John Ivey with Whitfield & Son, with “1770” written on it. Apparently saved by family with deed package. I probably misread “1790” as “1770”.
9 Jan 1778 Patent by Robert Ivey for 150 acres in Dobbs County on Turkey Branch in the fork of the South West Creek, beginning at the mouth of Turkey Branch at Torran’s beginning including all the vacant land in or from that course, joining the lines of Stephen Hearon and Lodowick Gray and his own lines. Dobbs County Patent Entry Book 4,
13 Jan 1778 Patent by Robert Ivey for 300 acres in Dobbs County on the north side of the Neuse River and in Bogue Marsh and low grounds of the river joining Moses Spann, Joseph Green, William Caswell, and Moses Stanley. Dobbs County Patent Entry Book 1, #170, p170. [This land located in extreme eastern part of what became Wayne County. Very near, if not adjacent to, the land he already owned.]
ca 1778-9 Robert Ivey to Jean Herring. Lost deed from Lenoir County grantor/grantee index. Recorded Lenoir DB 18, p265. Recorded 1798-1799 from context.
ca 1778-9 Robert Ivey to Sarah Harper. Lost deed from Lenoir County grantor/grantee index. Recorded Lenoir DB 18, p382. Recorded
1798-1799 from context.
[Could these be deeds of gift by Robert Ivey Sr. to additional daughters? It is not clear if Robert Ivey Sr. still owns land in Lenoir at
this time, but these seem to coincide with the move to Bladen County. Could Graddy Herring’s wife be named Jean??? Robert Ivey is thought to be the father of Sarah Ivey Stafford, so Sarah Harper is probably not another daughter. There are four Harpers in Lenoir 1800 census.
A Sarah Harper is on the 1810 census of Lenoir County with several children. A Sarah Harper just north, in Greene County, filed a
petition for dower in 1819 naming several grown children. Apparently the widow of Blaney Harper.]
1779 Wayne County formed from western half of Dobbs County. Courthouse of Wayne was the old Dobbs courthouse, which fell into the new county. Dobbs County courthouse relocated to Kinston in present Lenoir County. [Robert Ivey’s land fell into Wayne County, just west of the Dobbs line. The land near Southwest Creek still in Dobbs.]
Robert Ivey on 1779 tax list of Dobbs County
22 Feb 1780 Solomon Roach of Duplin County to Sarsnet Roach of Wayne County, 150 acres in Wayne County on the north side of the Neuse River on the Great Branch, bounded by William Wiggins, Robert Ivey, John Branch, John Roach, John Hanks, Sarsnet Roach, Jno. Nemhiz(?). Line between John Branch and Robert Ivey (said Ivey’s survey on Bear Pecaron bearing date 26 October 1767.) Witness: John (X) Roach, Nancy Whitfield, Bryan Whitfield. Wayne County DB 2, p62.
28 Mar 1780 James Forehand to his son William Forehand, 100 acres on north side of Neuse River and east side of Walnut Creek, bounded by Span, Robert Ivey, and Samuel Powers, being part of a tract granted to Richard Sarsnet 27 October 1767. Witness: James Forehand Jr., Bryan Whitfield, Nancy Whitfield. Wayne County DB 1, p23. [Page 28 has a deed on same date to son James Forehand Jr. for adjoining 100 acres. William Forehand sells this land to John Ivey in 1789.]
1780 Dobbs County tax list: No Ivey. There appear to be several missing districts. Robert Ivey’s land in Dobbs is now in Wayne County. However, he apparently still owns 150a south of the Neuse, which may have still been in Dobbs County.
16 May 1781 Quaker Meeting at Pasquotank County – entry this date on report of marriage between Sarah (Ivy) and Josiah Stafford. Entry dated 21 March 1781 “Sarah Ivey received by request”. Entry dated 20 Jan 1779 “Josiah Stafford received by request”. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. 1, William Wade Henshaw (Genealogical Publishing Co., 1978), page 143. [Note this does not mean this is the marriage date, nor that the marriage took place in Pasquotank.] JosiahStafford’s Revolutionary pension file # 39091 says he was born ca 1757 NC, enlisted from Dobbs County 1777, died 16 May 1835 Bedford County, TN. Applied for pension in 1820 from Giles County, TN. His son Ivey Stafford born 1788 according to descendants.
20 Oct 1781 Militia list of men over age 30 in Dobbs County. No Iveys. Apparently all are in Wayne County by this time. Also, there are
no Iveys on Dobbs militia rolls taken between 1767-1781.
12 Jan 1782 NC grant to Robert Ivey, 100 acres on the east side of Bare Marsh joining Whitfield, William Foreman and my own lines. Wayne County entry #85.
12 Jan 1782 NC grant to Robert Ivey, 50 acres on the east side of Bare Marsh joining Whitfield, John Spann, Rachel Herring, and John Standley’s lines. Wayne County entry #86.
14 Oct 1784 John Spann of Dobbs County to Robert Ivey of Wayne County, for 10 pounds specie, 150 acres in Wayne County on the north side of the Neuse River upon Bogue Marsh, adjoining John Herring, as by patent granted to Richard Sarsnet 26 May 1757. Witness: Henry (X) Nixon, William Whitfield, Bryan Whitfield. Wayne County DB 2, p77.
1784-6 State Census for Duplin County (no longer exists for Wayne or Lenoir County) All located near one another in Hubbard’s District:
Lewis Herring 0 1 1 [husband of Mary Ivey]
Daniel Hines 1 0 1 [husband of Chloe Ivey]
Josiah Stafford 1 0 4 [husband of Sarah Ivey]
1784-89 Griffin Jones to Robert Ivey. Lost deed from Dobbs County, recorded in Book 13, p 355 according to deed index. Recording date probably 1784-9. [This might be a coincidence, but a Griffin Jones was from Pasquotank County. He took the tax list in 1754 for the district in which John Ivey appeared.]
