John “Collyer” of London, “merchant and cloath worker” made his will 18 December 1649, in the hamlet of Wallington in Surrey County and it was proved 8 January following In this will he gave a third of his estate to his wife Regina, one-third to his son and heir Charles Collier and one-third of his estate to his wife Regina, one-third to his son and heir Charles Collier and one-third in the shape of legacies to various persons. His “brother Isaac” and his “nephew Isaac Collier, Jr.” came in for substantial recognition. A clue for further investigation is furnished by his making a gift to the ppor of “Beddington.”
There can be little doubt that Isaac Collier that came to York County, Virginia, about 1671 was the “brother Isaac” mentioned in the will of John Collier, the cloth worker of London. He married Miss Lockey, a sister of John Lockey of London, and of Edward Lockey, a prominent merchant of York County Virginia.
Page 54 and 55 Will of Isaac Collier Sr – May 24, 1688
Page 55 – The will of Isaac Collier, Sr. Was proved in York Couty, May 21, 1668. He names Wife Mary and children (1) Charles, to whom he gave 350 acres bought of Mr. Henry Lee lying in Hampton Parish, York County; if Charles died without issue, the land was to go to his son Abraham, and, in case of his death without issue, the land was entailed successively on sons Thomas and Charles and daughter Sarah; (3) Abraham, to whom he gave 200 acres in entaiied in similar manner; (3) Thomas, to whom and his two brothers Charles and Abraham and his sister Sarah, was left a tract of 405 acres bought of Mr. Samuel Snigall in the “Oaken swamp,” York Co., but his wife, Mary Collier, was to have a life estate in the land. (4) Sarah, who was left 700 acres of land, entailed as in case of her brother
Page 56 and 57 – Will of Thomas Collier October 25, 1704 – brother of Isaac Collier
Page 58 and 59 – Lockey Collier