NC 7 Vol 4 p 644
Council held at the council chamber in Edenton 10 Nov 1743
His excellency was pleased to lay before the Board a letter from the Duke of Newcastle in relation to My Lords Carteret’s eighth part of South and North Carolina with his Majesty’s order in Council touching the same line running downward from Va. The following persons were admitted to their rights whixh are as followeth viz: 34 names among them, Wm Sasser of Edgecombe 3w in fam. Richard Jones 1 w in fam.

p649 At Council – Edenton 17 Nov 1745. Following persons admitted to prove their rights in taking up land. Proclamation for all his Majesty’s Tenants to pay in their Quit rents due from them to his Majesty – by 25 Mar— and to give notice that they will be distrained upon in case of default. Petitions for warrants read:
Thomas Sasser 250 a Craven 17 Nov 1743
p. 892 Thomas Saucer 150 a Johnston 3 Oct 1748
p 947 Thomas Sasser 150 a Bladen 5 Apr 1749
1043 Mary Jones alias Saucer 100 a Bladen 7 July 1750
p 711 William Saucer 300 a Edcombe 1 Dec 1744
p641 William Sasser 300 a Edgecombe 11 Nov 1743 (erect 1741 from Bertie; Bertie in 1722 from Chowan and Bath; then from Albermarle)
NC 7 Vol 22 p85 – Rev. Pensioners. Benj. Sasser (Pri), Abner Sasster (Pri)
p475. St. Rec. The Publick of No. Carolina to Richard Blackledge Dr. to Cash paid 8 hands for carrying from my house to New Bern and carrying from New Bern Mr. John Sassers and Robert Tolers, 2 boals, and finding them Rum and Provisions … veige and there returning back adin, —16 f 5-0 Errors and Ommissions excepted Richard Baldkledge, Com.
475. 1st day Aug 1771. The above acct. was proved before me the 29th nove 1771 … d. Cogdell.
449 The Public of No. Carolina to John Sasser Dr. 30 April 1771
…Craven Co. This day came before me Joseph Leech, one of his Majesty’s Justices of Peace for the county afordsaid, John Sasser and made oath on the holy Evangelist THAT THE FOREGOING ACCT. AMOUNTING IN THE WHOLE TO THE SUM OF f 41-10s Proclaiming … justly due to him, he having given just credit. New Bern 14 Nove 1771. John Sasser sworn to before me. Jos. Leech J. P.
479 Pub. of N.C. to John Sasser Dr. to the hire of a Pettiauger and Provision for the men who were employed to carry provisions and stores from Dubb, to New Bern … the return of the Army f 2-18-0. To the waggons, carts and army passing over my bridge on their march up the country and returning it being a toll bridge — 16-0-0.
Total 18 f 18-0 Craven Co. John Sasser appeared before me and maid oath that the account is just and true and that he has received no satisfaction for any part the John Sasser. Sworn 14 Nov. 1771. Jos. Leech. J.P.
p.469 No. Carolina
THis is to certify that at a meeting of the committee for the county of Dobbs, on 28th day Sept. 1775 a comapny of minute men, raised in the said company, whereof George Miller was elected Capt. Benj. Exum, Lt. and David Jernigen, Jr. Ens. was reviewed by the said commission and by them the said company was found to be complete by John Sasser, charman, No. 2 ordered that commissions issue.

NC 7 Vol 10 p565 Monday, 6th may 1776
From the Colonial Records,
The committee appointed to enquire into the most predictcable way of procuring purifying sulphur, etc., reported as follows: that they ahve been informed there is a large quanity of virgin or fossil sulpher at or near the mouth of Little RIver, in the supper part of Dobbs Co., and in the CO., Bladen, at or near Peter Lord’s, as well as in several other places in the Provinces; also that there is also a large quanity of lead ore in the lower part of Johnston Co. at or near the plantations of Capt. Nathan Williams, and lead may be procurred at Chisewell’s mines int he Colony of Virginia. Your committee therefore recommend that George Miller, John Sasser and Benjamin Exum of Dobbs County, and James Council, Thomas Robinson and Joseph Gum, of Bladen County, be impowered to contract with persons to procure ane purify at the public expence such sulpher as may be had or found within this Proince, which contract to be obligatory on the Province) and that the said George Miller, John Sasser, Benjamin Exum, James Coundil, Thomas Robinson and Joseph Chin, or anyt hree of them draw on the treasurers, or either of them, for such sums of money as may be necessary for the above purposes os that the same does not exeed 1000 pounds and as lead ore cannot be procured and purifyied as soon as it may be wanted, your committee further recommend that Hugh Montgomery and Mathew Look, Esqure, be impowered to treat as soon as possible with any person or persons in the Province, or the Colony of Virginia for any quanity of lead, not exceeding 20 ton; and having so contracted, to provide ways and means for transporting the same to the following places, to qit; Two ton to Salisbury, two tons to Hillsboro, and the remainder to Johnston Court House and that the treasurers or either of them be impowered to draw on the Continental Treasury for such sums of money as may be necessary for purchasing the said lead and that the said Hugh Montgomery, Matthew Lock be allowed to draw a reasonable sum for their trouble.
No. 6555645 Josiah Sasser …

Sasser. Benj. John 22
Josiah Sasser