21 Sep 1785 Moses Stanley of Wayne County to Robert Ivey of same, for 10 pounds specie, 50 acres on north side of Neuse River and east side of Bogue Marsh, granted to Stanley 10 Nov 1784. Adjoining Robert Ivey’s patent and Moses Stanley. Witness: Thomas Uzzell, John Burk, Bryan Whitfield. Wayne County DB 3, p62. [This is apparently the father of the Moses Stanley who married Sarah West, thus the father of the brother-in-law of Robert Ivey Jr. The deed is clearly to Robert Ivey Sr.]
28 Dec 1785 William O’Daniel of Duplin County to William Whitfield of Wayne County, for 40 pounds, 200 acres on north side of North East River, west side of Jumping Run. Witness: John Ivey, John Barfield, Bryan Whitfield. Duplin County DB 1A, p412. [Barfield and the Whitfields were adjoining landowners of Robert Ivey in Wayne County. John Ivey may be occupying his father’s land in Duplin, though it’s possible this is another John Ivey entirely.]
31 Dec 1785 George Smith Sr. of Duplin County to Robert Ivey of Wayne County, for 60 pounds, 250 acres on Cow Hole Branch, head of a branch of Burncoat Swamp. Witness: Josiah Stafford. Duplin County DB 1A,
p331. [This land in northeast corner of Duplin about a mile or less from the southeast Lenoir County line, northeast of present town of
Anderson. Robert Ivey may never have occupied this land. He sold it to Josiah Stafford in 1789. George Smith later sold land in the same vicinity to John Ivey.]
23 Dec 1786 Tax list returned for Wayne County:
Robert Ivey 850 acres, 1 white poll, 2 black polls
John Ivey 0 acres, 1 white poll
25 Apr 1786 Three entries made for NC grants by Robert Ivey of 40, 50, and 30 acres. The acreage changed after surveys were made. All three grants were issued and recorded on 11 July 1788. Recorded as follows in Wayne County DB 4, p299-303:
Grant #291 issued for 44 acres on north side of Neuse River on the Main Road adjoining Lewis Whitfield, Standley and Ivey’s own line.
Grant #297 issued for 38 acres on the east side of the Bare Marsh and on the west side of Cypress Swamp adjoining Whitfield, the widow Henry, and Ivey’s own line.
Grant # 302 issued for 19 acres adjoining Lewis Whitfield and Forehand.
[The “Main Road”, from other deeds and land descriptions, was the road leading from the Dobbs courthouse to Thomas Uzzell’s. This road ran between Walnut Creek and Bear Creek as it went through the area where Robert Ivey lived. Lewis Whitfield shortly thereafter entered a claim that included the former land of John Herring and the plantation where John Spann formerly lived. Also, Sarsnet Roach entered a claim adjoining Robert Ivey. At this point Robert Ivey owns at least 1,341a in the Bear Creek area and 150a in the Turkey Creek area.]
6 Oct 1787 James Forehand Sr. of Duplin County to Lewis Whitfield of Wayne County, 69 acres north side of Neuse beginning at the south side of the Great Swash near the place called the treading Ground, adjoining Standley. Witness: William Standly, John Ivey, Ephraim Cotton. Wayne County DB 4, p5.
10 Jan 1789 Robert (x) Ivey of Dobbs County, planter, to Josiah Stafford of Duplin County, planter, for 50 pounds specie, 250 acres on the east side of the North East River, both sides of Cow Hole Branch…Burncoat Swamp…being part of 500 acres patented by George Smith Sr. bearing date 3 July 1779…the said land being where the said Stafford now lives. Witness: George Smith Sr., Richard Hart. Duplin County DB E, p162.
19 Jan 1789 Robert (x) Ivey of Dobbs County to John Ivey of Wayne County, 250 pounds current money, total of 747 acres. A tract of 728 contiguous acres lying on the north side of the Neuse River and east side of Walnut Creek and Bogue Marsh…joining Bogue Marsh and adjoining Moses Stanley, Wm. Wiggins, John Roach (“Roach’s bounds of a part sold him”), Forehand, Spann, the widow Henry, and Lewis Whitfield…being granted in sundry tracts, to wit: parts of several patents: to Wm. Stanley, to John Roach 28 September 1754, to William Wiggins 23 May 1757, to John Span, to Robert Ivey 25 October 1767, to Moses Stanley 10 November 1784, and all of two grants to Robert Ivey 11 July 1788. Also a parcel of 19 acres near the same place in Sappony Neck adjoining Lewis Whitfield and Forehand granted to Robert Ivey 11 July 1788. Witness: So. (Lo.?) Miller, Bryan Whitfield, Bryan Whitfield Jr. Signed Robert (x) Ivey. Wayne County DB 4, p501.
[Not all of these purchases can be accounted for. Even after this sale, it appears Robert Ivey still owned a significant amount of land
in the area, plus the 150 acres on Turkey Creek.]
Jan 1789 John Ivey on jury in Wayne County. Also October 1789 and July 1792.
16 Dec 1789 William Forehand of Wayne County to John Ivey of same, 35 pounds specie, 100 acres on the north bank of Neuse River adjoining
Richard Sarsnet’s patent line and Joseph Green, being part of a patent granted to Richard Sarsnet and by him transferred to James Forehand and from him to the said William Forehand. Witness: Nancy Whitfield, Sarah Galloway, Bryan Whitfield. Wayne County DB 4, p499.
1790 census Wayne County – following names are consecutive:
William McKinney 1 0 2 0 8
Barnaby McKinney 1 0 2 0 11
Lewis Whitfield 1 1 2 0 32
Moses Stanley 3 4 5 0 12 [Father of husband of Sarah West]
John Ivy 2 3 3 0 0
William Forehand 1 3 3 0 0
Robert Henderson 1 0 4 0 0
William Surles Jr. 1 0 3 0 0
Sarcenet Roach 2 2 7 0 0
John Ivey 1 0 1 0 8 [His will dated 1792]
Dobbs County:
Robert Ivey 3 1 1 0 3
John Ivey 1 2 2 0 0 [Not clear who this is]
[There are no Iveys on the 1780 tax list of Dobbs County, nor on the 1788 voters list. No Iveys in various Dobbs militia lists 1767-1781.
No Iveys in 1784 and 1787 Duplin tax lists.]
