Know all men by these presents that I Henry Phelps of Salem, in the County of Essex in New England, for  valuable consideration to me in hand already pd. ye receipt whereof I do acknowledge, have bargained & sold & doe by these presents bargains, aliens & sell, assigne & sett over unto Joseph Pope of the same towns, husbandman, all yt my farms containing by estimation one hundred acres of upload, be it more or less, and ten acres of meadow ground together with a dwelling house & orchard upon the same, sittuate, lying & being within ye limitts of Salem aforesd not farr from Ipswich river & bounded on ye south side with a farme once belonging to Mr. Higgenson & pt with ye Comon & with a brook on ye west with a farme in ye possession of George Gardner & of Danyell Humbell at ye foot of ye wood hill on ye north with a pine swampe & soe to a bound tree at the foot of Bald Hill & on ye east running from ye bound tree to ye bound tree at Mr. Higgenson’s farme, also six acres of meadow, more or less, lying on Ipswich river all which sd farme was formerly in ye possession of Elenor Trusler, widdow, wife of Thomas Trusler, deceased of Salem afsd.  To have & to hold ye sd farme upland & meadow, dwelling house & orchard with all ye profitts, privileges & apurtenances thereunto belonging & appertaining together with all my right, title & interest of & into ye same, unto ye sd Joseph Pope, his heirs & assigns forever, and I, the sd Henry Phelps doe for me, my heirs, exeutors and administrators further covenant, promise & agree to & with ye sd Joseph Pope his heirs & assigns, namely that he ye said Henry hath beene & is lawfully possessed of ye premises & of yt ye sd farme & promised it wholy free & disengaged from all maner of former bargaines, sales, morgages, alienations, seisures, rents, dues, entanglements or incumbrances whatsoever & further I doe by these present give & award unto ye sd Joseph Pope his heirs & assigns qiet & peaceable possession of the premises & every pt (part) thereof & doe promise to defend his right & title of & unto ye same against all maner of persons laying clayme thereunto from by or under mee, my heirs, executors or administrators.  In witness whereof I ye said Henry Phelps have hereunto sett my hand & seal this eighteenth day of July in ye year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty-four.  1664.

SIgned, Sealed & dd                                    Henry Phelps
In presence of                                               with a seal
Zerubaball Endicott
John Kitchin

memorandum yt (that) I Hanah Phelps, ye wife of Nicho. Phelps, lately deceased whoe was joynt executor to ye Sd Henry doth by these presents surender up her third.
Henry Phelps acknowledges this to be his act & deed ye         :7:64
                                                                   William Hawthorne

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