1680 Albermarle NC Ralph Fletcher listed as Jurer (also Robert and Isaak Wilson)
p433 Ralph Fletcher Jury Duty
At Ye Genell Court Holden at Ye House of Thomas White Ye 25th Day of Ffebruary Ano Dai 1694
Ffrances Kitching wife and Attorney of Robert Kitching confesseth Judgmt to ffrancis Tomes esqr Attorney of Emanuel Low and Anne his wife for ye sume of five pounds and three pence
Ordered yt ye sd Robert Kitching pay unto ye sd ffrancis Tomes Attorney of Emanuel Low and Anne his wife ye sum of five pounds and three pence according to specialty als Execution
Elizabeth Bateman Widdow and Relt of ye sd Jonathan Bateman … and that Mr Jno Durant or Mr Ralfe fflecher administer to ye sd apprisors their Oathes and acct of ye sd estate to be given to ye next Genell Court and Jno. Lilly and Thomas Hassold have undertaken for ye sd Executor for the true performance herof
Jacob Overman proves his right to four hundred acres of land by ye importation of Jacob Overman Dorathy Overman Jacob Overman junr Tho Overman Ephrim Overman Margery Overman Charles Overman and Anne Overman & Wart Given
p478 At a court holden for this precinct at ye hous of Thomas Nichols … present Capt Ralph Fletcher, Mr Samuel Nicholson (and others)
p481 Upon A Peticon of ffrancis Thomes Esq Shewen that Thomas Nicholes is Indepted to him one pound fifteen Shillings And eight peence… With Cost of Sute be paid to ffrancis Tomes Esq
John Hopkins vars John Piearce …
Isaak Roaden vars John Piearce …
Upon A peticon of Thomas Peirce Shewen that Thomas Nichols is Indepted to him two pounds fewer Shillings …
Upon A peticon of Ralph ffletcher Juner Shewen that Thomas Nichols is indepted to him five pound for ye youse of his father And he haven obtained Atachment Against ye estate of ye Said Nichols & ye books of Accounts being atached ordered that Ralph ffletcher Juner be paid five pound With Cost
… And ye books of accounts being attached ordered that John Peirce be paid two pound Sixteen Shillings With Cost.
Upon a peticon of Joseph Web Shewen That Thomas Nichols Is Indepted to him two pound Eighteen Shilling and he haven obtained atachment against ye Estate of Thomas Nichols and ye books of accounts being atached Ordered that Joseph Web be paid his dept of two pound Eighteen Shilling With Cost.
Upon a peticon of Albart Albartson Sener That Thomas Nichols is indepted to him five pound fewer Shillings and Six peence and he haven obtained atachment against ye estate of Thomas Nichols and ye book of accounts being atached ordered that Albart Albertson be paid his dept of five pound fewer Shillings and five peence With Cost of Sute
Caleb Callaway
Ralph ffletcher
John Godfrey
Samuel Nickolson
March The 19 Anno 1696-7 …
ye mark of Test James + P. Peresho
and others
April 1697
At A Court Houlden ffor the prcinct of Piquemons At ye Hous of Mr Thomas Blunt ye Secont Monday In April 1697 prsent Mr Caleb Calleway Judg Capt Ralph ffletcher Mr John Barrow Mr John Godfry Mr John Whedby Mr Samuel Nicholson
ffrancis Tomes Aturney to William Vas and Joanna his Wife Acknowledged A dede of Sale …
ffrancis Tomes Proved A Letter of Aturney of William Voses by Joshua Tomes.
p486 At a Court … Cap Ralph Fletcher Mr John Barrow Mr Samuel Nicholson…
Last Will and Testemony of John White desesed
witnesses of Samuel Nicholson
Caleb Callaway
Ralph Fletcher
John Barrow
Samuel Nickolson
p487 At a Court Holden for the precinct of piquemons … Sent Cap Ralph Fletcher Mr John Bhedby.. psent Caleb Calleway, Samuel Nicholson;
Signed: Caleb calloway, Ralph Fletcher, John Whedbe, Samuel Nicholson
p488 Jury: Caleb Calloway, Raoph Fletcher, John Whedbe, Samuel Nicholson
p488 January 1698
At a Court for the Precinct of Piquemons At the House of Mr. Tho: Blunt ye Secont Monday in janewary 1698 present Mr Calleb Calleway, Capt Ralph Fletcher, Mr John Whedbe, Mr John Barrow, Mr Samuel Nicholson…p490 Gabrell Newby and Thomas Overman proved a will of Joseph Nicholsons Samuel Nicholson … John Nicholson…Francis Tomes…Signed … Ralph Fletcher…
p493 At a Court… At the House of James Oats… mr Caleb Calleway, Capt Ralph Fletcher, Mr. Samuel Nicholson… signed Callaway, Fletcher and Nicholson
p494 July 1698 At a Court Houlden for the precinct of piquemon At ye house of Mr James Oats ye Secont Monday in July 1698 present Mr Caleb Calleway, Capt Ralph Fletcher, Mr. John Barrow, Mr Samuel Nicholson, William Long and Sarah his Wife Exce to Lawrance Consalvo proved his Will by ye oth of Thomas Norcom and Mare his Wife and Sarah Blank
p496 Jurors
Caleb Callaway
James Barrow
John Whedre
Samuel Nicholson
Jan 1699 At a Court Holden At the Hous of Mr James Oates The Secont Monday January 1698-9 for the Precinct of Piquemons
Present Mr Calleb Calleway, Capt Ralph Fletcher, Mr John Whed, Mr Samuel Nicholson
p522 April 1699
At a Court Holden for ye Precinct of Piquemons At ye House of Mr James Oats ye Secont Tuesday in Aprill 1699 present Mr Caleb Caleway Judg
Capt Ralfe Fletcher
Mr John Barrow
Mr John Whedby
Mr Samuell Nicholson
Mr Isack Willsons
Jurors July 1699, Oct 1699
Records of Perquimans Precinct court Jan 1703
At a Court Houlden at the House of Capt James Coles The Secont tuesday in Janewar for the prcinct of Piquimons
Prsent Capt Ralph ffletcher Judg …
Mgr Samuell Swann proves himself the Lawfull Attorney of Mr Jn Taylors by ye Subscripcon of ffrancis Toms Junr
Ralph ffletcher
and others
… To our trusty and well beloved Captt Ralph ffletcher … being well assured of your Loyalty prudence & Integrity do hereby assigne and appoint you Justices of the Peace for the prcinct of Pequimins in the County of Albermarle Joyntly…
p532 At a Court Holden for ye precinct of Pequemons at ye Hous of James Oates ye Secont tuesday In Aprill 1700
Present Capt Ralfe Fletcher
Mr John Barrow
Mr Samuel Nicholson
Mr Francis Foster
Mr Isack Willson
Upon a complain of James Perisho overseer of ye High Wayes againts Daniel Oncle for Not Apearing…
Upon A Complainte of James Perisho overse of ye High Waye Against Francis Jones for Not Apearing…
p533 Jurors
Ralph Fletcher
John Barrow
Samuel Nicklson
Isaac Willson
Ffrancis Ffoster
Grapevine Public Library
Grapevine, Texas
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