Duplin County:
Lewis Herring 1 2 2 0 1 [Husband of Mary Ivey]
Daniel Hines 1 2 3 0 0 [Husband of Chloe Ivey]
Josiah St(r}afford 1 2 4 0 0 [Husband of Sarah Ivey]
20 Oct 1791 Deed proved: (unreadable) to Robert Ivey for 450 acres, on oath of Josiah Stafford. [Deed not found in deed books]. Duplin County Court Minutes.
21 Dec 1791 Dobbs County abolished and split into Lenoir County (southern half) and Glascow County (northern half). Glascow’s name changed to Greene in 1799. Bear Creek was just over the line in Lenoir County, so some of Robert Ivey’s land is now in Lenoir – apparently that which he was living on.
21 Feb 1793 William Wooten and Stephen White to John Ivey, a negro girl named Grace, aged 17. Witness: Shad. Wooten, John (x) Standley.
Ivey Family Papers (PC 1828.1).
9 Aug 1793 Marriage bond, Robert Ivey to Elizabeth West. Bondsmen: Dan’l West, Joseph Loftin. Witness: Samuel Chapman, CC. Craven County Marriage Bonds. [For many reasons, this is obviously Robert Ivey’s son Robert. John West, her father, lived in or near an area of Craven that was added to Lenoir in 1819 (the Moseley Creek area).]
27 Dec 1793 William Forehand to John Ivey, both of Wayne County, for 75 pounds NC currency, 100 acres, part of a tract granted to Richard Sarsnet 27 Oct 1767…adjoining Spann, Pattern, a pond below the road, Robert Ivey, Samuel Powers. Witness: Moses Standley, John Green, James Galloway. Ivey Family Papers (PC 1828.1). Recorded Book E, p33
14 Jan 1794 Moses Stanley patent for 150 acres lying in Bear Harbour Broke Islands joining my own and John Ivey and John Hank’s lines. Wayne County entry #618. [This land located on east side of Walnut Creek.]
10 Feb 1794 Bond for sale of land by Robert Argoe of Lenoir County to John Ivey of Wayne County, no acreage specified. Ivey Family Papers (PC 1828.1). [This land not described, but evidently on Panther Creek. Probably included the mill on Panther Creek.]
8 Jul 1794 Robert (x) Ivey of Lenoir County to Lewis Whitfield of Wayne County, for 100 lbs, 300 acres north side of Neuse and joining Walnut Creek and Bogue Marsh…on the river bank beginning at Joseph Green’s & William Caswell’s corner…mouth of Beaver Creek opposite to the mill…down the meanders of Walnut Creek to the river…being granted to Robert Ivey by patent bearing date 15 December 1778. Signed Robert (x) Ivey. Wayne County DB 5E, p155. (Also found in abbreviated form in “Wayne County Kinfolks”)
6 Sep 1794 Robert (x) Ivey of Lenoir County to his loving daughter Mary Herring of Duplin County, spinner, for natural love and affection, a negro woman named Dorcas. Witness: Michael Herring, Stephen Herring, Daniel Hines. Proved by oath of Lewis Herring. Duplin County DB3A, p123. [Evidently wife of Lewis Herring, age 26-45 in 1800 census of Duplin. In 1790 census of Duplin as 1 2 2 0 1. Lewis Herring born c1765?]
26 Sep 1794 Robert (x) Ivey to his daughter Chloe Hines of Duplin County, spinner, for natural love and affection, a negro girl named Nance. Witness: Robert Ivey, Michael Herring, Stephen Herring. Proved by oath of Daniel Hines. Duplin County DB3A, p125. [A family Bible in the possession of Art Chambers of Liddell, Lenoir Co., NC records the parents of Lewis Hines (born 22 May 1802) as “Dan” and “Cloey” Hines. Daniel Hines, age 26-45 in 1800 census of Duplin. Listed adjacent to Edward Outlaw.]
7 Aug 1795 John Ivey to Lewis Whitfield, both of Wayne County, for 10 lbs, 19 acres being a patent to Robert Ivey and transferred to
John Ivey. Witnesses: James Galloway, Jacob (x) Skipper. Wayne County DB 5E, p247.
15 Jan 1796 Sarsnet Roach to John Ivey, both of Wayne County, for £228-18-9, 203.5 acres on the east side of Walnut Creek joining the lands of the sd John Ivey and the lands lately owned by John Hanks…Wiggins patent…John Roaches patent line…Jona. Standley’s patent line… Witness: Moses Standley, Stephen Standley. Ivey Family Papers (PC 1828.1) Recorded in Book E, p548.
20 July 1796 Mary Dobson and her daughter Rebeckah Dobson of Duplin County to Jacob Meeks, 100 acres on north side Cow Hole
Branch…adjoining survey formerly Benjamin Adams now the property of Ivey…Burncoat Swamp. Duplin County DB 3A, p381. [Reference to land Robert Ivey purchased in 1785.] c1797-8 Robert Ivey Sr. to Robert Ivey Jr. Lost Lenoir County deed. Grantor Index shows this deed recorded in Deed Book 17, p 363 (recorded c1797-98). Deed lost in Lenoir courthouse fires of 1878 and 1880. Probably this is Robert Ivey Sr. selling his land in Lenoir County.
28 Jan 1797 Indenture Joseph Green of Wayne County to John Ivey of Wayne County, for 100# specie, 100 acres in Wayne County north side of Neuse, …on the river bank…James Forehand’s line…as by patent to Robert Argoe 14 March 1775 and by Argoe transferred to Green. Witness: Stn. Jernigan, Alexand. Frazen, Jos. Green Jr. Ivey Family Papers (PC 1828.1).
2 Nov 1797 William Ward of Bladen County to Robert Ivey of Lenoir County, 130 pounds, 100 acres on both sides of Brown Marsh Swamp above the main road…on Sarah Branch…run of the Swamp…adjoining John Campbell…above William Ward’s rice field. Witness: David Finlay, Philip Ward, John Ward. Bladen County DB 7, p78.
28 Nov 1797 William Ward of Bladen County to Robert Ivey of Lenoir County, 8lb – 15s current money, 50 acres on the west side of Brown Marsh Swamp, it being part of 200 acres lying above Crawford’s old field the 50 acres being the lower end at Jones Crawford’s line. Witness: Philip Ward, John Ward. Bladen County DB 7, p77.
28 Nov 1797 Philip Ward of Bladen County to Robert Ivey of Lenoir County, 15 pounds, 100 acres on the west side of the Brown Marsh Swamp including an improvement that Robert Hatcher bought of Francis Lawson. Witness: William Ward Sr., John Ward. Bladen County DB 7, p76.
76 – 28 November 1797 – Philip Ward & Robert Ivey of Lenoir County 15 pounds – 100 acres on the west side of the Brown Marsh.
77 – 28 November 1797, William Ward to Robert Ivey of Lenoir County, 8 lbs 15 a current money – 50 acres on the West side of Brown Marsh Swamp it being part of 200 acres lying above Crawford’s old field being the lower end & Jones Crawford’s line. Wit: Philip Ward, John Ward, May Term 1798. J.S. Purdie, C.C.
78 – 2 Nov. 1797. William Ward to Robert Ivey of Lenoir County – 130 pounds current money – 100 acres on both sides of the Brown Marsh Swamp above the Main roard adj. lands of Sarah Branch, John Campbell & William Ward’s rice field. Wit: David Finlay, John Ward, Philip Ward, May Term 1798. J.S. Purdie, C.C.
9 Nov 1798 NC Grant #2398 entered by Robert Ivey, 100 acres on the south side of Brown Marsh Swamp…beginning at a black jack in Robert Ivey’s line above his plantation…below Sarah’s Branch…McKeithan’s line… Patent date 18 December 1800. Recorded in Bladen County DB 7, p409.
[These last four entries are certainly Robert Ivey Senior, still alive in the late 1790s. Not clear why he would choose to move at his advanced age, but apparently sons Turner and Charles are with him. Brown Marsh Swamp is a creek in the south-central area of Bladen County that eventually flows into Columbus County. This land is evidently in the vicinity of Bladensboro. This is nowhere near the different family of Iveys who were earlier in the part of Bladen that was by now Robeson County.]
409 – 9 November 1798, Grant No. 2398 to Robert Ivey – 100 acres on the so. side of the Brown Marsh Swamp.
4 Jan 1799 Frances Lawson of Robeson County to Joseph Screws, 12 lbs, 40 acres lying between and joining Robert McEwen, Simm Bright, Joseph Lasley. Witness: Charles Ivey, Turner Ivey. Bladen County DB 7, p208. [This land evidently very near Robert Ivey.]
1 Jun 1799 John McKay to Robert Ivey, both of Bladen County, for 32 lbs 10s, 80 (50?) acres on the south side of the Brown Marsh Swamp adjoining Daniel McKeithan’s patent line. Witness: John Ward, Charles Ivey. Bladen County DB 7, p211.
1 Jul 1799 George Smith Sr. of Duplin County to John Ivy of Dobbs Co. for 15 pounds, land on the east side of Northeast River, called
Cowhole, part of a 500 acre patent to George Smith. (quoted from book mentioned at 10 Sept 1937 – did not find this in deed index of any county. Not clear whether this is “our” John.)
208 – 4 Jany 1799. Frances Lawson of Robeson County to Joseph Screws – 12 lbs – 40 acres lying between & joining Robert McEwen, Simm Bright, Joseph Lasley. Wit: Charles Ivy, Turner Ivey.
Septr Session 1799 J.S. Purdie, C.C.
227 – 9 February 1799. Anna McEwen & John Lasley to Stephen Stanley – 50 lbs current money – 80 acres on S Swamp on S W side of William Bryan’s patent of 200 acres Wit: Charles Ivy, James Robertson. June Term 1799 J.S. Purdie
2637 (5431) Robert Ivey 100 ac; warrant #1941 issued Dec. 21, 1799 by G Knowles to Robert Ivey for 100 ac on S side of Brown Marsh Swamp, joins his own line, John McKethan, John McKay, Connely, & entered Nov. 7, 1798; 100 ac surveyed May 22, 1800 by N McBride; Philip Ward & Stephen Stanley, chain carriers; Oct. 3, 1800 Robert Ivey has paid purchase money for 100 ac in entry #1941 (signed) J Craven, comptroller; grant #2398 issued Dec. 6, 1800.
1800 census
Wayne County:
John Ivey 1 1 2 1 0 – 2 0 0 1 0 5 slaves
Lenoir County:
Isaac Ives 2 0 0 1 0 – 1 0 0 1 0
Robert Ives 2 0 0 1 0 – 2 0 0 1 0 [Robert Ivey Jr.?]
Job Ives 0 0 0 0 1 – 0 0 0 0 1
Bladen County:
Robert Ivey 0 0 1 1 1 – 0 0 0 0 1 [Robert Sr. and two sons?]
Duplin County:
No Iveys
Daniel Hines 4 1 0 1 0 0 – 1 1 0 1 0 – 1
Lewis Herring 3 2 0 1 0 0 – 1 1 0 1 0 – 4
Josiah Stafford (Did not read)
2 Oct 1800 Nuncupative will of John West, of Craven County: The Will and Desire of John West told to D. West his son and in presence of Robt. Ivy. First my will is to give my daughter Elizabeth Ivy one hundred and fifty pounds out of my estate. Second my will is that my daughter Sally Stanley receive one hundred and fifty pounds of my estate. Thirdly my will is that my daughter Nancy receive one feather bed and three cows and calves and as much as the other two daughters recd when they married and then after that to receive one hundred and fifty pounds and then the rest of my pearnithi (?) the property to be divided amongst all my children I give and bequeath all the land I own on the east side of Moffys Creek to my son Levi West. Likewise all the land above the branch called the Middle Branch to James West my son reserving the peace of chand land above James West at Bonegrafs old field that Levi and Joseph West is to have use of them on even years. Lastly all the rest of my land I give to my son Joseph West agreeable the law directs. Witness: Danl West, Robert Ivy. Craven County WB A, p104.
[Witness apparently signed his name, so evidently was Robert Ivey Jr. who had married Elizabeth West. Sara West had married Moses Stanley Jr.(c1779-1812) by Craven bond dated 21 November 1799. Joseph West had married Sarah Stanley (c1772-1856) and went to Baldwin County, Georgia. It appears there were nine children altogether. John West lived not far from the Iveys – see 1780 Dobbs tax list and deeds.]
ca1800 Michael Herring to Robert Ivey. Lost deed from Lenoir County grantor/grantee index. Recorded Lenoir DB 19, p58. Recorded 1799-1801 from context. [This evidently Robert Ivey Jr.]
3 Jun 1800 Neill McNaughton, planter, to Angus Lamon (Lamont), planter, 50 lbs. 197 acres on north side of the Brown Marsh Swamp adjacent lands of Charles McNaughton. Wit: Thos. Maultsby, Charles Ivey. Bladen County (ref?)
1810 census Wayne County:
John Ivey 1 1 2 1 0 – 2 0 0 1 0 May have misread this- same as
Lenoir County:
Robert Ivey 3 2 0 1 1 – 1 2 1 1 1 2 slaves [Robert Jr. and
Charles Ivey?]
Philip Miller 2 1 3 0 1 – 0 1 1 0 1 – 22
William Miller 2 0 1 0 0 – 3 0 0 1 0
Bladen County:
Elizabeth Ivey 0 1 0 0 0 – 1 0 0 1 1 [Widow of Robert Ivey Sr.?]
Turner Ivey 1 0 1 0 0 – 0 0 1 0 0
Greene County census missing in 1810. No Iveys in Duplin County.
6 Nov 1804 Will of Jacob Skipper of Wayne County. Wife Barbary, daughters Barbary and Hannah, and “all my children”. Executors Barnaby McKinnie and James Ivey. From Wayne County Kinfolks? [Who is James Ivey? This is probably mistranscribed by the author and was meant to be “John”.]
19 Nov 1804 Charles Ivey to Josiah Stafford, both of Bladen County, for $600, 348 acres on both sides of Brown Marsh Swamp above the main road… There follows descriptions of five parcels adjoining one another. These five parcels match the four parcels purchased or granted to Robert Ivey a few years earlier. The Robert Ivey grant of 1800 is now described as two parcels of 50a each. One description reads: “…in Robert Ivey’s line above his plantation…it being part of 100a patented by Robert Ivey 22 May 1800.” Witness: John Ward, Phillip Ward. Bladen County Deed Book 27, p235.
[Robert Ivey Sr. is evidently dead by this date. Charles Ivey is selling what appears to be all the land previously owned by Robert Ivey Sr. There are no deeds in Bladen County to suggest how Charles acquired this land. Unfortunately, all records of Bladen County other than deeds and most wills were destroyed in courthouse fires. There are no Ivey wills in this timeframe.]
C1805-10 John Ivey to “Robert Argoe and others”. Lost Deed. Lenoir County Grantor Index, Deed Book 23, page 80. Probably recorded ca 1806, as book has 485 pages. [Could this be John Ivey acting as administrator or executor of Robert Ivey Sr. selling his remaining land in Lenoir County?]
7 Jun 1809 Josiah Stafford to Turner Ivey, both of Bladen County, $510, 340 acres in Bladen County…(comprised of several parcels –
descriptions are same as the land Robert Ivey purchased in three 1797 deeds and the 1 June 1799 deed. This is the same land bought of Charles Ivey in 1804.) Witness: John Ward, Phillip Ward.
7 Feb 1810 Turner Ivey of Bladen County, bill of sale to Charles Ivey of Lenoir County, $400, a negro slave named Lewis. Witness: John Ivey, Abner Wiggs. Wayne County DB 9, p216. [Charles now in Lenoir? Looks like he is in Robert Ivey Jr.’s household in 1810 census.]
Aug 1811 “…about the month of August in the year 1811 John Ivey formerly of Wayne County died intestate..” according to a petition by
the heirs to divide his land. Heirs were identified as Robert Ivey, Richard Ivey, Joshua and Sally Ivey by their guardian Graddy Herring, Edy and Elizabeth Ivey by their guardian Robert Ivey Sr., and John and Turner Ivey “infants by their mother and guardian Elizabeth Ivey”.
(Loose paper recorded at October court 1812, in folder of John Ivey estate papers filed at NC Archives as CR 103.508.xxx “I” box.) 19 Nov 1811 Inventory of estate of John Ivey presented by Graddy Herring and Robert Ivey Sr., administrators of estate. Estate valued at
3,250 pounds. (Loose papers, see above.) [Robert Ivey Sr. was the former Robert Ivey Jr. John Ivey’s son Robert is henceforth Robert
Ivey Jr.]
12 Oct 1811 Will of Moses Stanley, Wayne County [this is Moses Stanley Sr.?]: Sons Jesse, Moses, William and Major. Daughters Betsey, Pipkin, Sally West, Charity West, Polly Bowden, Dorcas Herring.
Witness: Richard Ivey, Robert Ivey, Joshua Ivey.
15 Aug 1812 Richard Ivey and Robert Ivey Jr.; Joshua Ivey and Sally Ivey by their guardian, Graddy Herring; Edy Ivey and Elizabeth Ivey by their guardian Robert Ivey Sr.; John Ivey and Turner Ivey by their guardian Robert Ivey Jr.; the children and heirs of John Ivey, deceased, late of Wayne County, …died intestate…assignment to Elizabeth Ivey, the widow of the said John Ivey, for one-third of the land of said John Ivey, deceased, that was laid off by commissioners to her for her lifetime as her dower. Witness: John Elmore, James (x) Skipper. Signed by: Robert Ivey, Richard Ivey, Robert Ivey gdn of Edy & Elizabeth Ivey, Robert Ivey gdn of John & Turner Ivey, Graddy Herring gdn of Joshua and Sally Ivey. Wayne County DB 9, p440.
Same date: In consideration of the above assignment, Elizabeth Ivey, the widow of John Ivey, releases unto Robert, Richard, Sally, Joshua, Edy, Elizabeth, John and Turner Ivey, the children and heirs of her late husband, all her claim to his lands in both Wayne and Lenoir Counties. Same witnesses. Signed Elizabeth (x) Ivey. Wayne County DB 9, p440.
[Elizabeth was evidently the mother of only the two youngest children – John and Turner. The transcript of these deeds in the book “Wayne County Kinfolks” uses the words “her children”, but those words do not actually appear anywhere in these two deeds. The deeds say “the children of her late husband”. She was probably the widow of Hezekiah Miller, as John Ivey’s estate paid the “guardians of the heirs of Hezekiah Miller.” Robert and Richard Ivey were of age since they signed the assignment, but the other six children are under 21. Graddy Herring was son of Michael Herring and Charity Graddy, and the brother of Lewis Herring who married Mary Ivey. Graddy Herring is believed to have married an Ivey, another daughter of Robert Ivey. Perhaps the “Jean Herring”? The child Sallie Ivey later married Benajah Herring, Edith Ivey married Dr. Gregory Thomas, and Richard Ivey married Alice West.]
[Later guardianship records indicate the Richard Ivey took over as guardian of Turner Ivey by 1818 and served through 1831. He paid Turner’s boarding bills to Elizabeth Skipper, indicating that the two infants may have continued to live with their mother. Major Stanley took over as guardian of John Ivey in 1821, then Benajah Herring became his guardian in 1826 and served through 1829.] C1812
Undated document in the Ivey Family Papers (PC 1828.1) is the division of the 150 acre “home tract” of John Ivey into seven lots. There may be a page missing, as there were evidently eight children plus the widow.
7 Dec 1812 Partition of the land of John Ivey. 1297 acres in Wayne County and 872 acres in Lenoir County were apportioned among the
eight children. Little genealogical interest to this.
6 Jan 1813 Elizabeth Ivey of Wayne County, deed of gift to her son James Miller, and to her daughters Penny Miller and Purcey Miller. Each child given a slave (named David, Robert, and Lewis respectively) and “one feather bed and furniture”. Note at end of deed reads “I shall keep the negroes until my children, son and daughters, comes of age and then they may have them.” Signed Elizabeth (x) Ivey. Witness: Cholly (?) Totevine, Percy Edmundson. This deed of gift is recorded twice, in Wayne County DB 10, p97 and again in DB 12, p315. [This is evidently the widow of John Ivey, who also signed with her mark. She was apparently the widow of Hezekiah Miller, whose heirs were paid out of John Ivey’s estate, though possibly the widow of James Miller. She must have married John Ivey shortly before his death.]
544 – 12 Sept 1814. Isiah Stafford to Robert Ivey (planter) one of Bladen & the other of Lenoir County – $350-100 acres on N E side of Thos Bryans Bay including JOhn Simmons improvement … 75 acres from Saml Elkins to me. Wit: J. Lesley, Lucy Stafford, Nov Term 1814. acd’d J.S. Purdie, C.C.
6 Aug 1814 Final settlement of estate of John Ivey in Wayne County by administrators Graddy Herring and Robert Ivey.
12 Sep 1814 Isiah (sic) Stafford of Bladen County to Robert Ivey, planter, of Lenoir County, for $350, 100 acres on northeast side of
Thos. Bryans Bay including John Simmons improvement…also 75 acres from Saml Elkins to me. Witness: J. Lesley, Lucy Stafford. Bladen County DB 7, p544. [This land evidently formerly owned by Robert Ivey Sr., as no such purchase to any Stafford is recorded. The grantor signed with a mark, as Josiah Stafford did. Probably the clerk erred in copying the deed. Who is Lucy Stafford? An unmarried daughter?]
13 Sep 1814 Robert Ivey of Lenoir County to Turner Ivey of Bladen County, for $400, 100 acres in Bladen County on the north side of Thomas Bryan’s Bay, including John Simpson’s (sic) improvements…also 75 acres adjoining the above… (same land as bought the day before). Witness: Aaron Lewis, John Ward. Signed by Robert Ivey. Bladen County DB 30, p508. (Not recorded until Aug 1832.) [Grantor signed his name, thus Robert Ivey Jr.]
550 – 1 June 1814. Thos. R. Ivey of Lenoir COunty To James Bryan – $50 – 344 acres between the waters of the N W River & Drowning Creek opposite Col. Owens adj. lands of Jno. Owen, Thos Owen. Wit: Robt. Lyon, Feby Term 1815. J.S. Purdie, C.C.
ca1815-7 Robert Ivey to William Gray (Lenoir Deed Book 24, p209) and Robert Ivey to James Carter (Lenoir Deed Book 24, p352). Lost deeds from Lenoir grantor index. Recorded between Aug 1810 and Aug 1819. Probably around 1815-7, as Book 24 had 501 pages.
[There are no more Ivey deeds in Lenoir County until about 1870. Robert Ivey is apparently selling his land preparatory to moving to
ca 1817 Robert Ivey in Georgia by this time. “History of Baldwin County” (p 100) lists members of Camp Creek Baptist Church ca1817 – including Robert Ivey, Elizabeth Ivey, Furna Ivey, James Ivey. Robert Ivey filed his last accounting as the guardian of his niece Elizabeth Ivey in February 1817. The May court appointed a committee to settle the account of Elizabeth Ivey by her former guardian Robert Ivey with Graddy Herring, her current guardian. Graddy Herring’s guardian bond was dated 20 May 1817. The settlement between Robert Ivey and Graddy Herring is dated 13 August 1817. (Wayne County loose estate papers, NC Archives)
17 Aug 1819 Sheriff of Wayne County grant to Robert Ivey, for $25, James Skipper’s interest in the land allotted to his wife, Elizabeth Skipper, the late widow of John Ivey, deceased, as her dower in the lands of said Ivey. Sheriff directed to seize the property of James Skipper, Barnaby McKinne (in the hands of his executor) and Robert Ivey to pay a debt. James Skipper had a lifetime interest in the land by his marriage to Elizabeth Ivey. Sheriff sold the lifetime interest in the land at auction November 1818. Robert Ivey the high bidder at $25. Sheriff now makes a grant of interest in the land during Elizabeth Skipper’s life to Robert Ivey. Witness: Robert Ivey, Isham Cotton. Wayne County DB 11, p221. [This is the son of John Ivey. His uncle Robert Ivey is in Georgia by now.]
8 Oct 1819 Deed of gift of “furniture” from Henry Skipper to his cousins Elizabeth Skipper and Kelsy Skipper, both daughters of James
Skipper and Elizabeth Skipper, his wife. Witness: Major Stanley. James Skipper. Wayne County DB 11, p219. [Elizabeth evidently had children by Miller, Ivey and Skipper – cementing the idea she was a relatively young widow when she married John Ivey.]
30 Sep 1820 Robert Ivey and Joshua Ivey of Wayne County to Jesse Wood of Greene County, for $3,024 (?), 312 acres in Wayne County. [Not clear what land this is.] Witness: Ichabod Herring, Joshua Rouse. Wayne County DB 12, p202.
1820 census Wayne County:
Robert Ivey 1 1 0 0 1 0 – 2 0 1 0 0 1 slave
Richard Ivey 3 0 0 0 1 0 – 3 1 0 1 0 4 slaves
Joshua Ivey 0 0 0 1 0 0 – 2 0 1 0 0
James Skipper 2 0 0 0 1 0 – 2 1 0 1 0 1 slave
[Turner Ivey is probably the male 5-10 in Skipper household]
Lenoir County: No Iveys
Philip Miller 1 0 0 2 0 1 – 1 0 0 2 2 – 29
Bladen County:
Turner Ivey 0 0 1 1 1 0 – 1 0 0 1 1 [Elder female may be
Baldwin County, Georgia:
Robert Ivey
Barney Ivey
1823 Richard Ivey to Patsy Elmore, 335 acres. Wayne County DB 12, p426. Not read.
10 Aug 1824 Furney Ivey and wife Elizabeth Ivey, formerly Elizabeth Miller, both of Baldwin County, Georgia, to Henry Parks of Wayne County, NC, for $850, a tract of 219 acres in Wayne County adjoining Moses Stanley and Jesse Wood, part of the real estate formerly owned by John Ivey, deceased, late of Wayne County. Signed Furno Ivey, Betsey Ivey. Witness: D. Justice, W. S. Jenkins. [Justice and Jenkins were JPs in Baldwin County.] Elizabeth Ivey releases dower rights in land, same date and witnesses. Wayne County DB 15, p133. [Furna is son of Robert Ivey Jr. There seems to be no record of his acquiring this land. None of the heirs of John Ivey were awarded a tract near implying they were married when he acquired the land – or that it was her interest in the land that they were selling. It is possible she was John Ivey’s daughter Elizabeth, perhaps the young widow of a Miller – meaning Furney married his first cousin.]
10 Aug 1825 Jesse Wood to Richard Ivey, both of Wayne County, for $1200, 162 acres adjoining John Ivey, Turner Ivey, the dowry line, line of Richard Ivey, the road leading to White Hall north side of Neuse and Roaches Branch. Ivey Family Papers (PC 1828.1)
12 Feb 1829 James Bryan Sr. to Turner Ivey, both of Bladen County,
$100, 200 acres south side of Bryans Swamp on both sides of the main road leading from Elizabeth town to Ivey’s Bluff…adjacent Thomas Bryan. Witness: Edward Lewis, D, Lewis Jr. Bladen County DB 10, p47.
1830 census Bladen County:
Elizabeth Ivey (blank)
Turner Ivey 00011001 – 0100001 – 0 [Sons John & Charles &daughter Elizabeth]
[Turner Ivey’s wife was named Alice according to descendants. Alice was aged 70 in 1850 census, had a daughter named Elizabeth and sons John & Charles. The Pate family association says Turner Ivey’s daughter Elizabeth married Hilary Pate in Bladen County about 1840 or 1841. See 1839 entry. A daughter of Hillary Pate and Elizabeth Ivey, Elizabeth Pate, married Monroe Singletary and evidently took care of her Ivey grandmother and uncles. Beyond some real estate transactions among them. she inherited land on the present site of Bladensoro from these Iveys. Apparently neither Charles nor John married. Both left their lands in Bladensboro to Elizabeth Singletary, who gave some of it to the First Baptist Church of Bladensoro.]
10 Dec 1830 In a Court of Equity held at Court House in Kinston, Lenoir County, 3d Monday after the fourth Monday of March last–ordered, adjudged and decreed by said Court in a certain cause there depending between Daniel Miller, Nancy Miller, an infant under the age of 21 years by her guardian Furnifold Ivey, John Koonce an infant under the age of 21 years by his guardian Emanuel Jarman and Imla N. Miller, Petitioners and Michael Pickle and wife Mary, Benjamin Fordham and wife Alice, Willie Miller, John Miller and Lewis Miller, Defendants, that the several Tracts and parcels of Land mentioned and set forth in the petition of the Petitioners (among which is the tract or parcel hereinafter particularly described) be sold by the Clerk and Master of said Court at public auction, the said Master first giving forty days notice of the last sell at Courthouse in Kinston for $9.50. Tract situate in Jones Co. On Trent River in Blackshear’s line, 14 acres, being the tract of last conveyed to Phillip Miller by George Koonce by deed bearing date 18th day of February 1796. [Miss Mamie Kinsey Collection, N.C. Archives.] [Philip Miller in 1800-1820 censuses of Lenoir County. Furney’s wife evidently the widow of a son of Phillip Miller.]
Similar document recorded same date in Jones County Deed Book 18, p272. Recorded there because the land was on the Trent River in Jones County (formerly Craven). Willie Miller’s name given here as William Miller. Furnifold Ivey’s name given as Farnifold Ivey.
2 Feb 1832 Will of Richard Ivey of Wayne County. Wife Alice Ivey (given as “Ailsey” in one place, “Alice” in two others) all estate on the condition she “liberally educate, support and comfortably clothe all my children…until each of them arrive at the age of twenty one years of age or marries.” Executors: wife Alice Ivey, Alexander Mosely. Proved Feb Ct. 1832. Witness: Benjamin Herring, Graddy Herring, Jesse Stanley. Ivey Family Papers (PC 1828.1). [Alice was ne West, age 54 in 1850 census.]
8 Jun 1832 John Ivey of Wayne County to Henry Parks of same, $950, 317 acres north side of Neuse River “being known as lot no. 3 which I drew in the division of the land of my father John Ivey”…Wiggins line now Turner Ivey…Richard Ivey line…Stanley’s line now A. F. Moses…Stanley’s line. Wit: Alice Mosely, Jesse (x) Fields. Wayne County DB 15, p405.
18 Sep 1833 Turner Ivey of Haywood County, Tennessee to Allice (sic) Ivey of Wayne County, $600, 288 acres north side of Neuse and east side of Bogue Marsh “which tract of land was awarded me by the committee in the division of my fathers land…between the lots that were laid off and drawn by Richard Ivey and Joshua Ivey.” Witness: John H. Cotton, Isham Cotton. Wayne County DB 16, p60. [Alice Ivey is the widow of Richard Ivey. The committee that divided John Ivey’s land awarded 281 acres in Wayne County to Turner Ivey. Turner had apparently turned 21 about this time, as there are guardian’s accounts for him
through January 1833.]
[Turner Ivey, son of John Ivey, is in the Haywood County, TN 1840 census,# 395: 1m/0-5, 1m/10-15,1m/20-30, 1f/0-5, 1f/20-30. Apparently the same person as in 1850 Yell Co., Arkansas age 39 born NC with wife Mary and children Sarah, John, Robert, Elizabeth, and Hillary. There is also a John Ivey in Haywood county who appears to be his brother. Alice Ivey was the widow of Richard Ivey. She later had this land seized by the sheriff to pay a debt to Aaron F. Moses of $941. She paid him and got the land back in 1837. In 1844 she made deeds of gift to Robert and John Ivey of land in Wayne County.]
19 Feb 1835 “lands of Turner Ivey” on Thomas Bryan’s Swamp in Bladen County referenced in deed. Bladen County DB 10, p360.
14 Dec 1839 Elizabeth Ivey to Charles Ivey and John Ivey, all of Bladen County, “my part of all the land my father Turner Ivey was in possession of at the time of his death…” There follows descriptions of five parcels on Thomas Bryans Swamp. Witness” William Ward, C. Monroe. Bladen County Deed Book 14, p473.
[This refers to Turner Ivey, son of Robert Ivey Sr. Elizabeth is apparently the only daughter. Alice Ivey, widow of Turner Ivey is in the
1840 Bladen census with one female 20-25, one male 30-40, and one male 40-50. Charles and John are in 1850 census of Bladen, aged 48 and 50 respectively. Alice is aged 70.]
25 Jan 1843 Power of Attorney: Nimrod W. Long, Barna Ivey, and Malachi W. Davis, all of Russell County, Alabama appoint Windal Davis of Lenoir County [to receive monies] which might be due us from the estate of Rachael Davis and James Davis, both of Duplin County. Duplin County DB 16, p65.
[Barna Ivey (son of Robert Ivey Jr.) married Alcey Ann Davis. Her parents were Malachi Davis and Mary Wooten. Mary Wooten Davis apparently lived with the Iveys in Russell and Barbour County. Her gravestone in the Ivey Cemetery in Barbour County gives her birth date as 22 January 1777 and birthplace as Lenoir County, and date of death as 27 August 1854. Malachi Davis apparently died in Lenoir in 1806.]
From the above records, and later information from elsewhere, it is apparent that the family chart looks something like this:
ROBERT IVEY (c1730 – 1800-4)left widow Elizabeth (Turner??)
JOHN IVEY (c1760 – 1811) married (1)”Miss Moseley”?, (2)Elizabeth Miller
ROBERT IVEY (c1788-?) married Rachel, moved to Alabama
RICHARD IVEY (c1790-1832) married Alice West
JOSHUA IVEY (c1795-?)
JOHN IVEY (ca1809- ?) May have moved to Tennessee with Turner
TURNER IVEY (ca1811- aft 1870) moved to TN, then Arkansas
EDITH IVEY (?-?) married Gregory Thomas
SARAH IVEY (c1802 – ?) married Benajah Herring
ROBERT IVEY (C1769 – 1847) married Elizabeth West, moved to Georgia
BARNA IVEY (1795 – 1855) married Ailsey Ann Davis
FURNIFOLD IVEY (c1799 – 1881) married Elizabeth (Ivey?) Miller
ROBERT DORSEY IVEY (c1801 – ) married Anne Miller
MARY IVEY (1804-1870) married WIlliam Curry
JAMES IVEY (1808-1862) married Margaret Mary Barbee
GATSY IVEY (?-?) married George Leeves
ELIZABETH WINNIFRED IVEY (1811-1874) married Asa Cook,(2)John Chambers
CHARLES IVEY (c1816 – 1895) married Priscilla Gibson
TURNER IVEY (c1770-c1839) married Alice
JOHN IVEY (c1800-c1892) unmarried
CHARLES IVEY (c1802-c1887) unmarried
ELIZABETH IVEY (c1815-?) married Hillary Pate
CHARLES IVEY (c1770-?)
SARAH IVEY (c1760-c1810) married Josiah Stafford
CHLOE IVEY (c 1765-?) married Daniel Hines
MARY IVEY (c1765-?)married Lewis Herring
(…Perhaps other daughters)
Research of Bob Baird
10 Sep 1937 Mrs. Alice Simpkins, a granddaughter of John Ivey wrote a letter this date, summarized in “Colonists of Carolina in the Lineage of W. D. Humphrey” (Blanche Humphrey Abee, Byrd Press, 1938). She states John Ivey’s wife was “Miss Moseley”, and that his father was Robert Ivey. This book goes on to describe the John Ivey homestead, then occupied by her Mrs. Simpkins’ sister Mattie Ivey West. “The oldest members of the family now living say that this house was built in 1802. The brick were brought from England and the nails were hand made. It was a well built home for that period and has the old-time large fire place, in which wood, cord length, can be placed… The Ivey Family reunion is held each year at the old homestead on the second Sunday in July. Dr. Henry B. Ivey is president of the Ivey Family Association.” (This quoted from the Goldsboro, NC News-Argus, July 10, 1934.)
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